Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 30, 1996, Image 51

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Ida Risser
When I get together with my
sisters, I hear about the trips they
have taken and the trips that are
planned. They go to the New Eng
land states for the fall foliage and
also take big bycycle trips. They
talk of the 500 miles they have put
on their bicycles. Of course, they
are all younger than I am.
It seems that Allen and I can
keep ourselves too busy right here
at home. He helps to fill silo, put
up new spouting and sometimes
he does tractor work too. I cook
meals, clean house and mend
clothes besides some church
Yesterday I potted several pars
ley plants as I like some on the
kitchen windowsill for winter use.
And, I arranged the straw flowers,
that I raised, in a small basket with
some pretty leaves that I dried. My
eight kinds of flower bulbs are
stored and labeled. Although, I’m
sure that 1 would know them by
their shape in the spring when I re
plant them.
When I find the time, I reread
old letters that relatives wrote in
the early 1900 s. It is interesting to
QOS) a pp 1c
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look at the postcards that were ex
changed. No telephones and no
autos and so cards were sent and
trolleys used for transportation.
I’ve written a diary every day
since I was 17 years old. And,
would you believe it, I find it is
quite interesting to read about our
activities when our children were
young. How we managed all of
those 4-H meetings I do not know
as one or the other always had
something to do or a place to go.
As they say, it makes me tired just
to read about those years.
Today a busy day is when our
three grandchildren come and stay
with us for a while.
Penn’s Agri
HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.)
Penn’s Agri-Women elected
officers recently at their annual
meeting and set an agenda for the
coming year.
For the first time ever, PAW
will man a booth at the state Farm
Show for a full week featuring the
American Agri-Women display
that shows the areas of activity
and their presence in 35 states.
Officers will be creating a new
brochure for membership pur
poses and will be dedicating the
efforts to the memory of a found
ing mother Ethel Gross, who with
a handful of women began PAW
in 1977.
Leading the organization into
its 20th years will be president
Gail McPherson, New Park; vice
president Jean Beck, Hamburg;
secretary Carol Ann Gregg, Grove
City; and treasurer Barbara Grum
bine, Myerstown. Past President
Pat Sueck, Arivillc will also serve
on the Executive Committee.
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Agri-Women Appointed
MISSION, Texas American
Agri-Women, a national coalition
of farm, ranch and allied business
individuals and organizations has
been appointed to the newly
formed Environmental Protection
Agency advisory committee for
the implementation of the Food
Quality Protection Act of 1996.
The new law will fundamentally
reform the nation’s outdated Dela
ney zero risk standard in terms of
pesticide tolerances, and utilize
science based, state of the art test
ing to strengthen the U.S. food
safety net AAW President Jean
Pettibone, of Kanorado, Kansas, is
representing AAW as one of the
production agriculture groups on
the committee. The Food Quality
Protection Act was signed by
President Clinton on August 3, of
this year after passing in both
Houses of Congress unopposed.
Jean Pettibone stated, “It took
The genetic correlation
between marbling and beef ten
derness is supported by four
recent research projects. Three of
them were conducted by scientists
at the U.S. Meat Animal Research
Center, and the other by Oklaho
ma State University researchers.
Readers need to understand a
-Women Elect Officers
Penn’s Agri-Women officers, from left, are Jean Beck,
Carol Ann Gregg, Barbara Grumbine, Gail McPherson, and
Pat Sueck.
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To EPA Committee
more than 10 years of concen
trated effort to get this new legis
lation passed by the Congress to
update the standards for food safe
ty. The hard work really begins as
we work with EPA and the mem
bers of the committee to intrcpret
the true intent of the legislation, as
well as to ensure that it will be
soundly based on the latest scien
tific standards to secure our
nation’s safe food supply. Critical
Research Supports
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November SO, 1996-811
to the purpose of the committee
will be the protection of our pre
cious natural resources from
which every farmer relics upon to
make a living and to assure that it
is workable for our nation as a
For more information regarding
AAW, contact Jean Pettibone at
(913) 399-2204 or at 6835 Road 2.
Kanorado, Kansas 67741-9400.
few terms before reviewing the
results of the research. Following
are the definitions;
Tenderness: The difficulty or
ease a trained taste panel has in
chewing a portion of steak. The
genetic component involves the
animal’s ability to marble, level of
calpastatin or enzyme activity,
and the amount and kind of con
nective tissue: whereas the envir
onmental component involves
cooking techniques and the
amount of aging to which the car
cass has been subjected.
Shear Force: Machine mea
sured pressure required to force a
shaft through a portion of cooked
Heritability: That portion of a
trait passed from parent to
Marbling: The amount of fat
interspersed with the lean in the
rib eye muscle. The genetic com
ponent involves the steer’s genetic
ability to marble plus the environ
mental component involving how
he was fed and handled.
Correlation: The relationship
between two traits. The range in
correlations is from -1.0 to +l.O
with zero meaning no relationship
and 1.0 depicting a perfect
a. Genetic Correlation: The
genetic relationship between the
genetic components of marbling
and tenderness.
b. Phenotypic Relationship:
The sum of the relationship
between the total components
both genetic and environmental,
between marbling and tenderness.
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