Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 03, 1998, Image 57
og splitter. 5’ Rotiller, hand simper Ford Automatic transmission and transfers •r CASE Vermont wood Stove 717-369-4559 Franklin Co. Knight 359»manure spread er, top-beater, double web andem axles $2600 080 Nice shape 717-665-7367 lancaster Co. 85 Dodge, crew cab pick up, automatic, 87,000 miles, new inspection, good condition. $3950. 717-838-6985 Leb. Co. Fireplace insert with glass doors - $2OO 080 1H axle dual hubs 9-bolt for 1466 - $lOO 0 80. 301-733-2493 Wash Co , MD Hospital bed, hand-crank, no mattress - $5O. West mghouse dryer, works good - $lOO. Sears tread mill, older style - $5O. Lve mssg 610-998-0168 Chester Co, FARM BUILDINGS NSD PAINING? Let Gahring Make Those Buildings ~ SHINE^ 1h Ftrm Ptintinf Spteklitf" We Are The Fussy One's "NO JOB WE CANT HANDIE" Wi Hw« Tin Equipment T« D« Yi«f Job COATINGS FOR: • Roofs • Wood, Steel and Masonry Structures "“ M AGRICULTURE - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - CHURCHES • Barn Painting • Milk House • Roof Coating • Water Proofing Silos • Stucco Farmhouses — For ER FE Estimate CALI. / GAHRING’S PAINTING * WATERPROOFING 636 East End, Lancaster, PA w 717-397-4187 Case 430 loader tractor rebuilt motor, rebuilt hydraulic pump,, very good rubber, runs great, very reliable $4;500 080. Berks Co. 610-488-0736 Labrador puppies, yellow AKC shots and wormed Seven females, one male, farm raised, also breeding services available. York Co. 717-244-9369 Airplane banks #1 Texaco, & J.D. $2OO each (NIB), Hess training van, mint $200., Precision A w/cult. (NIB) $275. & others. Evenings, Cumb Co. 717- 776-5011 200+ RFV Western Al f 4x4xB bales $220, direo from grower, semi loads cr picked up here. 273 NR baler, good shape Chester Co. OmarS Kauff man, 1624 Cambndge Rd, Honevbrook. PA 19344. 1929 Ford Roadster, glass body, 2.3 Pinto, mild cam. header, 3 speed W/CD, IFS, Ford rear, rumble seat. $16,900. Lane. Co. 717- 299-4439 Oliver 550 tractor, gas $3,800. 717-866-6390. ext. 384. Leb. Co. Liquid rubber, waterproof everything - roofs, equip ment, pickup beds, con crete, tanks, pond liners, RV's, foundations, silos, sewage, metal buildings. Lehigh Co. 610-767-6065 Ford #7308 loader; Betco 6’ - finish mower, 5’ 3 pt. rototiller; Ford #914 - #9I4A mid-finish mower, 6- 8’ box scraper: evenings, Wvo. Co. 717-836-4199 1NT2250 manure bucket with tines, like new - $425. Chevette 4sp. transmis sion, good - $25. (5)27 3/4x55 1/2 aluminum storm windows + (2) doors - $5/ea. After 5 610-286- 5434 Berks Co Wind Mills E & R WIND MILL SALES & SERVICE 717-354-5554 717-354-9320 Two draft ponies, geldings, ride, drive, logging. Kid safe. $5OO/ea 080. Two sets double work harness - $l5O/ea. 610-298-2522 Lehigh Co. 1967 Olds 88 conv. 1958, 1959, 1960 Glaxie 500 XL 302, Auto, Air, 2 dr.h.t. 610- 298-2405 Lehigh Co. Flooring, wide plank ash, oak 7-10" wide, T&G, KD, 10” SL pine 11-13’ long, 5” T&G pine panel. 610-565- 6038 Del. Co. Banjo, antique open-back banjo in good playable con dition - $2OO. Phone 610- 565-1444 Del. Co. Penn-Bell aluminum pick up topper, line, screen win dows Full rear panel with 38"x31" door. B’x6’x32”. Good condition $5O. 610- 857-1596 Chester Co. 1978 Toyota Landcruiser, . 4x4,52K, soft-top, winch lit tle rust - $l2OO. 1981 Dodge pickup, 2wd, 6cyl., 138 K, exc. - $l5OO. 610- 286-8839 Chester Co. AKC mini poodle, Apricot male; small; 8-10 pounds, proven, born 10/24/91. 9 month Dalmation female, very nice. 717-442-4041 Lancaster Co. IH 674, good tractor, AC 312 plow mower deck, two row INT cultivator, fast hitch, mixed hay 717-484- 1116 Lancaster Co. UncdMr Firming, Srturihy; Jtouwy l? me«l * 8:30 AM-7 PM - Family Living and Agricultural Learning Center Demonstrations - Upper Northeast Bldg. 9 AM-8 PM - Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center - Upper Northeast Bldg. 11 AM - Cooking Demonstration - West Lobby Small Arena 11 AM - Grand Champion Junior Market Lamb 11:15AM - Junior Sheep Breeding Classes (order will be posted), followed by Junior Lamb Showmanship 12 noon - Junior Beef Steer Classes - Large Arena 1 PM - Cooking Demonstration - West Lobby 1-3 PM - Meet the Gjpwer - East Lobby 3 PM - Cooking Demonstration - West Lobby 3:15 PM - Grand Champion Steer - Large Arena 3:45 PM - Junior Beef Showmanship Contest - Large Arena 4 PM - Sheep Judging (in order); Rambouillet, Corriedale & Merino - Small Arena 5 PM - Cooking Demonstration - West Lobby 6 PM - State Championship Pony Pulling Contest (in order): Lightweight, Mediumweight & Heavyweight Divisions - Large Arena 6 PM - Pennsylvania Auctioneer’s Association Bid Calling Contest - Upper Northeast Bldg. 8 PM - Sheep Supreme Champion of Wool Breeds - Small Arena Thursday, January 15 Sale of Champions Day 8 AM-4 PM - See List of Daily Attractions - Entire Complex 8 AM - PA Farm Show Scholarship Foundation Awards 8:30 AM - Dairy Goat Judging (in order): Alpine, LaMancha, Nubian, Toggenburg, & Other Purebreds, Recorded grades & Best Doe of Show - Large Arena 8:30 AM-noon - Family Living and Agricultural Learning Center Demonstrations - Upper Northeast Bldg. 9 AM-4 PM - Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center - Upper Northeast Bldg. 9 AM - Sale of Champions - Small Arena 10 AM - Junior Market Goat Show - Large Arena 10:15 AM - Junior Steer Sale - Small Arena 11:30 AM - Junior Market Swine Sale - Small Arena 1:30 PM - Junior Market Lamb Sale - Small Arena 4 PM - 1998 Farm Show Ends Petersheim’s Cow Mattresses Rubber Filled. Cow Mattresses 117 Christiana Pike (Route 372) Christiana, PA 1t509 The Golden Standard In Cow Comfort Pasture Mat • Sewn Every 4" To Prevent Shifting • Easier For Cows To Get Up And Down •NEW! Non-wovensooz. Top Cover - Less Abrasive INSTALLATION AVAILABLE. CALL FOR DETAILS SAM PETERSHEIM 610-593-2242 (Continued from Page B 20) •Fits Any Stall • Reduces Bedding Costs • Polypropylene Bag Filled with Rubber A