Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 03, 1998, Image 140
D2iUnc*ter Farming, Saturday, January 3. 1998 Alfalfa, 3x3xB CHUKAR CHICKS 71« i Buy 1000 Plus Postage Guaranteed Live Delivery 10,000 weekly WOLFE’S GAMEBIRD HATCHERY RD #2 Box 359 Brookville, Pa. 15825 (814)849-3430 Us| F£ED i 4x4Vf round balee, good mix grass hay, $l3/oach. Dativary possible. After 7pm 423-236-6448. 4x4 Round balsa of mixed hay, in tie bam, no rain. 717/349-2611. Buying high moisture com Lancaster County. 717-426-3135. Clean dry straw, dairy qual ity alfalfa, stored Inside, tested. Can dsNvsr. Rea sonable prices. (204)355-4660. CORN SILAGE, chopped using JD chopper w/roHer mill. Star-Rock Farms 717/872-9152, 717/872-4058. CORN SILAGE. Delivered in your SILO. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ken Garber, Willow Street, Lancaster Co. 717-464-2804 Corn silage, irrigated, rolled, $4O/ton at trench. Clover haylege, 4x4x6 bales, $75/ton. Morgan town. (610)286-9510. Corn silage, irrigated, rolled, $4O/ton at trench. Morgantown, (610)2859510. Com silage in ag bag, free delivery 40 miles from Mar ietta, PA. $39/ton. 717/426-4910. Dairy quality Alfalfa hay. Western hay delivered by semi-load. Small and large square balaa, tested and guaranteed. THE GOOD HAY COMPANY 1-800-821-5303. FOR SALE: Alfalfa Hayl age or haylaga and com silage mix. Dale Good 717-949-2371 Lebanon Co., PA. HAY AND STRAW for hotaea and dairy. We de liver. L.J. HAY, INC. 1-800-622-9902. Hay, Straw, balage and com silage. Delivery avail able. 610-932-8999. LIVESTOCK BEDDING: Clean sawdust up to 70 cu.yd. $4.25/per cu.yd., Sue delivery. GIFT LUM ER CO., INC. Douglass ville, PA. 610-689-9483 7:3oam-4pm. Nice dry corn fodder, 36’x32'x8' big square balea, $6O at bam or wo can delivar. 717/866-5625. Premium Western A Haifa: all siza bales. Omar S. Kauffman, 1624 Cam bridge Rd., Honey Brook, PA. 19344. Premium Western alfalfa, 23% protein. Delivered in 3-6 ton loads. Also round bales, 3x3xB aq. bales for dry cows/ heifers. Cal tar prvcee. (614)275-3033. Rolled Com Silage for sale, $26/ton at the farm. We de liver w/salf-unloading trucks. Blowsr available. Will trade com silage for heifers or cows. Dale Good, Southern Lebanon Co. 717-949-2371. Sawdust dry bedding. De livery available in MD and PA. (410)838-1282. Silage from sweet corn, ears 8 husks, high protein content Also have some mixed w/field com silage. Possible delivery. 717/896-8927. STINE: world's largest soy bean brsedsr 8 developer. Order your *OB Stine soy bean seeds Now! EARLY PAY DISCOUNT. 610-589-2614. STRAW: dean, bright, high quality. Delivery available. Leave Message 717/272-5021 Lebanon. STRAW for sale. STUMP ACRES 717/702-3216, York Co. Straw, A’xA’xS' square bales, delivery available. 717/872-9152, 717/392-6854. Third cutting alfalfa hay. soybean and wheat grown organic. Can deliver. (717)866-2091. Timothy hay 62/ bale. (215)723-9662. WANTED: Damaged or moldy com, grain or soy beans. 717/733-4516. WANTED: Good quality al falfa hay, round or square, large and small bales. 