SELL ME THAT GOOD COW If you have one or more good dairy cows that you can’t get pregnant; c me. I can use about 100 cows. I will feed an all natural mix; breed them and you first chance to buy the cow back pregnant. You pick the bull; and seven to eight months pregnant when I sell her at the fair market value. You save mon on hauling and shrinkage and I will pay you a little extra for the better cows. The last time I ran an add for Open Cows Wanted; I got a lot of calls fro Dairymen wanting to know what I am doing; then they wouldn’t sell me the c after I told them; so I will just tell you now. I use Formula M on your cow; breed to a top A.I. bull and sell her back to you seven or eight months pregnan The success ratio is near 100%; but if you know the cow to be cystic; please te me when you call; because the procedure is different for cystic cows. cystic cows; but it will be helpful if I know they are cystic when I buy them. am only interested in the better cows with GP, VG or EXC. Mammary. prefer Ist and 2nd calf heifers. P.S. If you just want to know what I use; call 1-800-327-0727 and save me t time and expense of returning the call. THAT YOU CAN’T GET PREGNANT. Chris Stoltzfus 610-286-4782 T will ta