Katherine Fry, left, congratulates Martha Weldman, center, for reaching 90 years and remaining an active member. Martha Is the mother of Arlene Witman, right Both held many offices Including county president. The mother and daughter team exemp lify many members who Joined because their mothers and grandmothers were mem bers. "Qua City is rememßered Cong after price is forgotten" 1925 West Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 717-738-3781 Fax 717-733-2228 We are a wholesale debater and importer of only the finest nuts, dried fruits, candles, Hours, Shanks 3Extracts, coffels, tees, pastas, and much more. We dfcrrjr over §,OOO f Weaver Hut Company, Inc, travels to Unbend, Oermany, Holland, Ihrkey, Brazil, and the Philippines to contract large amounts, which allows us to give yon Idas lowest wholesale prices. Our ostercompany, “Food Brokers international,* brings in container after Container of everythingfrom the latest snack sensations to traditional favorites. We selljto distributors, importers, and almost 0,600 bulk food stores, grocery stores, end convenient stores all over the m$L T We have 5 price brackets in our master price catalog, which go by volume, or size, of orders. Onr;cktalogis designed for any size order, and it will save you more money the larger the order We also hqve 4 price brackets in our Food Brokers International catalog, which is designed tor our customers whobuy large quantities (over ISO.cases), Please ask us for a ISO page master price catalog, which descrifees each of our items or a ?0 page Food Brokers International catalog, We will supply you with everything you need at the best prices anywhere, la most caseswe sell Cheaper than the manufacturer does, due to our large contracts. ' He yourself justice, dbu*t pay more than you should leally, come see us at ourtwo outlet stores, and we will he happy to show yon around. Or call, and we will sendyou a catalog. Bease check-out our low prices, and see for yourself hew much lower they arethan other ‘ major wholesale retail stores. Don’t forget, stop by Edward’s Coffee Shop at Weaver Hut Company Outlet store in Lancaster for a great breakfast or lunch, t mile Bast of Mountville on Columbia damnue, We serve ojdylhefinest gpurmst coffees, fresh homemade pies and pastries, delicious soups and sandwiches, 4nd Becii homemade ice, cream. yleaver Nut Company OUTLET STORES 3519 Columbia Avenue 1925 West Main Street Lancaster, PA 17603 Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: (717) 285-3818 Phone: (717) 738-3337 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-8:30 Sat. 8:30-5:00 Sun. Closed my Inc; Wholesale distributor of Nuts, Dried Fruits, Candied, Coffees, Sugars, Pastas & Teas More Than: 5,000 Varieties HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 6:30 AM - 3:30 PM Farm Women (Continued from Pago B 2) This year, the county project was Hospice of Lancaster County. During the Saturday celebration, members donated $2,950 to Hospice. Tina Texter, community liason for Hospice, accepted the donation and expressed appreciation for the diligent support Farm Women continue to show for Hospice. i Donations throughout the year included the American Heart Association, community libraries, children’s homes. Make-A-Wish Foundation, hospitals, women’s shelters, and Self Help. Informative meetings on breast cancer, food safety, tax reform, medicare, living wills, water pollu tion, estate planning, and explain ing a futures contract were a few of the topics addressed throughout the year. “I don’t believe there’s another group of people in the county who \ COFFEE SHOP 6 3519 Columbia Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603 Phone: (717) 285-9688 Sun. Closed Uncmir Farming, Saturday, Novcmbtr 8, 1997-J3 do more for their fellow men or women when there is a need than you,” said Allegra Leiningdr, who was installed as president during the afternoon session. Other officers installed by Lois Hughes, stale president, included Barbara Nissley, vice president; Julia Zahn, secretary; and Verna Hostetler, treasurer. But Farm Women activities don’t always involve only raising funds and business sessions. Mem bers enjoy Victorian tea parties, holding an Irish program with everything colored green and tell ing corny Irish jokes, dinner thea ters, trips, and socializing with other society members. Ninety-year pins were presented to Marion Puhrman, Society 1; Ruth Zeamer, Society 4; Martha Weidman, Society S; Alma Maule, Society IS; and Reba Gring, 100 yean old. *• ♦ 11 On a somber note, members (Turn to Pago BS) A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING’S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! Flp _ The 1 wT% Apple Lady's Special Recipes and Inspirational Poems Cookbook Over 100 Apple recipes A portion of the proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. $ 4.95 plus $2.00 S&H to; M. Nohlar i 2930 Cowley Way, No. 308,, L San Diego, CA 92117 A raa HBftl LEADERSHIP ADVANTAGE ® PRBHER LEAUBtSW* Arsoml -Growth CAREER SUCCESS ) I gallon