Foliar Application, Lea. R. Michael Mellon, left, garnered top ribbon at the Lan caster County Tobacco Show with his Pennsylvania 41 wrapper for the third year in arow. At right is Raymond Rine hart, leaf purchaser with Lancaster Leaf Company and one of the show Judges. The other show Judge, not pictured, was Geoffrey H. Ranch, Domestic Tobacco Company. Sorting Contribute To Tobacco Show Success (Contlnued bom Pag* A2l) September the weather improved for curing. Because of overcast, moist days in the growing season, leaves were not aide to thicken and make the weight necessary for good yields. Growers who store tobacco in the cellar have to worry about the tobacco getting wet when the weather turned warmer and fdfcgy, as it did last week. It should be taken back up from the cellar to dry in the bam. The past growing season, “we saw a good bit of etch virus,” said Yocum, which includes white spotting on the leaves. With blue mold, growers “lucked out” this year because the weather pattern, which usually brings the spores from Kentucky, shifted to a more northerly direction. As a result, areas of the Ohio Valley were stricken with the mold, and Cana- da had it for the first time in a long while, said Yocum. “Kentucky and Ohio had a lot of blue mold,” he said. The key to controlling blue mold would be keeping the molds out in the early stages of tobacco growth. If it comes in early, it can do damage, said Yocum. Yocum, who will be judging tobacco today at the Farm Show, said that when he’s deciding on a champion he looks for leaves that aren’t braised or sunburned. The leaves that stand out will be those that have uniform color, good stretch, don’t show insect damage or holes, are free of molds or sun bum, and have tips that aren’t fray ed or crispy. Judging begins at the Farm Show Complex today at 9 a.m. CPAft-bilj CONSTRUCTION, INC. (717) 653-4023 Post Frame Buildings S.7„e <±ESTER> Storage Pre-Engineered Commerical Buildings GOOD’S AG SERVICE CFS Waxy Corn Seed CFS Soybeans Seed CFS' Alfalfa Seed Nutri-Cal Liquid Calcium Liquid Calcium 30% Liquid Nitrogen Ammonium Thiosulfate Liquid 12-0-0-26 s Agri-SC Soil Conditioner Boron 10% Liquid Bivert Maxi-Crop Liquid Compostore Pit Additive Kelp Meal Agrox Seed Box Treatment Custom Corn Planting Custom Liquid Fertilizing Soil Sampling/Nutrient Recommendations For More Information Call LANCASTER COUNTY TOBACCO SHOW RESULTS OPEN SHOW Type 41 Saadleaf; Wrappers i; i. R. Mtehaal Mellott. 2. Mehael Rohrer. 3. Todd Rohrer. Fillers: 1. John Smith Jr. 2. Gwy R, Neff. 3. Andrew Burkholder. Binder*; 1 . Michael Rohrer. 2. Garrett Neff. 3. Andrew Burkholder. Type 609 Bottom*; 1. Gary R. Neff. 2. Ronald Ulrich. 3. Donald Winner. Middles: 1 . Ronald Ulrich. 2. Arlan* Binge man. 3. John 0. Burkholder. Tops: 1. Arlene Blngaman. 2. Gary R.Neff. 3. R. Michael Mellott. Type 41 Seedleef Wrapper: 1 . Todd Rohrer. 2 Jessica L. Neff. 3. Mark Rohrer. Fillers; 1. Seih A. Parry. 2. Andrew Burk holder. 3. Stephan C. Knight Binders; 1. Todd Rohrer. 2. Jessica L Neff. 3. Mark Rohrer. Type 609 Bottoms: 1. Jessica L. Neff. 2. Klint L. Frey. 3. Keith Frey. Middles: 1. Keith Frey. 2. Jessica L, Neff. 3. Wendy Witmer. Tops; 1. Jessica L. Neff. 2. Wendy Witmer. 3. Robert Garrett. aßy) 3-18-18 •;, " 1 ; Petty & Ortho LumLEsiiUlZM: ", so*#' tl-37-0 DALE GOOD 717-949-2371 Aok About EARLY DISCOUNTS VO AQ A LESSON WELL LEARNED... Lancaster Farming's CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! , Phone; 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164