Depends On Conservation They also upgraded the existing pastures to get more cows out of the bam for longer periods of time. While they don’t use intensive rotational grazing, the pastures are used as exercise areas for the cows. Recently the Sells installed 500 feet of streambank fencing and pot in protected crossings and three livestock watering troughs. Fenc ing was also used to set up pasture subdivisions and to improve for age quality in a rotational grazing system. The cows no longer need to rely on water from Coplay Creek, which runs through the farm. Sell noted, “We fenced in the side away from the bom and installed self-contained springwa ter tile systems for the cows to drink out of, instead of the cows going to the creek to drink. The spring water is cold, it's flowing constantly, it’s clean, it’s clear, it’s The dairy Includes 150 milk cows and 75 replacements of grade Holstein. The Sells are not Pa.DHIA members, and do their own production tests using a computerized milk sys tem. The herd averages about 21,000 pounds. Let TTcrshcv mKm mKm equipment co., inc. do the work! New expanded services from Hershey Equipment include feed mill construction and expansion. Let us do the work and design your storage and handling systems. We have our own experienced crews for service and installation. T4Rersh€v ■■ EQUIPMENT CO., INC. SYCAMORE IND. PARK 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER, PA 17603 so much better than creekwater and they know that” Sell noted, “I want us to be seen as a (family) that is doing their utmost not to pollute.” According to information sup plied by the district, the Sells apply various conservation practices on their cropland. They have installed 1,500 feet of grassed waterway, 1,700 feet of diversions, S 3 acres of contour strip cropping, and one water control structure. They double-crop rye on 65 ‘lfthere’s a problem, you* re going to hear that (from customers) real quick . If it’s really good, if they’re really tickled with it, you won’t hear as much comment.’ (717)393-5807 acres which allows them to utilize more of their manure in the fall. Com acreage numbers about 165 acres and alfalfa about 80 acres. Sell believes he has an aggres siveness about practicing conservation. But he also knows how things have changed, compared to the way he firmed as a Idd. “My dad was a very aggressive farmer for his time,” he said. Back then, Lehigh County was a big potato-producer. At the time. blight problems threatened crops all the time. His dad, Frank, came up with a way to use lime and blues tone in water to protect potato leaves from fungus. One cool, rainy year, potato far mers in the county suffered terribly from the blight. But Hubert’s father had a crop. “He was one of the pioneers in our area in using chemicals (on that farm) to kill blight disease.” Only thing is, Hubert remembers that not much caution was used when applying the chemicals. “We were so liberal with (them),” he noted. “You didn’t worry about this stuff. When I was a kid, I used to drive a spray truck. I smoked then. You’d light up cigarettes, you’d smoke, and then, coming from the spray rig, all of a sudden the cigarette tasted sweet and you’d throw it away. We had no shirt on and you’d be wet when If It's Worth Your Investment Trust It To Hershey you were done. “How things have changed,” he said. These days, his advice to far mers starting out is “buy a brand new big round baler. “If you make a mistake, which Back then, they sold milk In varying containers and per centages of milkfat. Then, “we were lucky” If the store sold 50 gallons of skim milk a week, said Sell. Now, the major portion of the milk sold at the store Is low-fat. Two percent milk Is a favorite, according to sales figures. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 8, IM7-A2l we’re all going to make, just make up your mind that you’re going to have to woik hard to overcome it You can overcome a mistake. The person that never did anything never made a mistake.”