On Being a Farm Wife (and other hazards) , Joyce Bupp “I sure didn’t like that turkey.” This from a fellow meeting attendee in a distant state, who had shared with several dozen of us a hot buffet luncheon featuring turk ey and ham as the meats. Both were of the boneless, “pressed” type, heated and saved in typical institution, large stainless pan ova heated water on a decorated buffet table. Potatoes and a winter vegetable medley - broccoli, cau liflower, zucchini, carrots, etc. - rounded out the entree. And the desserts featured a personal favo rite - chocolate. My mom raised no “finicky” eaters. If you didn’t like what was on the table, you had a couple of options. Butter bread was one. Going hungry was the other. Frankly, if I don’t have to cook it ... serve it ... and clean it up afterward, I like just about anything. So, alright already, what’s wrong with the turkey? “Well, it was that pressed stuff. I like real turkey.” Real turkey? This was fiber board or something? I changed the subject. It was safer. Because peo ple who are so “picky” about their food inflate me. They’re spoiled. Here’s another one that ini tales me. UMCLdimED FREIGHT CO. and LIQUIDdTIOn SdLESINC, (CANTED) FIONT CUUO “ 1 ' . ' ~ . , i 3 PC. OAK OR CHBRRT Cherry finish , ° 5 gloss shelves I FINISHED two doors I END TABLE SET lighted interior | I . . mirrored bock i | A Volume Buy II | 1 IJf Reg. Ret. $559.95 | I f JP OUR SPECIAL I | VL^SUkir PRICE I I I I PC. BEDROOM 1 ! I CLOSEOUT I | "-i . « u Donlt ••h | Reg. Ret. $339.90 KSjte C&2T OiwPrioe $18S;9B i JLMmm I fSd i cash price 1 : «*"Www«i 1 * 169.95 I ' Kryilrflßß Reg. Reg. $1829.95 i *««*.**** ilfl , CLOSEOUT PRICK 1 . X-UAS SPECIAL I Ek! ‘429.96 1. *97.88 I _________ _________ j DESK & HUTCH 1 | RECUNER | | ! I Reo R«* kRni * h ' • R RE . I I 200Hh available• Oaalir Rafuaal j 1 *iSooK I %L R Jl t I I • Ftod • Back • WMt* I | 5499.9 S T $389.95 Bidding aoU (s*£?J=agSSl j j 7£ H | | | 1 698,95 !wtil s B°aBB j! OUR CASH PRICE *169.95 | I * j 1 [ SOFA AND I f CANOPY BED I T TWIN/DOUBLE 1 I LOVEBEAT | ouMn FUTON BUNK BED I | CLOSEOUT SPECIAL ■ . Rao R „ Bedding Not Inlcuded i . Trailer Load Dealer Refutel i R«fl. Ret 51789.95 I */«' Futon ™ttraee . I I I CLOSE OUT -Red - Black j I OUR PRICE IS4S 05 I 89*95 f | | $32980 j | spec.^^K, 6 | i saat Jig 11 ““^ TO I L H 99.95 j |_ 8 279.95_ jlC_l _J -n-———— 1 I TABLE WITH -, |*| 9 ►!! DESK J I COLLAPASABLB I I i OAK LEAVES W FIWISHj j ail Our Prtou *39.85 ■I , CMB PUCK | *29.95 j ' Fotd To F» In Qowt Rag. Rat $99.85 OUR CASH PRICE *42.90 WITH COUPON *34.95 “I hate to grocery shop.” Well, grocery shopping certain ly doesn’t always fit into my sche dule, and there are lots more “fun” things to do, like putter around the yard or the garden, read a book, watch birds. (But, we save blue jeans mending for the “hate to do” list around here.) We are picky. We hate to shop for food. We have had so much ... for so 10ng... that we are soooo spoiled. As it does on a far-too regular basis, the prospect of starvation once again raises its ugly head in troubled spots around the world and assaults our sense in daily doses of news media. This ethnic group in this spot in the world killing off that ethnic group trying to share its space. This political group trying to wrench control from that political group over some area’s govern mental affairs. This dictator wag ing war against that dictator in an endless struggle of power and egos. And those' who suffer are the young, the old, the sick, the poor. The hungry. , Meanwhile, we lament the problems caused by the full bellies of our prosperity. We complain about waiting in the checkout LANDISVILLE (Lancaster Co.) Preparations for the Christmas holiday on a Pennsyl vania German farm in the late 1800 s were vastly different from the Victorian customs of the era which have been immortalized in lines and the dueling carts of shop pars headed the other direction in our aisles. ,- We fret over which of dozens of sorts of meats and poultry pro ducts to choose from, hassle over which of chilled and mist freshened fruits and vegetables to select, what lands of the six or eight varieties of milk and array of juices to plunk in our carts. We load up with nutritionless junk foods for ourselves and pet food for the critters that probably has mote teal food value. We bellyache about how “expensive” food is and then turn around and brag about how much our new motorcycle or four-by four vehicle or satellite dish or big-screen TV blew our budget to bits. Once again, this week, we Americans celebrate Thanksgiv ing. We will remember and return thanks for the bounty under which this nation’s table groans. And, hopefully, we’ll recognize and be grateful for how little effort it takes most of us to partake in it. And, if we’re served “pressed” turkey, or “pressed” ham, or even just a hot dog, for Thanksgiving, we need to remember to be appreciative. For, had Fate placed