Page-6-^eom-Talk, iancaster farming, Saturday, October 11,'T997 EDGEWATER, Md. As part of the 1997 Pennsylvania Crops Conference held early this year in Grantville, com mercial com growers were polled on a proposed statewide com checkoff program. Of 51 growers voting, 39 cast ballots in favor of a checkoff. In that environment, it was significant, perhaps, that Law rence Meeks of Carroll Coun ty, Md. was on hand and on the program to tell Pennsyl vania producers “what’s hap pening with the feed grains checkoff in Maryland.” Meeks is president of the Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board, which ad ministers the assessment pro gram on com and feed grains in the state. The Maryland check off rate is one half of one per cent of the price of the grain ■JCORNIUK (Continued from Page 1) Conference, State College. Cr M Johnsto - Monday, .human 19 Pennsylvania Crop Manage ment Association Meeting. State College. Contact Jan Pruss. (814) 863-1020. i ITS TIME TO GO--@) | ||| COMPLETE LINE OF TOP-QUALITY GRAIN DRYERS ||| <§ID <@) vsg) (SbD <©) (HD (SOg)