New York Egg Mkt NOVEMBER 26, 1996 Price! were unchanged. The market tone wu fully steady. Demand wai good. Sup plies of eggs were tight to adequate for large size* and generally adequate for mediums. The New York state inventoiy wu 18% greater than the previous week and the New Jersey inventory wu 26% leu than die previous Monday. PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A. WHITE EGGS IN CAR TONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE EXTRA LARGE 113-1 IS LARGE 110-113 MEDIUM 91-94 NY Phil Frozen Eggs NOVEMBER 22, 1996 Prices were unchanged to higher. The market tone wu fully steady to firm with yolks in the strongest position. Demand remained active, and was good. Floor stocks were tight to adequate, and tome inter-dealer trading was noted to replenish depleted inventories. Raw material costs were unchanged to higher, and offerings were no mote than adequate. Liquid and frozen eggs (ingredients included) pro cessed under federal inspection the week ending November 16, 1996 in the Eastern region were 1% more than last week and 13% more than the tame week last year. WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. CON TAINERS) TOUCKLOTS LTL (MIN. 25 CONT.) RANGE MOSTLY RANGE WHOLE 68-72 69-70 73-77 BLENDS (/) TFEWR 87-105 WHITES 42-45 43-44 45-55 SUGARED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 98-104 99-101 104-107 SALTED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 96-99 96-98 99-100 (J) - WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER. GENERAL LY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS. NE Chicken Pis 1&2 NOVEMBER 26, 1996 Tracklot buying activity continued irre gular at dealen completed holiday orden. Offering! remained in good balance ai dealen balanced limited iuppliei with Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces Cut Your Heating Costs With Our Outdoor Furnace • Standard Model Burns Wood, Coal or Wood by-products J • Multi-Fuel Model burns Wood, X 1/y Coal, Oil or Gas • Coming Catalytic Combustor ~ Option Available on all Models JBS Clyde K. Alderfer ImL / Box 246, RD #1 I,WT / Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA 17853 Adapts to any existing heat system (717) 539*8456 Installation & Accessories Available Randall G. Renninger Certified Public Accountant Specializing in agriculture and construction industries “We help business people discover ways to cut costs, save taxes, and be more profitable” 100 Foxshire Dnve, Lancaster, Pa. 17601 (717) 560-5720 0 Fax (717) 560-5721 minimal needs. Retail and distributive movement wu generally centering around Thanksgiving items. The market tone was cautiously steady. PRICES PAID PER POUND, ICE PACKED AND CO2 PACKED BROILER/PRYBR PARTS. DELIV ERED TO FIRST RECEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUAN TITIES. ITEM CURRENT NEGO TIATED TRADING* BREAST - B/S (W A W/O TENDERS) 145-150 BREAST - WITH RIBS 69-70 BREAST - LINE RUN 69 LEGS 55-56 LEG QUARTERS (BULK) 41-42 DRUMSTICKS 53-54 THIGHS 52-53 WINGS (WHOLE) 63-64 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 12-14 LIVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 35-40 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 55-60 INCLUDES NEW YORK CITY METRO POLITAN AREA. NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, MASSACHUSETTS. CON NECTICUT. RHODE ISLAND. AND PENNSYLVANIA (NORTHEAST OF HARRISBURG). National Grain Market ST. JOSEPH, MO NOVEMBER 26, 1996 The lack of new export tales, profit taking, aid increased fanner telling of com, pressured wheat and com bids lower. Soybean bids were higher doe to carryover fund buying on the board. Wheat 2 to 10 cents lower. Com 1 to 12 cents lower. Sorghum 2 to 6 cents lower. Soybeans 4 to 5 cents higher. Wheat bids declined as foreign demand slacked off and forecasts for World Wheat production for 1997-and 1998 is to rise to 580 million tonnes. This is up from the 1996-1997 production of 575 million. Com bida alw dipped lower due to lack of new