us else where in the world, we could instead be battling over a bite of stale bread. I WICK I I Brat* Trim Rag flat $4lO 95 I OUR PIUCE £70.95 I CASH PRICE 159.95 | I X-MAS SPECIAL $ 129.95 I I r 7 PC. DINING ROOM "| UphoMamd Back A Smm ■ BmMul, Only SO SM* Lafl ■ I Daalar Ftofutal I j Rag. Rat. _ j ! *209.9? | , Wiy (Mar WhdanM Moi Don! Mm Dm Oml j I | SECTIONAL SLEEPER 1 . Rag. Rat $2388.95 I I OUR CASH PRICE $1,048.85 I I , ftaaaaa a Ipwa alii «Ma ay «Ma iiaaiwi I I I , I I mi oovroa | See German Farm Christmas Portrayal CLAIM TOUR BABGAIN With Brnntt Or Sir* brUitig purchtm onfy. W« AktnbUefy Urn* Tk* Bni Prim Om BM*g BASSETT MATTRCSS U BOX SPRING Tlialtlopglllwli»Md4ing«i4a«e(i«l>HlduliMlB9 88 Reg. Ret $599.95 Sole Price >129 88 Reg Ret $319 95 Sole Price >99 88 King Queen Double 810 SELECTION OF WOOD Sc METAL BUNK BEDS HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMSI Bail • I ihmSm » MTJPII UnOMtor Star* Home Moa-Ert. MM ■ 9PM; Sat 9AM • OPM * Sun. 12Noon - 6PM We ana Are ohaln Mora not afliatad wflh any other atara*. Slona hi LANCASTER, YORK, CARLISLE • PA. MILFORD - DEL. A ELKTON - MD MHI Cal Stone For Houn yBU WWI No Rakinda FINANOINQ AVAILABLE No Exchange* To putchaa* by ohaok, you muat haw* CaahACany a phone number and driven Icanaa i WM nipwdWi Nr bpofiSilaM non DU mm In Hew ta aAalhAa |W dan*. . art, literature, and song. Visitors to the sixth annual Christmas Tour at the Amos Heir Homestead, Lan disville, on November 30 from 10 a.m. to S p.m. and on December 1 from noon to 5 p.m. will experi ence this difference first hand. Whereas, in past years, the 10-room farmhouse, was decked in a portrayal of the most elaborate Victorian decorating customs of the day, this year’s offering maria a return to the toots and lifestyle of the family that occupied this land for 133 years. Founded in 1990, the Amos Hot House Foundation, spent its first five years renovating the 1852 farmhouse. In the summer of 1996, the entire homestead, house and bams, were deemed eligible for the National Register of His toric Places under the designation of a Pennsylvania Goman farm. This designation, along with the plans to prepare the C. 1830 bam for tours in 1997, was the deter mining factor for the theme of this year’s Christmas portrayal. The first stop for visitors will be the bam yard, stable, and carriage shed where they will begin their visit much as they would have over 100 years ago. Here they will meet and talk with farm hands, view displays of farm tools and machinery from times past, and taste and see the harvest of the fields. The farmhouse will literally be bursting at the seams with activity, as children, visiting relatives, and the women of the house prepare for Christmas Day. Since the Christmas Day meal was the high light and often the only form of r |l SOFA WITH DUAL RECLINERS Choose from love seat or rocker redlner to go with While they last. Reg. Ret. $2,299.95 Oar Price $799.98 CASH PRICE 8 749.9 S OUR CASH PRICE 9259.95 $309 95 $399.95 $519.95 Rig. Rtl $589.95 $729.95 $859.95 $1099.95 Single Double Queen King pieces I •rices include Lane—ter Farming, Saturday, November 23, 1096-69 holiday entertaining on the Penn sylvania German farm, the kitchen will present an authentic portrayal of the hustle and bustle of the day before Christmas. Tour goers will be able to sample the old fash ioned molasses cookies and pep pemuts being baked by costumed reenactors. The Herr Foundation has kept the decorations throughout the farmhouse as close as possible to what a non-Plain family would have used in the late 1800 s. A spe cial feature is the Pennsylvania German tradition of using a sassa fras tree which they wrapped with cotton and then hung simple orna ments from the branches. The par lor tree will be a cedar tree, which used to be prevalent in the mea dows and fence rows of early Lan caster County farms. Perhaps nothing so character izes a 19th century Lancaster County Christmas as the sights and smells of the traditional foods being prepared over a wood burn ing cook stove. Walnut taffy, snitz pies, clear toy candies, black wal nut cakes, dried com, and many more delicacies are all a visual part of this authentic portrayal of early farm life. The Keeping Room gift shop will be open in the cellar area for shopping while visitors enjoy complimentary cider and pretzels. Admission is $5 for adults, chil dren under 12 free, students $l. Visitors are reminded to wear comfortable shoes for touring. For additional information call (717) 898-8522 or (717) 394-5882. ! 5 PC. TRADITIONAL | I | j Reg Re;S599 OUR CASH PRICE *Z99«SS I f 5 PC. DINETTE SET ] UptioMarad Seel* 1 1 Dietributor Liquidation I I Rag. Rat. $1089.96 I FREE wHi purchaee of Bemtt or Sort* boddlng. SPECIAL $129.95 $159.95 $219.95 $279.95 Our Price (595.95 J FULL SIZE RECLINER ftYt jl I or BokM //1 IB | I Rm. IM. 1548.96 IM , oon c*- clj " JfJJrnrj CASH PRICE *ia.u WITH COUPON |>l_iao4