Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 03, 1998, Image 52

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    816-LmcMter turning, Saturday, January 3, 199*
Get MOOOvin’
owith Milk!
Belgium gelding 16 1
hands, 10 yr old Used in
weddings - parade Single
or double $lBOO. Mercer
Co Robbinsville. NJ
Evenings 609-259-6003
Gray horse smooth mouth
acclimated, ready for work
$lOO. Amos S. Blank, 914
Hartman Station Rd„ tan
caster, PA 17601
Hay, big & little square
bales, also haylage alf alf
mix grass, pickup or deliv
er. Dauphin Co 717-362-
Margin gem cookstove with
coal grate and warming
closet, black and almond
$l,lOO. Cumb Co 717-
1970 Ford Mustang 6-cyl.
auto, looks & drives, great
$2,500. 1992 Oldsmoblle
‘9B Regency beautiful car,
bas 116, miles looks & dri
ves like a new one. $6,900.
Ph 717-766-6857 Cumb.
2 row Pequea John Deere
no-till corn planter, good
condition; leave message-
Centre Co. 814-383-4507
1988 Chev car four-door
sedan 106,850 miles $950.
Ear corn old and new $9O
ton, you haul. Columbia
Co. 717-925-6607
Four 12x14 fiberglass over
head garage doors and
one 20x14 door, all about
30 years old Make offer.
Chester Co. 717-442-9329
Owner moving, selling
inventory from candy and
nut business. Also candy
jars, registers, scales, trays
and much more. Berks Co
Pony cart minus bike
wheels, also 5 gal. of shin
gle stain, b.o. and other
products of 5 gal. cans.
Lane. Co. 717-445-7769
Onan 1 cyl. engine #NBM
SXIB47, elec, start $l5O.
1986 Ford transmission, 3
spd. O/D, clutch, bell hous
ing & etc. $3OO. V-plow, 8’
cut $350 080. Cecil Co.
Boston terrier pups, AKC,
vet checked, Ist shot, 10
wks York Co 717-993-
Pequea 6’xlo' tilt trailer,
3000 lb., like new $B5O
firm. York Co. 717-993-
6202 .
New Idea 2 row mounted
12 roll Husking bed, old 3
beam platform scale, good
condition Leb. Co. 717-
Port-o-brake, B’6” 12"
throat, good condition.
Bends aluminum, tin, gal
vanized metal $245 Berks
Co. 610-929-0432
11R22 5 tires, Bridgestone
R 227 $2OO each, 48" Fork
lift. forks $lOO pr. 8' dump
bed for one-ton truck $4OO.
Cumb. Co. 717-766-0426
9’ Power angle blade for
central hydraulics $900;
1985 Dodge 350 4 whl. dri
ve, dump with 8’ Meyers
blade Sch. Co. 717-875-
30 Church pews, A-1 con
dition, cream color with
wood trim, 12' long. Great
for new church. Podium
also. Dauphin Co. 717-
Mmmch tobacco bale box
es made to order $l4O. 3
compartment bale boxes,
$3OO each. 115 Horseshoe
Rd.. Leola, PA 17540-1765
MF-135 diesel with 2x
plow, disk, cany-all, cultiva
tor $3,795. or trade for
small dump truck of equal
value York Co. 717-246-
Wheat straw - clean and
bright - $2OO per bale or
trade on Alfalfa/grass
mixed hay. York Co. 717-
1086 Ford E-150 van car
go. 300 cu. in. manuel 4-
sp. overdrive. AC, PS, PB,
AM/FM, white, GC.
$2,800, Lane. Co. 717-
' 656-7353
Parting out 1960 wheel
horse tractor. JDA wide
front parts WANTED,
clutch drive for Oliver 90-
99. York Co. 717-741-0274
AKC yellow labs F-$2OO,
M-$175 Henry Martin, 494
Quarry Rd., New Holland,
PA 17557 Send phone
number, will call Lane Co.
1953 Farmall Super M
power steenng, nice, clean
tractor $2900 John Deere
4- bottom plows, trip back,
3 pt. $250. York Co 717-
Pmcor 16KW generator
PTO and trailer $lOOO JD
1240 corn planter, four rovy
disk openers, insecticide
$3OO. Franklin Co. 717-
Metal machines 2 JD lath
es, 2 shapers, boring
machine, screw cutting
lathe, make offer, trade on
loader tractor. Dauphin Co.
7'x9' steel dump hoist sub
frame pump 30" gate 10T
easy mount can see oper
ate $5OO obo. Berks Co.
610-589-5164, after 7 pm.
□ „ . h Farmall-A-tractor with
/acred P 4vear h old f showed snOW P |OW ' ver V clean ’ new -
SffHpSS. L y a «e^ e S2 8 000 Fo e rd Ts*
WV 304-725-0294 ba ‘ ,e T ® 2 ? O0 _.
' ~ snow tires & rims, $35 pair.