export demand and in reaction to large US and World feed grain iuppliei. Seme profit taking on the board and increaied farmer telling were alio a prenure facton. Fund buying on the board wai noted in bean piti, puihing bidi ilightiy higher after yeiterday'i decline!. Light farmer idling kept itrength in bean bida. U.S. Export Sdei; Commodity Tannage Del date Nothing new to report Dale Change Year ago Truck Bida; 11/26/96 11/25/96 11/28/95 Wheat; Kaniai City (HRW, ORD) 4.69 dn 10 5.25 Minneapolii (DNS, 14%) 4.44 up 1 1/2 5.34 3/4 Portland (SW) Call about our FREE seminars 4.18-4.21 dn 2-3 5.34-5.36 St. Louii (SRW) 3.90-3.97 dn 2-9 4.92-5.10 Com, US 2 Ydlow; Kanos City 2.73 dn 1-2 3.34-3.35 Minneapolis 152 1/4 dn 1 1/2 2.88 3/4 Southern lowa 170-172 dn 2-4 3.26-3.27 Omaha 2.63-2.64 dn 9-12 3.09-3.10 Soybeans. US 1 Yellow: Kansas City 7.15 up 5 6.73-6.74 Minneapolis 6.78 up 4 6.39 1/2 Southern lowa 7,12-7.17 dn 2-16.75-6.79 Cent IL Processors 7.20-7.27 up 5 6.79-6.85 1/2 Futures; Kansas City (Dec) Wheat 4.50 1/2 dn 3 1/2 5.05 3/4 Kansas City (Mar) Wheat 4.09 dn 1/4 4.91 Minneapolis (Dec) Wheat 4.231/4 dn 3 1/4 4.87 1/4 Chicago (Dec) Wheat 4.13 dn 2 3/4 4.93 Chicago (Mar) Wheat 3.90 1/2 dn 13/4 4.911/2 Chicago (Dec) Com 2.73 1/4 dn 1 1/2 3.24 3/4 Chicago (Jan) Soybeans 7.13 up 5 6.77 1/2 Export Bids: Barge or rail, Pott of New Orleans or North Texas Gulf. US 1 HRW Wheat, Ord. Protein; 4.94 up 15 1/2 5.51-5.53 US 2 SRW Wheat; 4.51 up 1/4 5.42 US 2 Yellow Com: 2.98 1/4-3.001/4 dn 1 1/2 3.58 3/4-3.61 3/4 US 2 Yellow Sorghum: Rail 4.84 dn 3 6.33 Barge 4.99-S.QZ dn 6-3 6.57-6.58 US 1 Yellow Soybeans: 7.51-7.52 up 5-6 7.13 1/2-7.15 1/2 Pa. Grain November 25, 1996 Report supplied by PDA COMPARED WITH LAST MON DAY’S MARKET FOR SOUTHEASTERN. CENTRAL, AND SOUTH CENTRAL PA: CORN UNEVEN, MOSTLY STEADY TO .07 HIGHER, WHEAT STEADY TO .20 HIGHER, BARLEY AND OATS STEADY TO WEAK, SOYBEANS STEADY TO .25 HIGHER, EAR CORN STEADY TO STRONG. PRICES PAID DELIVERED TO DELIVERS DOCK: ALL PRICES PER BUSHEL. EXCEPT EAR CORN PER TON. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA ' CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.70-3.00 FEW REPORTED 3.09, AVERAGE 2.88; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 4.29-5.05, MOSTLY 4.40-4.71, AVERAGE 4.60, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 3.203.67; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 3.103.50, AVERAGE 3.24, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 1.95-2.00; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 2.15-2.40, AVERAGE 2.33; SOYBEANS RANGE 6.59-6.95. FEW REPORTED 6.40, AVERAGE 6.76; FEW REPORTED GRAIN SORGHUM #2 Northeast Agri Systems Your Authorized Distributor Shenandoah • Cage Systems ’pP ace Heaters • Poultry & Swine * Incinerators Feeding * Brooders • Bins & Augers * Nests HIREp-HANDIJH HEATERS AND CONTROLS Poultry, Dairy & Swine Buiidings & Equipment TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER; 1-800-673-2580 ■ Northeast Agrl Systems. Inc SB SB Flyway Business Park DrtmawaSlor* I39AWWI Airport Pood fSZttZZ un «> PA 17543 mZStZiIXL, HI Ph <717) 569*2702 1-800-673*2580 2H R] RANGE 169, AVERAGE 2.69; AVER AGE MOISTURE NEW BARCORN RANGE 59.00-78.00, AVERAGE 67.75. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.80-2.85, AVERAGE 180; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 4.00-4.50, AVERAGE 4.16; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 3.00-3.40, AVERAGE 3.16; OATS NO. 2 RANGE FEW REPORTED 2.20-2.80 FEW REPORTED 2.00, AVERAGE 2.43; SOYBEANS RANGE 6.30-6.90 AVERAGE 6.51; AVERAGE MOISTURE NEW EAR CORN RANGE 65.00-80.00, AVERAGE 70.43. SOUTHEASTERN, CENTRAL & SOUTH CENTRAL SUMMARY CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.70-3.00, AVERAGE 2.85; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 4.00-4.71, AVERAGE 4.41; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 3.00-3.50, AVERAGE 3.23; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 2.00-160, AVERAGE 2.30; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.30-6.96, AVERAGE 6.61; AVERAGE MOISTURE NEW EAR CORN RANGE 59.00-80.00, AVERAGE 69.04. