NOW! OPERATE CONTINUOUS FLOW OR AUTOMATIC BATCH WITH THE SAME DRYER! •al-. • Economically priced *** f 1 ___ • Fully automatic 7 • Outstanding efficiency | • High capacity Here are dryers for the 5?/' 'f* farmer who. has more to do - rat harvest than just dry / pr . S *US farm fans c-series t&otf- GRAIN DRYERS • Continuous flow full heat or dry and cool • 2/3,1/3 split plenum gives you the ability to maintain high capacity • Capacities range from 300 up to 1,660 bph! • Available with vane axial fans or centrifugal fans • Low-profile design • Fully automatic operation and safety controls I’d like to know more about: □ BUILDINGS □ ELEVATOR LEGS □ DRYER SERVICE a FEED BINS □ NEW DRYERS □ ROLLER MILLS □ FEED SYSTEMS a MIXERS NAME ADDRESS ST ZIP I CITY. PHONE □ Plmu rand □ Plane call Information __ _ _ _ _ i GRAIN DRYINQ, STORAGE, AND PROCESSING THE AQRI INDUSTRY TRUSTS! gram The new CF/AB Series from Farm Fans are designed to allow drying by either CON TINUOUS FLOW or AUTO MATIC BATCH modes. These dryers are specifically designed for full heat appli - cation for combination drying and dryeration. However, when operating AUTO MATIC BATCH, you can also select Dry and Cool ' * application. wi J FARM FANS. INC. 1248 South Mountain Road Olllsburg, PA AA ■■■ 717-432-9738 |h Performance :ial Flow >eration Fans 2 to 10 hp Corn Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 11, 1997—Page 19 (0(D1N miLl MIWS PENNSYLVANIA MASTER CORN GROWERS ASSOC , INC Corn Lines Resist - Pests, Give Better Yields NEWARK, Del. Native Americans domesticated com from a wild grass species about 10,000 years ago. The original com breeders on this continent, they ‘developed a com plant that was similar to what we know today. But it wasn’t until the 19305, when the hybrid breeding me thod was introduced, that com yields began to increase dra matically. Today, University of Dela ware (UD) researchers are de veloping even more productive com lines with resistance to pests and disease that seemed impossible just a few decades ago. This spring the college re leased two new inbred com lines DEI and DE2 for the seed industry. Dr. Jim Hawk, a professor in the plant and soil sciences department, and Tecle Weldekidan, re search associate, developed DEI and DE2 as potential par ents of hybrids and as gene sources for improved commer cial inbreds. “DEI and DE2 are sister lines which have intermediate levels of resistance to Euro pean com borer, a major insect pest of com,” said Hawk. “They have the potential to produce good yields and ap pear to have tolerance to heat and drought conditions. The major U.S. com companies, as well as several smaller com panies, have already requested seeds.” DEI and DE2 are not the first com lines Hawk’s breed ing program has released. DEBII, an inbred developed in the early 1980 s, is recognized worldwide as the standard for resistance to European com borer. DEBII has been used around the world both as a source of genetice resistance in breeding programs and for ba sic studies on pest resistance. Hawk and Weldekidan are hopeful that the two inbred lines will also find a niche in the seed industry. Developing new inbred com lines like DEI and DE2 takes years of research. Six to seven generations of the plant must be self-pollinated. After that, the inbred must be evaluated both alone and in hybrid com binations for three to four years for yield, pest resistance and agronomic performance. Hawk began working on DEI and DE2 in the winter of 1989 with Weldekidan and assistants Jan et. Burris and Norma Long hauscr. To accelerate the inbreeding process. Hawk’s team grows two generations of com each year, one in the Delmarva re gion in summer and another in Florida, Mexico or Hawaii in winter. “At any given time, we may j>e inbreeding some 2,500 fines,” said Weldekidan. “We 'also lest about 1,000 different hybrids each year. Of these, we select only a fraction for fur ther research.” Developing inbreds is a labor-intensive process. When the plants begin to flower in early July, Hawk’s team can be found out in com fields with a group of 20 high school stu dents, painstakingly hand-pol linating the plants. The first step is to cover the ear shoot with a waterproof bag before the silks appear. Pollen is then collected from the desired male plant and applied to the silks in such a way that there is no chance of contamination by foreign pollen. Hawk’s entire group may work up to 10 hours a day, six days a week for an entire month. ‘Timing is critical,” Hawk said. “The whole process is weather-dependent because com responds to heat and moisture, and the pollen on the tassel lasts only three to five days.” When two inbred lines are crossed, a hybrid is created. The hybrid may have higher disease and insect resistance, greater yield or a number of other qualities sought by the com breeder. For hybrid development, de sirable traits may be contri buted by either parent. In se lecting a male parent. Hawk looks for good pollen produc tion, high yield, resistance to disease and pests, standability and drought tolerance. In the female parent, grain texture and seedling emergence are particularly important. After choosing the parents, the com breeder’s work be comes even more exacting. Weldekidan has volumes of data attesting to the meticulous record-keeping and attention to detail that are necessary. Each com hybrid must be handled separately. One 6-acre plot translates into about 6,000 se parate packages of seeds. , “Although new breeding methods use moleeular biology to alter genes,” Hawk said, “traditional breeding is still an essential part of line develop ment. Working with the com plete com' 1 genome as opposed to single genes can provide broader resistance to disease, pests and adverse conditions. “We know we’ll never achieve perfection in a single inbred line,” he said; “But we can continue to develop new inbreds that will produce better hybrids for the benefit of agri culture.”