717/258-5224. WANT: Hay stored inside, round or square grasa bales. (410)8351282. WANT TO BUY: Moldy Grain, Feed, or Bi- Products. 4155256802 Wheat straw, small and large square bales. (610)7753284. Kansas Alfalfa Top quality hay 717-530-1601 717-530-3612 WANTED Hay & straw Square or Round Bales John Llpyd 610-869-2078 HAY DAIRYMEN Offering Top Quality Western Dairy Hay - Call - Lowell A. Horning Rochester, MN 507-285-9709 CORN SILAGE Chopped, using John Deere chopper with roller mill DELIVERY AVAILABLE Star-Rock Farms (717) 872-9152 or (717) 872-4058 rjiU faTaTa.TaTa.TeT. Ronald S. Keener Grain Buying and Selling Bar and Shelled Corn and Soybeans 60’ Trailer Scales Elizabethtown', Pa. 717-367-631)9 Home 717-653-5254 Elevator Huge square bales. Farm price. You haul. 608-968-4213. WANTED Mulch Hay Any Size or Shape of Bale 610-268-8463 after 5 pm WANTED Mulch Hay and Straw, round or square bales Call eve. (610)693-7317 < i COTTON SEED COTTONSEED (5549 Old Philadelphia Pike ' Gap, PA 17527 1- t SELLING { \ HIGH i I MOISTURE j { CORN i f 1 Will Deliver ) 9 LUKE H. KURTZ J t 1 610-944-0263 i f \ WANTED MULCH HAY Square Bales Only! No Alfalfa! Bodman Farms Gerald Bodman 717-437-2076 j Livestock Pre-mixes Blender & Dist • Feed Ingredients " Ask About Our Dairy Program. Try Our Liquid Energy for i and Efficient Digestion. Hy-Ration Dog Food < 717 ) 354-5741 BUYING EAR CORN Shelled Corn & Soybeans Contract or Daily Price Picked Up At Raid Or Delivered To Manheim (717) 665-4785 (717) 665-9463 NOLL GRAIN Trailer loads of Mushroom Mulch available Hs£ NELSON L. ROHRER Extruded * Soybeans Bi|ged 80 lb. or Bulk- Shelled Corn, Bar Com and Soybeans - Barley ft Wheat Buying - Drying - Contracting (717) 569-7929 (717) 569-4383 ? WET BREWERS GRAIN Chmti r It Out! High Protein 32-35% *aa ✓ Excellent source of essential JT2 amino acids ✓ Large or small dairy J** ✓ Consistent & reliable source Commodity Specialists Company BOO-443-6774 R.K.UIOGT Mm 1225 > Colebrook Rd. BUYING EAR CORN. SHELLED CORN '& WHEAT (717)653-2510 . 1 (800) 654-2510 Spot or contract price* available EAR CORN FOR SALE £bsi** Marietta, PA 17547 Bought and >aid for com-and i prompt payment ites. Ask about oui trucking program. LantFari lavld L. Fite larryville, PA 7-786-1725. &&&&&&&& WOODSHAVINjGS ft FROM MANUFACTURER *T "!u. Ft. Paper/Plastic Bag © 0. 1 Compression a Grade of Fine, Medium or Flaky Woodshavings © Year-Round Supply for Year-Round Customers a © Distributors Welcomed © ft APPALACHIAN SHAVINGS ft QUEBEC. CANADA X ft Tel: 514-425-0835 © For Delivered or FOB Plant prices A © Fax: 514-425-8871 © *'&&&&&&&&&&&&& Kiln Dried Wood Shavings & Sawdust Delivered in Bags or Bulk ★ ideal Material For Dairy Cows ★ Bales of Pine Shavings ★ Clean Shavings and Sawdust For Horses ★ Mushroom Mulch . Penn Ag Products (f ) 403 S. Custer Ave. Vgdlmm*y New Holland, PA 17557 Ph. 717/354-4174 Organic Inc. 34 Evergreen Road Lebanon, PA 17042 Office: 717-273-1555 Fax: 717-273-2914 Mill: 610-593-2995 Serving the Northeast with Organic Feeds Complete Feeds, Concentrates and Minerals For All Livestock Specializing in Dairy and Poultry We also offer nutritional services CORN—SOYBEANS—WHEAT—BARLEY