WEIGH BEFORE YOU PAY Why would a seed company offer Its best discounts for orders before giving you the chance to see how their products really perform? Side-by-side comparison results could make a big difference in your hybrid decision and income next year. Contact your Pioneer sales rep to make arrangements to weigh comparisons on your farm. For local yield data, see youf Pioneer sales rep or check out our website at www.pioneer.com. This final 1996 summary of Pioneer* brand hybrids against competitors reveals why you should weigh before you pay. PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL, INC. PIONEER® brand hybrids vs. competitive hybrids, all comparisons by brand 1996 Comparisons from New England, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland & eastern Ohio Brand AGRIPRO AGWAY CARGILL CHEMGRO (NOVARTIS) CIBA SEEDS NORTHRUP KING DEKALB DOEBLERS EASTLAND FIELDERS CHOICE HUBNER HYTEST MYCOGEN NC+ Adjusted gross income calculated with the price of corn at $2.50 per bushel and drying costs of $0.02 per point of moisture Yield is represented in bushels per acre at 15% moisture. Pioneer* brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. trademark of Pioneer Hl-Bred International, Inc. of Des Moines, lowa, USA Maybe they don’t want you to see their yield results. Number of Trials 248 197 263 98 761 197 878 343 234 286 14 125 133 273 Technology That Yields® Yield Difference -12.6 -8.7 -9.4 -16.9 -7.7 -4.9 -7.9 -15.1 -9.7 -20.3 -24.3 -15.3 -8.5 -14.6 PIONEER. •BRAND PRODUCTS • Moisture $/Acre $/Unlt Pioneer Difference Difference Difference Wins -0.2 -2.0 -0.6 +l.l -0.1 -1.6 +0.2 -0.4 -1.0 -1.8 -2.0 -0.4 -1.7 -1.5 -$122 -$lO3 -$95 -$l5O -$37 -$3l -$2B -$45 -$74 -$6l -$74 -$146 -$lO4 -$207 -$246 -$149 -$lOO -$155 73 70 65 84 65 58 64 80