'' A32-Urifci«tef Fanning,' Saturday, ‘Jurtf 14, 1&97 Lancaster Holds Holstein Event The four-year-old class at Spruce-Edge Farm. Eleven Year ITHACA, N.Y. As anyone who has ever used any kind of DHIA service can tell you, a good technician makes all the differ ence. When asked about Jeanne Downie, fanners quickly tell you how happy the are to have Jeanne back and, when asked to describe their Northeast DHIA service, they easily rattle off adjectives such as “accurate,” “dependable,” and “friendly.” Jeanne Downie had been a Farm Service Technician for Northeast DHIA for eleven years. Leaving to try something new, she Technician, returned after about a year. “I real ly missed the farmers,” begins Jeanne. “I think there just isn’t a better group of people to work with.” Jeanne’s dedication is obvi ous as she talks about re-leaming the Dairy Comp 305 software. “I am really working hard to leant the software because I know how valuable it is to them on testday. They used to have to wait but now they can get so much more right away.” Northeast DHIA provides Dairy Comp 305 to all their Farm Service Technicians. On-going A few of the more than 250 dairy farmers that attended the Lancaster County Hols tein field day Thursday evening are shown Judging the classes. This was the first time the event was held in the evening and a free pig roast sponsored by Fowl’s Feed Ser vice, Peach Bottom was a big part of the program- Hosts for the evening at Spruce- Edge Farm, were Ed, Arlene, Brian, and Jill Hamish. The winners in the Judging con test are: men, Park Ranck Jr., and Rick Wadel; women, Deb Hershey, and Susan How ard; and youth, Justin Risser, and Timothy Erb. Downie Returns To Northeast DHIA training allows Techs to become more familiar with the scope and power of the software which means they are in a better position to provide superior service. The Technicians also have a solid sup port team in Ithaca to help with any questions or problems. “With Dairy Comp 305 we can get our Action Sheets from Jeanne right on testday. We also get some other customized reports along with the vet check report. We are very hap py with both the service we receive from Jeanne, and with Northeast DHIA,” notes Rachael Cippeily of Boiling Brook Farm in Hoosick Falls, New York. If you would like more infor mation about Northeast DHIA records services, or would like to schedule an appointment with Jeanne, please call her at (518) 854-3011, or call l-*po - (1-800-344-2697), and press 1 for Farm Service. Northeast DHIA Records Ser vices is a farmer owned coopera tive and currently serves over 3600 members in the nine state areas of Vermont. Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Con- nccticut, Rhode Island. New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The Dairy One assured. North east DHIA Records Service strives to deliver more substance to the farms it services. Coopera tive Dairy One works' to get needed change done in the dairy industry.