Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 08, 1997, Image 25

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    A dairyman’s helper gave a cow an antibiotic
and forgot to make a written record of it. He then
went on vacation and for the next five days, the milk
from 900 cows went down the drain!! The $42,000.00
lost would have bought enough Vitamix to last for
years and years for that dairyman’s whole herd.
You can sell the milk when feeding Vitamix.
Vitamix is a mixture of vitamins, minerals, enzymes,
electrolytes, and proteins, especially calculated to feed
the immune system. Vitamix is the result of over 20
years research and over 20,000 feeding experiments.
F/tonfmngredients are so micro pulverized and easily
digestible that some of them melt in the mouth and are
absorbed into the bloodstream while the cow is still
chewing her feed. Her organs increase the output of
antibodies (white cells) within minutes, and can often
double the output of antibodies within one hour after
consuming Vitamix , and you can get Vitamix without
a prescription. Vitamix is all natural. You just put
Vitamix in the feed whenever there are symptoms of
a contagious disease or infection.
The cow’s immune system can cure any and
every kind of contagious disease and infection
quicker, safer, more consistently than any medical
drug in the world when you support the immune
system. The immune system is the only real defense.
I keep cows and horses for feeding experiments. The
last time I used an antibiotic was in 1984 and haven’t
lost a cow, calf or horse since I quit using antibiotics.
Any time any human or animal gets a
contagious disease or any kind of infection, it is for
one reason, and one reason only; The immune
system failed to do an adequate job of defending
against it. In other words, the immune system let you
Every time you use antibiotics, sulfa drug or
an immune stimulator; you weaken the immune
system. See the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) for
more information on the side effects of antibiotics.
The information in the PDR was provided by the drug
companies that make the drugs as required by law.
Shouldn’t we be feeding the immune system
instead? Support the immune system. Their lives and
health depend on it. Feed Vitamix every time for
every contagious disease or infection.
Vitamix is the best procedure in the world for
Mastitis. It is quick and easy and you can sell the
milk when feeding Vitamix.
How long does it take when you take the
“Support the immune system approach?” I have seen
calves that were down, had high fever, bloody scours
and were dehydrated. One needed help to hold its
head up. The only thing I gave them was Vitamix and
water. In three hours, I had to run them down and get
them cornered to give the Vitamix. Dairymen tell me
that Vitamix is faster than anything else they ever
When there is a serious case of anything
contagious or infectious; I give Vitamix once an hour
for three hours, or until they are back on their feed and
doing noticeably better. I continue Vitamix six times
Vitamix Makes Antibiotics Obsolete!
You Can Sell The Milk
When You Use Vitamix Instead Of Antibiotics
daily for a few days. Vitamix typically costs only $2
to $3 a day for a cow (less for a calf). The total cost
for one cow for one illness is typically $8 to $lO from
start to finish.
Vitamix costs less than antibiotics, and you
can get it without a prescription. Vitamix is
completely drug free!!! You can sell the milk when
you use Vitamix !!! ( When you use antibiotics, you
pour the milk out for 5 days, sometimes more. You
risk making a mistake and pouring gU your milk
out for 5 days or more.)
You save money Every Time you use
Vitamix. Get some Vitamix now to keep on hand.
Use Vitamix as soon as you see symptoms of anything
contagious or infectious. You will know you did the
right thing within hours.
Preventing and curing all contagious disease
and infections boils down to this. Increasing the
capacity to produce white cells (Antibodies). All
white cells are made by the bone marrow. Antibiotics
cause “bone marrow depression” thereby reducing its
ability to make white cells to fight diseases and
infection (See Physician’s Desk Reference Book
I have done over 20,000 feeding experiments
on healing the body, and have yet to find an incurable
contagious disease or infection.
Why sit around waiting for a miracle? You
can order Vitamix right now. Miracles are great and
they do happen now and then; if you wait around one
might happen for you. But the immune system is a
miracle. You can order Vitamix today and keep it on
hand, then you will have it when you need it.
Vitamix ...when you need a miracle. The best source
of information about Vitamix is people who have used
it. Ask a friend about Vitamix.
Frank Lampley, 199 Springton Rd.
Glenmoore, PA. 19343 •
(610) 942-2275
Use Vitamix For All
Calf Diseases
And Scours.
The Best Source of
Information About Vitamix
Is Someone Who Uses It.
Ask A Friend About Vitamix