Belleville, PA Everett, PA 800-310-9333 814-652-2934 Rory Peachey, Mgr. Frank Samuel, Jr., Mgr. The reeulti you may achieve with your Harveatore® Syatem depend primarily upon your management akllla and may vary from auceeaafhl reaulta achieved by othera. Any application in a particular farming operatli advice of qiulifled experta and la auhject to Umltatlona of good management, weather or other condlttona preaent at the Individual location. Harveaton la a regiatered trademark of A.O. Smith Engineered Storage I M this Odoliday Season zoe at Penn Jersey pause to egress our thanks for the Business you have given us through the year We extend our sincerest zvishes that the year to come zvill Be Bountiful zvith good things,..peace, plenty and prosperity. Season's Qreatings PENN JERSEY PRODUCTS, INC. YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT AUTHORIZED HARVESTORE® SYSTEMS DEALER P.O. BOX 7 • NEW HOLLAN Berlin, PA NewvlUe, PA 800-434-3308 717-776-3397 Joe Simpson, Mgr. Maynard McCullough, Mgr. PA 17557 • 717-354-4051 Columbus, NJ 609-298-7136 Charles Van Mater, Mgr. In Mi 800-31