Grand champions of the open show. From left, Heather and David Miller, Greens burg, with the grand champion; Ralph Moore, Canonsburg, with the reserve grand champion; and Chris Hill, Judge. - w Premier breeder and exhibitor awards. From left, Danellle Allen, Ju Ron Allen, Rick Allen. Clinton Allen, and Judge Chris Hill. VISIT OUR LARGE SHOWROOM Southwestern Championship Show Is Growing Thurs., Fri. & Sat. September 11,12 & 13 fp GARAGEDOORS the Finest Garage Doors and Openers in the Worl Warranted “For as long as you own your Home” •nuenoMuu SIEIMAL CONTROL Garage Door Go. 2255 W. Main St., Ephrata/Pa 17522 717-733-7570 • 1-800-285-6826 DUNBAR (Fayette Co.) - The Southwestern Pennsylvania Holstein show continues to grow as dairy in the region strengthens, and producers see the value in competing in the show. The event at die county fair grounds had 112 entries. Strong entries in the junior section of the show insure that dairy in the region and at this exhibition has an attractive future. Ring announcer Oren Bender, Accident, MD, provided humorous comments that spiced up the well-organized exhibition. Rick Allen chaired the show committee. Winners in this regional Holstein Association show accumulate points that can be used in competition for state-wide and national placings. Judge Chris Hill, who is experienced both as a breeder and a national exhibitor, said he looks for animals within the breed character that show milkability-cows that look like they give a lot of milk. He added that a long neck and feet and legs that carry the body well are important win ning characteristics. Ph( »f the * thi Joel Faua shows the grand champion and Ben Miller shows the reserve grand champion of the Junior show, with Junior champions (open and junior). From left, Chris Hill, Judge; Natle McKlsslck, with the Junior champion; and Mag gie Moore, with the reserve Junior champion. DAVID HIEBERT Westmoreland Correspondent Commercial & Industrial Doors