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 170-195 FEW REPORTED 3.07, AVERAGE 2.81 WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.90-4.60, AVERAGE 4.28; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 3.00-3.50, FEW REPORTED 3.70, AVERAGE 3.29; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.90-2.50, AVERAGE 2.19; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.30-6.70, FEW REPORTED 6.00, AVERAGE 6.40; FEW REPORTED PER HUNDRED WEIGHT BUCKWHEAT RANGE 10.90, AVERAGE 10.90; AVERAGE MOIS TURE NEW EARCORN RANGE FEW REPORTED 56.00-80.00, AVERAGE 70.20. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.55-3.30, AVERAGE 3.08; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 4.004.30, AVERAGE 4.17; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 3.003.22, AVERAGE 3.11; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 2.002.50, AVERAGE 2.25; SOYBEANS RANGE 6.506.55, AVERAGE 6.53. MONTH AGO CORN NO. 2-Y 3.00; WHEAT NO. 2 4.30; BARLEY NO. 3 3.26; OATS NO. 2 2.28; SOYBEANS NO. 1 6.61; FEW REPORTED NEW EAR CORN 67.00. YEAR AGO CORN NO. 2-Y 3.35; WHEAT NO. 2 4.68; BARLEY NO. 3 2.20; OATS NO. 2 1.79; SOYBEANS NO. 16.46; AVERAGE MOISTURE EARCORN 82.81. Carlisle Livestock Market CariMe, Pa. Tucaday, November 26, 1996 Report Supplied by Auction SLAUGHTER CATTLE: STEERS, SELECT TO LOW CHOICE 70.00-72.75; CHOICE HOLSTEINS 59.00-64.50; SELECT 50.25-54.00. HEIFERS CHOICE 68.25-71.50. COWS: BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 35.00-39.00; CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 30.00-36.00; CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 24.00-29.00; BIG MIDDLE 32.00-34.00; SHELLY 22.00 AND DOWN. BULLS: 1035-1165 LBS. 34.50-35.50. FEEDER CATTLE: FEEDER STEERS MED./LRGB #1 650-900 LBS. 50.50-56.50; LIGHTS/HOLSTEINS/ DAIRY TYPES ALL WEIGHTS AND GRADES 22.00-42.75; FEEDER HEIF ERS MED./LARGE #1 500-850 LBS. 39.00- LIGHTS/HOLSTEINS/ DAIRY TYPES ALL WEIGHTS AND GRADES 20.00-38.00; FEEDER BULLS MHD/LARGE #1 900-1125 LBS. 49.00- 650-850 LBS. 47.00-52.50; HOLSTEINS/DAIRY TYPES ALL WEIGHTS AND GRADES 32.00-39.50. CALVES: VEALERS STANDARD AND GOOD 20.00-35.00; HOLSTEINS BULLS «1 95-125 LBS. 73.00-79.00; #2 95-125 LBS. 62.50-72.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS #1 100-105 LBS. 115.00- 75-95 LBS. 75.00-105.00. SWINE: HOGS US#l-3 220-280 LBS. 54.00- SOWS: US#l-3 ACTIVE! 300-600 LBS. 45.00-56.50; THIN/WEAK/ROUGH TO 43.00. FEEDER PIGS; BY THE HEAD 17-25 LBS. 15.00-23.00; 30-60 LBS. 25.00- GOATS: BY THE HEAD, LARGE NANNIES AND BILLIES 56,00-90.00; FLESHY KIDS 35.00-47.50; SMALL KIDS 22.50-30.00. LAMBS: GOOD AND CHOICE 50-75 LBS. 100.00-132.50, 80-130 LBS. 94.00- SHEEP; ALL WEIGHTS 30.00. SALE EVERY TUESDAY 5 P.M. FOR PRODUCE. RABBITS. POULTRY AND EGGS; 6:30 P.M. FOR LIVESTOCK. STARTING WITH CALVES. THEN LAMBS, SHEEP, PIGS. FEEDER CATTLE. BOARS. BULLS. FED CATTLE, COWS, HOGS. SOWS. BREEDING SCHOOL WILL BE BUY ING A LARGE ORDER OF OPEN COWS AT THE TUBS., DEC. 3 SALE. NEXT STATE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE FRIDAY, DEC 13 AND 27. RECEIVING 7-11 A.M. SALE TIME 1:30 P.M. NEXT SPECIAL FEEDER/FED CATTLE SALE TOES.. DEC. 10 AND 31. SALE TIME APPROX. 7:30 P.M. PEN LOTS OF CATTLE WILL BE SOLD IN ORDER RECEIVED. EARLY BIRD PENS FOR CATTLE, COWS. AND HOGS CLOSE EVERY TOES. AT 2 P.M. WEDNESDAY MORNING, N0V.20, HATFIELD BUYING STATION: HIGH 55.25. ATTENTION Cattle Feeders, Backgrounders & Cow/Calf Managers! imUBAY MUMm AHJCTHdM ns bact Walter M. Dunlap & Sons. at thelancaster will offer FEEDER CATTLE wMB SALES on FRIDAYS H W at 12:00 NOON *** AJj * After Jan. 1, we will also_be accepting consignments of slaughter cattle on FRIDAYS * The Wednesday cattle auction will be discontinued after Jan. 1,1997 Here Today Here to Stay Walter M. Dunlap & Sons Phone: 717-397-5136 livestock Marketing for the 21k Century