Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 05, 1997, Image 47

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    On Being a
Farm Wife
(and other
hazards) ,
Joyce Bupp
No. I don’t want to go back to
the “good old days.”
And, I’m not going to wax sen
timental about how we used to do
things. Or how simple or much
better life used to be. Or bore you
with all that “now, when I was a
1dd...” stuff.
Still, there are moments when I
almost yearn to return to the his
torical era of B.C.
You know B.C. Before
Computerization has “tripped
my trigger” since the first Pcs
came onto the market at a price
that made the ownership of such
technology a cost-effective possi
bility for the general public.
Nevertheless, every advance I’ve
made on the road to technological
progress has had to begin with a
That’s because, despite glib
“plug-and-play” maiketing prom
ises, there will inevitably be a
bunch of gliches somewhere in
between the plugging in and the
playing of the program. The
incredible advancement of com
puter technology has still not
overcome the fact that taking a
byte into the chip still yields some
Independent Distributor TM
For thousands of years the Chinese have BT «■
used herbal remedies. Our product is I ■
synergistically designed to promote optimum B B
health using natural ingredients like thef
inese have seemingly always known about,
te ingredients are all safe and natural. Gum
.araya, American Desert Herb, Guarana,|SiS
irean Ginseng, Bee Pollen, White Yellow * Oyi<
;ark (Weidewinde), Bladder-wrack ,
siculosis), Gotu Kola, Licorice Root, \ ' dr
ishroom, Astragalus, Ginger Root,
)t, and Chromium Picolinate (300
3 tablets taken once a day).
Announcing A Nutritional
The First and Only Antioxidant of its kind,
New Image Total $31.95 +
With Pine Bark, Grape Seed,
Blue Green Algae, 10 additional
20 Times More Powerful Than Vitamin C
50 Times More Powerful Than Vitamin E
• Helps circulation
• Improves mint flexibility
• Works to lower cholesterol
• Decreases hemorrhoid/prostate
• Helps diabetes
• “Free Radical” producers
• Resists Free Radicals
• Helps Alzheimer’s
• Increases energy, less fatigue
#Call or write us
for Wholesale Prices.
Call Us Toll Free At
Or, in other words, no matter
how simple it’s supposed to be,
your high-tech journey will still be
pocked with potholes.
Our first computer came into
the office about IS years ago when
my faithful, used, electric typewri
ter hiccupped for the umpteenth
lime, and choked. A total techno
logical ignoramus, except for the
minimal terminology I’d grasped
scanning reading materials, I tip
toed into a local computer sales
room like a 5-year-old entering
kindergarten. But I returned home
with 128 K memory and a knot in
my stomach.
How would I ever get the stuff
up and running?
No sweat. Our youngest para
ded home from sixth grade,
plugged all the components
together, and in an hour I was
computing. With a call to the man
ufacturer, a few days later I even
managed to eliminate the triple
spacing the printer insisted on
inserting between every line of
hard copy.
Confidence grew as I learned to
malcf. the system work, though I
never did really learn DOS or how
to go into the guts of the system.
And occasionally, it struck abso-
Most , .:new
want> _ j try the products so I became a distributor tam a single
Mom and really needed an extra income My first check from the
company was 07 and last months check was over $5,000 The
products have helped my diabetis, depression, arthritis, migraine
headaches, varicose veins, high blood pressure, cholesterol,
fibromyalgia, high triglycerides, also my twin boys with bronchitis,
asthma and ADD Nil does not make any health claims this is
strictly personal testimonies of product users
A/Z . $l.OO-A-Day ,
Herbs Melt Fat Awav
Plus One Feel Great!
Mineral! Lose Weight! '
No Diet - No Exercise
No Skipping Meals
Big Energy Response
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New Image - Plus
$29.95 One Month’s Supply
Works great on weight loss,
cholesterol, high & low blood
pressure, arthritis pain, sugar
problems, varicose veins, and
many, many more! No drugs,
chemicals or preservatives'
Your Independent Distributor Is:
Gerald & Margie
#* 717-776-7806
r JUST 3 A
75 Goodyear Rd.
Carlisle, PA 17013
lute terror into my heart Never
more so than when I hit some
combination of keys which to
this day I’ve never figured out
and got total computer lock-up
and a stem message that “you
have found an ertor at
123456789...” or whatever bunch
of numbers it happened to be.