New Idea loader hay straw York Co 717-428-3392
ids rep York Co
etc., nee*
Two Metropolitan convert
ibles, one runs and drives
3 Michelm XZA radial 8-R Many old tractors such as
19.5 tires, good tread Case, Mesrmick, Oliver,
$175. Lane Co. 717-733- Allis Chalmers, Fordson
Sch Co. 717-648-7015
5000 Ford tractor $4OOO
400 ft, 1" hr Pres hose,
$lOO 79 Ford Lariat pick
up, no body $1,000,4WD,
Paul Yerger, Auburn, PA
Sch Co 717-754-4661
16 9/14-30 tires with rims
off Ford $200., also 8 run
dog kennel with 4 cocker
spaniels $1,250 Union
Co 717-966-4286
Arctic Cat snow/nobile
1995 model, like new, 3 mi
never used, asking $4,500
or best offer. Berks Co
Reg. AQHA Gray gelding 7
yr. out of Reynold Wrap
Asking $lBOO. Reg app
Filling 1-1/2 quiet asking
$BOO. Monongah, WV
Color black/white 15’2” 5-
yr old great mover, excel
lent disposition All breeds
welcomed L.F.G. If you
want color, check him out.
Chester Co. 61034-1298
Unique 2-horse light alu
minum T.A.TB. front
unload, balanced pull with
car or light duty truck
Chester Co. 610-734-1298
DeLaval 76 vacuum pump
w/ 3 hp motor and tank, real
nice $475. 5h p bald or
motor used 1 yr. $225.
Lane. 717-786-2103
Triumph M/C parts $lOO,
old Singer sewing machine
$75; Hoosier style cabinet
$150; 2 hp Fairbanks $275.
Atlantic Co , NJ 609-927-
Complete LR set Couch,
loveseat, chair, end tables,
coffee table. Wooden
arms, solid wood construc
tion. Good Condition Sch.
Co. 717-345-3846
2010 John Deere dozer 6-
way blade 4 cyl diesel,
good condition $5,500 or
best offer. Leave message.
Berks Co. 61056-3371
02 Cat dozer new track
pfns, steenng clutches,
rebuilt $3500. After 6 pm.
pony motor starting
FOR SALE; 1500 gal
Cplumet liquid manure vac
uum tank, real good condi
tion. York Co 717-259-
Children’s power wheel
electric cars, 5-Jeeps, 1-
Fire truck, 1 -Car, Chargers,
batteries, and extra parts
$lOO for all. 080. Lehigh
Co 610-967-3957
DXI3O 4WD Deutz, good
tires, 5506 Deutz $2500
4010 JD $6OOO 6600 JD
combine, both heads, gas
$5OOO Union Co. 717-
3 cast iron troughs $2O
each, 3 metal watering
troughs $4O each, two hole
pig feeder $4O. Cumb Co.
1987 Yamaha Inviter snow
mobile, electric start, liquid
cooled, low miles, good
condition. York heat pump.
2-1/2 ton. Call evenings.
Snyder Co. 717-374-4721
Fallow deer buck 1-1/2 yr„
Fallow buck, 6 months,
adult male, Rhea’s best
offer. WANTED Blackbuck
female antelope. York Co.
J D older 2-row corn
planter $175 , JD 8 ft drag
disc $lOO , battery cover
for JD 330/320 $l5 Mont
Co 215-672-6894
For Sale 8 2 Detroit 350
Cummins will trade for DT
466 Int VA 540-433-2804
JD 1240 4-row planter,
$750, Warm morning
stove, $125, D-S Champi
on, good condition, $275,
Jonas Beiler, 233-A Miller
St, Strasburg, PA 17579
Lane Co.
500 gal propane tanks,
1000 gal propane tanks
Call 9 00-9:15 a m Leb
Co 717-949-2824
Two work horses, choice of
four $l,lOO SyroldSad
dlebred young boys horse
Elam L Stoltzfus, 389 Haiti
Rd . Quarryville, PA 17566
1929 Studebaker Erskme 4
dr , 1931 Studebaker dic
tator 4 dr. 8 cyl., both in
running condition, stored
inside $6-7,000 each obo
Dauphin Co 717-362-9850
Ford 9N tractor motor,
smokes, tires fair shape
$875 St. Mary’s Co ,MD
6 ft. ELS manure pump,
Martin water nitrate & PH
system, 3 ton plywood feed
bin, 381 N. Little Britain
Rd , Quarryville, PA Lane
Co. 717-529-2944
1946 GMC 18,000 miles,
21,000 gross, new tires
825 20, great shape
$3,500 or offer Need
room North’d Co. 717-
JD 12' rotary hoe, excellent
$4OO, pair 18 4x34 tves
70% tread $250. M&W tur
bo for 1070 Case $550
West Co. 412-539-1044
2 60 lb. Biomilkers, 1 extra
pail. 4 surge mini Orbit
claws and shells. Stainless