Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 03, 1998, Image 31
Molly Blackburn To Show Sheep At Farm Show UNDA WILLIAMS Bedford Co. Correspondent BEDFORD (Bedford Co.) Linda and Bob Blackburn did not grow up on a farm but it was a dream they had for their children. The 1714 acres with die big ramb ling farm house they found 12 years ago was the answer to that dream. It allowed them to intro duce their three children, Andy, Eli, and Molly, to the world of sheep. Today, they have 27 Suf folk and Suffolk cross ewes. “We didn’t know much our selves.” laughs the jovial Linda, “But, we were willing to learn and we asked the experts." The Black bums purchase their sheep from the Lyn Lee Farms near State Col lege. Lyn Lee is owned by Dr. Clair and managed by Steve Tay- LEADERSHIP FOR A rrnf yes! Mi ■ H otWaW^ ROSENBERRY STOVES (717)532-9023 See us at the Keystone mW'ilif Farm Show York Fairgrounds January 6 & 7 ""Booth 253 I let CijfhiPM wso jrur* • Cow Mattresses M Cedar Crest Equipment Two Convenient Locations lor. “It’s paid off for us,” Linda says. “We’ve had five reserve champions at the Bedford Fair and last year, showed the reserve champions at the Bedford Fair and, last year, showed the reserve champion at the Pennsylvania State Farm Show. Last summer, four of the six called back for Grand Champion were ours.” Fust Andy showed at the Farm Show, then Eli, and now 12-(soon to be 13*)year-old Molly has joined the ranks of Farm Show ex hibitors. “Molly has been an excellent help in the sheep bam,” her mo ther says. “She is always there when I need her!” Because of close observation, die Blackburns lambing rate has hi-mag Agricultural Lime Spreading hi-cal Cash Discount Savings on Delivery Call Tollfree day and evening 1-800-724-3277 Serving PA, MD, Delmarva, NJ, NY & (LI) m 608 Evergreen Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042 (717) 270-6600 • 1-800-646-6601 been extremely good. “I get up every two hours during the lamb ing season,” Linda says. “As a result, all of die kids have learned to cook. It becomes a real family adventure.” The close attention paid off when, this past spring, when one ewe produced a 21-pound baby. “Molly and I both helped her.” Linda says, “and we were proud of our accomplishment!” It was the Farm Show that intro duced the Blackburns to Lyn Lee which shows prize winning breed ing sheep. “We not only buy our sheep from them, we ask their ad vice on everything,” Linda says. “We buy all of our feed and we feed them well. And. we keep our own bucks for breeding.” Two floppy Hungarian Sheep dogs lope around the Blackburn yard and, enjoy playing with, as much as guarding the sheep. Several hones and some pygmy goats complete the Blackburn dream of owning a small farm. And, again this year, they will be joining the ranks of much lar ger sheep farms with Molly and her ewe, Elsie. Molly has been spending long hours preparing the sheep for the big day ahead. Visit Our Display... and Check * * *t y 'Mr mr Out Our Special Discounts UEBUER LEBANON VALLEY ENTERPRISES, INC. FeedC rts \r Manufacturing • Powder Coating • Precast m . Agricultural Ceiling Fan Lancaster N ° iand ™ b**™* silos IM/cf Systems, Inc. i.h. rissler mfg. |Za/icasfer <f§f?T TMR Mixers ™ lfyfi ff ° \ / I ivilv IViIACi» Vi Vjf 5//o equipment with a heritage of quality I IMnorbco, INC. SetM Stoc-Coor 7IMMERMANfan S FEED BINS LIVESTOCK MISTING SYSTEM §\\MFG CORF | X.. lapp wmm Energy-Free Waterers MANURE PUMPS PLFASANTAIHE W CEILING FANS Col System Experts feed handling equipment ffiichie Pasture Mat aer °tecH ' Walerers Cow Masses Luctter Fanning, Saturday, Jammy 3,19M-A3l Molly Blackburn shows on* of her Suffolk shaep that she plans to add to tha competition at the Farm Show. Dairy Management (Continued from Page A3O) previous issues, plus market information and links to their sites. A complete list of dairy related sites is on: http/./ kv/bookmark.htm. The web address of Dr. Mark Varner at the University of Maryland, Dairy Extension and Animal Science Department. The Internet is quickly becoming a routine vehicle of answering questions and man aging the dairy business intelli gently, by accessing sources and people nationally and interna tionally with a seemingly unlim ited line of topics. My UD e-mail RD 2 Box 271, East Earl, PA 17519 (717) 354-0584 address, and my dairy columns are on the web at: /dairycol/dc-/list.htm In future, dairy farmers will buy feed, sell milk and cheese, file applications, discuss with neighbors and experts and search for new information to the daily challenges—all by using the internet. For some of you, this is happening already, for others, may the New Year give you the means and motiva tions to move into the electronic age of the Internet (at your pace, of course) with satisfaction of greater accomplishments.