Farming, Saturday, September 20, 199^ If you are looking for a recipe but can’t find it, send your recipe request to Lou Ann Good, Cook’s Question Corner, In care of Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609, Eph rata, PA 17522. There’s no need to send an BASE. If we re ceive an answer to your question, we will publish It as soon as possible. Sometimes we receive numerous answers to the same request, and cannot print each one. Answers to recipe requests should be sent to the same address. QUESTION Meg from Pittsburgh would appreciate a simple recipe for apple sorbet. QUESTION—Cathy Christ, Parkesburg, would likeagood pizza crust recipe that is not fluffly like bread. QUESTION Betty Jakum, Litttlestown, writes that she has successfully made sauerkraut for more than 15 years. However, this year, the cabbage she shredded and salted in a crock stopped fermenting after only one week. The mixture has not gone bad, but it has a different consistency and only a hint of the yellow color of sauerkraut and not much taste. Does anyone know what she had done wrong? She used pickling salt and placed a weighted plastic bag on top of the mixture. Perhaps some of the water in the bag leaked out, she drained off the excess water, but it hasn't helped. Any suggestions on how to save this batch? QUESTION Carl Schintzel, Rockaway, N.J., remem bers his mother used to make seasoned rice with cubed pieces of veal in it, which cooked all day on a wood or coal range. He doesn't remember the name or any other ingre dients it might have contained, but the mixture was made in a deep gray graniteware lidded pot. QUESTION Michele Powlison, Millerton, writes that she milks goats and would like some recipes for goat cheese. She would also like to know where to purchase rennet tablets. QUESTION A reader would like a recipe for chocolate zucchini bars, which was made with chocolate chips. QUESTION—Mary Dangler, Middletown, Ohio, would like a recipe for 10-grain bread that tastes similar to that made by Roscoe Village Bakery in Coshocton, Ohio. QUESTION—Anna Martin, Denver, would like a recipe for stewed tomatoes. QUESTION A reader from Stewartstown would like a recipe for a brownie made from a German chocolate cake mix, cream cheese, and miniature chocolate chips. QUESTION —Louise Graybeal, Renick, W.V. would like to know where to buy vegetable rennet to make cheese. She writes: When a recipe calls for a rennet tablet, can liquid rennet be used, and how much? For feta cheese, can she substitute cow's milk instead of goat's? For yogurt, when she buys acidophilus cultures can she substitute 2 tablespoons homemade yogjurt for the next batch? Does anyone make sharp Cheddar cheese in the home? If so, please send explicit instructions. QUESTION Renee Nissley, Middletown, has mam mouth sunflowers in her garden and needs to know how to roast the seeds. QUESTION —Marlene Martin, Ephrata, would like to have a recipe for a lemon poppy seed cake that is very moist. QUESTION Mildred Hess, Myerstown, wants recipes using tomatillos, which are tennis ball-size, papery husked fruits that resemble ground cherries but bigger. QUESTION Cindy Sides, Ellicott City, Md., writes that a recipe for honey mustard pretzels was previously printed in this section. She clipped out the recipe but has been unable to find the required packaged mustard or honey dijon dry salad mix. She would like to know where to purchase it. Readers, I know there is also a recipe that doesn’t required the dry mix. Does anyone have it? QUESTION A subscriber would like a quick and easy recipe for cinnamon raisin bread such as made by Pepper idge Farm Style or Stroehmann’s Dutch County—a recipe where the raisins don't sink to the bottom but are distributed thoughout the entire bread. Cook's Question Comer Honey Sweetens (Continued from Page B 6) HONEY ALMOND CHEESECAKE 'A cup graham cracker crumbs 24 ounces cream cheese, softened V* cup honey 1 tablespoon cornstarch mixed with 1 tablespoon sugar 2 large eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla A teaspoon almond extract Spray bottom of 8-inch spring form pan with nonstick spray. Sprinkle graham cracker crumbs evenly over bottom. Beat cream cheese until smooth. Add honey. Sprinkle in cornstarch mixture. Beat well. Add eggs, van illa and almond extract Scrape sides of bowl. Carefully pour into pan, being careful not to disturb the crumbs. Bake 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Remove from oven and spread with 1 cup reduced fat sour cream mixed with '/ cup honey and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Return to oven and bake 10 minutes more. Cool pan on wire rack. Cover and refrig erate at least six hours or up to three days. Garnish with 'A cup toasted almonds, sliced, and pressed on sides. Eileen Murphy Bradford Co. Dairy Princess HONEY-BUTTER POPCORN 10 cups freshly popped com 1 cup coarsely chopped unsalted peanuts 'A cup butter 'A cup honey Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Combine popcorn and nuts in a large mixing bowl. Heat butter and honey in a small saucepan, stirring frequently, until butter is melted. Gradually pour over popcorn mix ture. Mix until well combined. Spread mixture evenly in an unbut tered 15x 10-inch jelly roll pan. Bake about 20 