Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 02, 1997, Image 35

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    Ag Horizons Educates Educators
Participants met in small groups to discuss how to effectively relay the truth about
scientific advances to a public who Is easily swayed by misinformation from outspo
ken oppontents.
(Continued from Page A 1)
to winemaking in 4000 B.C. An
example from the beginning of this
century is the treatment developed
for insulin dependent diabetes.
Biotechnology in the barnyard
promises to unlease a new age of
agriculture. Already scientists can
separate sperm for female and
male prodigy. This will help the
poultry industry become mote effi
The finest milk
begins with new
Feedtechf Silage.
A Alfa Laval Agri
cient by selecting male offspring
for raising broilers that gain weight
faster than females. Or, for produc
ing female offspring for the dairy
Other technologies being deve
loped are improved feed utiliza
tion. providing healthier products
such as leaner meats, reducing los
ses from disease with more effec
tive vaccines, reducing environ-
mental pollution through the use of
enzymes to improve phosphorous
and carbohydrate utilization of
feedstuff, increase productivity in
milk production associated with
the use of bST.
Possibilities being developed
are selecting desired bacteria to
take the odor out of pig manure.
Enzymes to improve phosphorous
digestion in poultry and swine.
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Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 2, IM7-A35
Dr. Roland Leach Jr., tells how biotechnology offers the
potential to provide safer and more nutritious foods for the
increasing world population.
Leach showed slides to demons
trate the difference in sizes evident
by using gene therapy injections in
rats and chicken. Processes such as
these will eventually enable hens
to produce antibodies to suppress
selected diseases.
World population is expected to
double during the next 40 years,
which will put tremendous pres
sure on the planet to increase food
production at the current rate.
Ag biotechnology can help in its ability to
improve yield, quality, and nutritional value.
It can help reduce waste, control pollutants,
enhance safetly, and esnure an adequate food
Steps for successful commercialization of
biotechnology must enable the technology to
be affordable, to be safe for animals and for
humans and to be acceptable to the public.
The last criteria is perhaps the most diffi
cult because of public misconceptions.
“The U.S. has the finest scientists in the
world but the worst science education,” Leach
said of the public’s inability to understand
many of the scientific advances being made
today. ■
Resistance to the use of animals in exper
imentation is largely based on misunderstand
ings, according to Leach. This was brought to
the forefront by bovine somatotropin (BST), a
protein hormone produced naturally by cows.
Of the public’s misconception about BST,
Leach said, “All hormones are not created as
equal. Consumers should realize that the BST
hormone that is ingested orally is digested
like any other food protein. Thus, to be bio
logically effective, it must be injected. In con
trast, steroid hormones are absorbed and bio
logically active when consumed orally.
Examples include vitamin D and oral
Unfortunately, this difference in hormones
is not recognized by the general public.”
Dr. Kathryn Kolacz, molecular biologist
with Monsanto, explained how biotechnology
is used in developing insect resistant soy
beans and canola.
The process took 11 years from start to fin
ish in developing Soybean Ready. Extensive
trial plantings and records needed to be kept
during the development stages. In addition to
creating an insect resistant soybean, Monsan
to was also intent on developing a soybean
that was not resistant to Roundup.
Slides of the trial gardens showed the many
different aspects of testing. In the middle
stages, some plantings were overcome with
weeds, but the end result appears weed free.
Kolacz said that two different methods are
used to insert desired genes into plants. The
agrobacterium method employs the use of soil
bacteria. In the other method, a particle gun is
used. A DNA coating is put on the desired
gene and inserted into a gun which shoots the
particle into the plant
The necessity to clearly foresee potential
problems before investing the hugh amounts
of time and money involved in product engi
neering is evidence by the plight of the Fla
vor Savor tomatoes. Although the process
works in keeping the tomato fresh 45 days
after ripening, the variety of tomato used was
not a popular choice. The process is now
being developed in varieties that consumers