A decade later, the beloved
sidekick followed the typewriter
to high-tech heaven. With slightly
more confidence this round, we
entered a new era of Windows on
the world. And fell in love with a
mouse that did something more
worthwhile thim chew up stuff it
shouldn’t and leave residue
behind in the cupboards and draw
ers. Still plugging away, however,
was our original stone-age-geared,
dot-matrix printer.
The mouse’s tummy ball was
barely warm from use when com
puterization zoomed past on the
wings of pentium chips, modem,
laptops and a new addiction called
“surfing the web.” In a technologi
cal heartbeat, me and my little
mouse friend were rended
Thus, again, the need to inter
face with today’s comprehensive,
amazing, but memory-hog prog
rams have booted this simple
minded, non-technorat along yet
another stretch of the information
highway. Anti I was dragged,
screaming and yelling, into it
Because I knew hill well that the
upgraded computer road would be
fraught with potholes and my life
was too busy to take all these
detours. Just let me keep comput
ing on what I knew how to
hi the end, the promised desti
nation of faster and greater capa
bilities won out over reluctance to
• Agricultural • Commercial • Residential
S’ *
We Work
Hard For
navigate die potholes along the
way. Some of ’em are filled,
though rough edges and periodic
speed bumps pop up on this
sometimes-exciting, sometimes
aggravating journey. I still
stumble across an occasional error
message, though they offer more
explanation: “An unrecoverable
error occurred accessing the drive
or cartridge. There is a DMA con
flict when using this drive.” Or,
“Error on file; did not match
Dealing With
Change Workshop
EBENSBURG (Cambria Co.)
How can you become prepared
to deal with change in your life?
Let Penn State cooperative Exten
sion help you with this process by
attending the “Living with
Change” seminar being held at
Seven Springs on Wednesday,
April 30.
The keynote speaker, Eleanor
Shano, one of the area’s best
known broadcast personalities
will present “Aging with Atti
tude.” This lively and interactive
program shatters age-old myths.
It’s about celebrating the passage
of time and facing the future with
out fear of growing older. It’s
about changing attitudes and
building self-esteem. It’s about
exploring the body-mind connec
tion. It’s about self-empower
In addition to the keynote you
may choose to attend two of 11
workshops. You can explore top
ics such as current health trends in
workshops titled Making Your
Kitchen Low Fat Friendly, Can
Supplements Prevent Disease?, or
Hob! Herb! How Docs Your Gar-
- S'* <i
■> ' . ~ ,-riux
.... —,
.' zj*
* /
We do box culverts and wing walls
to match your specifications
• Retaining Walls • Bunker Silos
• Manure Storage, Etc.
430 Concrete Ave., Leola, PA
Hftofttef Farming, Saturday, April 5, 1997-67
Later the computer gods relent
and pat me on die back: “Your
files are safely backed up.” I hope
it knows. I don’t
And—as if to taunt me even as
I wrote this the power shut
down midway through this col
umn and I had to rewrite half of it
We might have smoothed most
of the potholes.
But the souvenir gray hairs I’ve
picked up on the trip are no doubt
here for life.
den Grow?
Money management will be the
focus of workshops tided Super
Pockctbook, about how to stretch
your money, and Quick, Quicker,
Quickest where you will become
familiar with financial record
keeping using jargon free software
for your computer. Or, you may be
interested in attending workshops
dealing with personal situations,
such as “Rising Over Troubled
Waters.” dealing with identifying
problems, talking with teens and
where to find help.
If parenting issues are of inter
est choose workshops like putting
Your Child Into the Winner’s Cir
cle and Kid’s Day Out. Just for
fun, you can start on a journey of
family history in the workshop ti
ded Digging At Your Roots, or
leant how to make an inexpensive
flower arrangement during your
time in Roadside Arrangements
“Working with Roadsidea.”
A buffet luncheon is included in
your registration and you may be
the lucky winner of a getaway
weekend at Seven Springs. Early
bird registration is $2l.
SINCE 19791
Sizes And
To Your