minutes, stirring 2 or 3 times, until'mixture is golden. Cool in pan on wire rack. Break into small pieces. May be stored in airtight container at room temperature. Rebecca Ruppert Berks Co. Alternate Dairy Princess POPCORN CRUNCH 8 cups popped com /i cup com syrup IVi cups sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups nuts /i cup honey 1 cup butter Combine popped com and nuts and spread on greased cookie sheet. Combine remaining ingre dients in a saucepan. Bring to boil over medium heat,* stirring con stantly. Continue to boil until mix ture turns caramel color. Pour hot syrup over corn-nut mixture. Sepa rate into clusters with two forics. Jamie Fisher Pa. Honey Queen QUESTION—Linda Bupp, Westminster, Md., would like a recipe for a no sugar added angel food cake. QUESTION Grace Rumer, Abington, is looking for a recipe for individual crumb buns with cheese pockets. Her husband ate some, which he said were delicious, on the Ocean City Boardwalk in New Jersey. QUESTION Rita Hodun, Calverton, NY, would like the recipe for apricot and honey marinade for spare ribs, etc. > (Turn to Page B 18) HONEY ICE CREAM 2-quart or larger ice cream freezer 3 large eggs, separated 2 cups milk V* cups honey 2 tablespoons vanilla extract 'A teaspoon salt 2 cups heavy cream, whipped 6-ounces grated semi-sweet chocolate or VA cups mashed fresh fruit Separate eggs. In a double boil er, blend and cook egg yolks, milk, and honey into soft custard just enough to coat the spoon. Remove from heat and add vanilla and salt and chill. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into the chilled custard. Then whip cream and fold into custard and egg white mixture. Add grated chocolate or mashed fruit Pour into ice cream canister of ice cream chum and proceed as recom mended by instructions with ice cream freezer. HONEY DATE BARS Filling: 'A pound pitted and cut up dates A cup honey V* cup water Dough: 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup all-purpose flour '/ teaspoon salt 'A cup honey 'A cup butter, melted A teaspoon cinnamon (optional) In a medium saucepan, «put dates, honey, and water and cook slowly until thickened. Allow to cool before proceeding. Combine all the dough ingre dients in a medium bowl. Place 'A the crumbs into BxB-inch pan and pat down. Spread fdling over patted dough in pan. Spread the remaining dough over top of filling. Bake at 325 degree oven for 30 minutes. Cut into 2-inch squares while warm. Makes 16 servings. SCALLOPED SWEET POTATOES WITH APPLES 6 sweet potatoes, medium size Vi teaspoon salt Vi cup honey 4 tablespoons butter 2 cups sliced apples 1 teaspoon mace Pare and cut sweet potatoes into 'A -inch slices. Boil in water until tender, drain. Butter a 9-inch square baking dish. Put a layer of sweet potatoes in the bottom of the dish, then a layer of apples. Sprinkle with the salt and mace. Drizzle with honey. Repeat until dish is full. Bake in a 350 degree oven for about SO minutes. Jamie Fisher Pa. Honey Queen 2'A pounds meat 'A cup soy sauce '/. -A cup honey '/a teaspoon ground pepper 1 pint water */» cup salt 'A cup sugar Va teaspoon garlic powder Dash tabasco Trim all fat from meat. Slice meat with the grain as thin as pos sible (meat slices nicely when semi-frozen) or have butcher slice. Mix remaining ingredients to make brine. Place meat into cool brine and refrigerate overnight After no less than 12 hours, take the meat from the brine. Rinse lightly and allow to dry on paper towels for one hour. Place meat strips on the smoker racks and dry for 12 hours using 2 panfuls of apple chips ’n chunks in the early stages of the drying cycle. HONEY SALAD DRESSING V* cup salad oil V* teaspoon salt 'A teaspoon celery seed 'A teaspoon Worcestershire sauce B. Light Lebanon 'A cup chopped onion '/j cup honey 'A teaspoon paprika 'A cup lemon juice 'A teaspoon pepper A teaspoon dry mustard Put all ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth. Yields: I'A cups. SWEET HORSERADISH SAUCE *'/ cup honey V4cup whipping cream, whipped 'A teaspoon salt A cup mayonnaise 3 tablespoons horseradish 1 teaspoon mustard 1 teaspoon vinegar Add honey to mayonnaise. Fold in whipped cream. Add horserad ish and condiments. Store in refrigerator. Betty Light Lebanon HONEY RICE PUDDING 3 cups cooked rice 'A cup honey 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs 3 cups milk, divided 54 teaspoon salt, optional 54 teaspoon almond extract 2 tablespoons butter Combine rice, 2'/a cups milk, honey, salt, vanilla, almond extract and butter in medium saucepan. Bring to boil, reduce heat and sim mer 20-25 minutes or until very thick and creamy, stirring occa sionally. Beat eggs with remaining milk. Stir into rice mixture. Qjpk 2 minutes. Refrigerate 2 or more hours until chilled. HONEY PECAN CREAM CHEESE 8-ounces soft cream cheese 2 tablespoons honey V* teaspoon .vanilla extract 'A cup chopped toasted pecans Combine cream cheese, honey, and vanilla in work; bpwl of food processor. Process imtil smooth. Stir in pecans. Refrigerate to blend flavors. Allow to stand at room temperature about 30 minutes prior to serving. Rebecca Ruppert Berks Co. Alternate Dairy Princess EASY CURE MEAT JERKY Jamie Fisher Pa. Honey Queen Jamie Fisher Pa. Honey Queen Jamie Fisher Pa. Honey Queen Jamie Fisher Pa. Honey Queen