Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 27, 1997, Image 154

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D6*Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 27, 1997
Co.) The 25th Clinton County
Fair ended on Aug. 9 with the
annual Junior Livestock Auction.
The auction grossed $41,102 for
52 members from their 136
Livestock buyers purchasing
animals with no personal need
tvere resold to the packer bidder.
H. I. Bierly Livestock of Mill Hall
received the pigs and steers. Wal
ter M. Dunlap of Lancaster
received the goats and lambs.
The sale included rabbits, goats,
lambs, steers and daily beef. This
year there was an increase in small
animal projects.
The sale conducted by Fraley
Auctioneer Co. started with rabbit
entries. The grand champion exhi
bited by Nichole Fogleman, Cas
tanea sold for $75 was purchased
by Rusty Herlocher Auto .Sales,
Lock Haven. The reserve grand
champion meat pen was exhibited
by Rachel Fulger, Mill Hall sold
for $BO and was purchased by
Albright Feed Mill, Mill Hall.
There were 13 meat pens sold with
an average of $43.65.
Twenty-two exhibitors showed
the 39 goats sold. Weights ranged
from 37-71 pounds and price
ranged from $275 - $BO, averaging
$109.62. The grand champion
goat was exhibited by first-year
member Brett Getgen, Loganton
and sold to Albright’s Feed Mill,
Mill Hall for $225. The reserve
grand champion goat was exhi
bited by Bailey Yearick, Mill Hall
and purchased by K&L Auto
Sales of Rcnovo and Mill Hall for
$275. The champion middle
weight exhibited by Ryan Dan
neker, Loganton and sold for $ 130
to Nicholas Packing Company,
Loganton. The champion light
weight also exhibited by Ryan
Dannckcr selling for $lOO to Car
roll Alignment, Loganton. The
reserve champion middleweight
exhibited by Rocco Zannella, Mill
Hall, sold for $l5O to HJ. Bierly
Livestock, Mill Hall and the
reserve champion lightweight
exhibited by Kimberly Getgen,
Loganton, sold for $lOO to Nicho
las Packing Co., Loganton.
Thirteen exhibitors showed the
22 lambs sold. Weight ranges
were 74-153 pounds and sold
from $135 - $475, averaging
$205.23. The grand champion
lamb was exhibited by Kristie
Graham, Blanchard and sold to
Dr. Gerald Clair, State College for
$350. The reserve grand champ
ion was exhibited by Tammy
Duck, Loganton, and sold to Dave
Bierly Rcbersburg, for $235. The
champion lightweight also exhi
bited by Tammy Duck sold to
Maclntyre Chevrolet, Lock
Haven, for $135. The reserve
champion lightweight exhibited
by Jodie Fox, Mill Hall, sold to
Steve Shipman, Mill Hall for
$2lO. The reserve champion mid
dleweight exhibited by Brad Gra
ham, Blanchard, sold to Dr. Char
les Foulsham, Lock Haven, for
$l6O. And the reserve champion
heavyweight was exhibited by
Kristie Graham, Blanchard, and
sold to Miller Brothers Auto
Sales, Mill Hall, for $225.
Twenty-four exhibitors showed
and sold 48 hogs, weighing
between 189-292 pounds. Prices
ranged from $245 - $l,lOO, with
an average of $338.44. The grand
champion hog was exhibited by
Jenn Dottcrer, Mill Hall and sold
to Dottcrer Equipment and Stov
er's Sub Shop; both of Mill Hall,
for $l,lOO. The reserve grand
champion hog was exhibited by
Bailey Yearick, Mill Hall, and
Fair Posts Sale Results
Purchaser Dotterer Equipment, Mill Hall. From left, Misty
Frank, Cindy Walizer with Kyra and Karl Walizer with Mike,
Erica Miller, fair queen runner-up with Jenn Dotterer, exhi-
bitor of the grand champion hog.
sold for $6OO to Dr. Robert Lewis,
Jersey Shore. The champion mid
dleweight also exhibited by Jenn
Dotterer sold to Northeastern
Farm Credit, Montoursvillc, for
$7OO. The champion lightweight
exhibited by Daniel Schrack,
Loganton, sold for $5OO to Dr.
Louis Winner, Lock Haven. The
reserve champion middleweight
exhibited by Bailey Yearick was
sold for $3OO to Phillips Wood
Products. The reserve champion
lightweight exhibited by Angie
Beck, Mill Hall, was sold for $350
to Core States Bank, Lock Haven.
Fourteen beef members chose
between dairy beef and a beef
breed steer to sell one animal. The
beef steers ranged from 965 -
1,445 pounds averaging
$1,293.75. The grand champion
steer was exhibited by Brad Gra
ham, Blanchard, and sold for
$2,600 to Maclntyre Chevrolet,
Lock Haven. The reserve grand
champion was exhibited by Kris-
Winners Named At
Ephrata Swine Show
In the hog show that opens the Donough won reserve.
Ephrata Fair on Tuesday night, Ryan Zimmerman showed the
Eric Ober, 16, Manheim won lightweight champion Chelsea
grand champion honors with his Hoover the reserve.
254-pound light heavyweight In the heavyweight division
champion. Cory Pfautz had the champion and
Jenny Hoover, 16, of Denver Jimmy Zimmerman had the
won reserve grand champion with reserve champion,
her 252 pound entry that followed The top placings are as follows;
the grand Champion in class. Lightweight, 220-230 lbs., 1. Chelsea
Hoover also had the medium Hoover; 2. Derick Bollinger; 3. Andy
weight champion and Travis (Turn to Page D 7)
swfne show Sh ° Wed 9rand cham P ,on at the Ephrata Fair
tie Graham, Blanchard, and sold
for $2,000 to Albrights Feed Mill,
Mill Hall. The champion heavy
weight was exhibited by Angie
Beck, Mill Hall and sold for
$1,250 to Nicholas Packing Co.,
The dairy beef steers ranged
from 1,000 - 1,245 pounds, aver
aging $858.33. The grand champ
ion was exhibited by Kari Brun
gard. Mill Hall, and sold for
$1,025 to Bierly’s Store, Rebers
burg. The reserve grand champion
was exhibited by Zeke Brungard,
Mill Hall, and sold for $9OO to
Jersey Shore Livestock Auction,
Jersey Shore and Centre Hall. The
champion middleweight was exhi
bited by Mitchell Nihart, Mill
Hall, and sold for $875 to
Nyman’s Trucking, Mill Hall. The
champion lightweight was exhi
bited by Brian Miller, Mill Hall,
and sold for $775 to Eddie Strouse
Plastering, Mill Hall.
Erica Miller, fair queen runner-dp, Darlene and Dave
Bierly of Bierly’s Store, Rebersburg with Kari Brungard,
exhibitor of the grand champion dairy beef.
Erica Miller, fair queen runner-up, Bill Maclntyre 111 of
Maclntyre Chevrolet, Lock Haven and Brad Graham, exhi
bitor of the grand champion steer.
g. _mpion lamb, Erica
Miller, fair queen runner-up, and Dr. Gerald Clair, State Col
lege, purchaser.
Mill, Mill Hall, and Erica Miller, fair queen runner-up with
Brett Getgen, exhibitor of the grand champion goat.