(MOMOSENV) Precision Planters Specialty * p roV en Precision Super * Fertlllzer ’ Dr y„ or jj-iqtiid Specials * 2 Row To 12 Row Unmatched In the metering & placement of corn, sweet com, edible beans, squash, All melons, cucumber, sunflowers, sorghum & more. MK*r~ I Planters In Several Sizes In Stock Stockl As A k c ° ur . s f l ' s For A Special Deal Today ■BTMgT.EnmipgT ’“"ssaw”* mu PrioM INC _7 “"KNESf" BBBUM ““* w 1-4MMI4-4705 Fax 717-626-0996 Hydra lid. Dfhra Tha moat popular drtva on rock piohart It hydraulic which It atondatd on Hit 9000. Wt hava Inoorpor ■MirtlM vilvatoWw *«w tha thock whan dMogaglng the drivt. RotoHaa That fi» lO.ELxIO.I flotation that ait atandaid aqulpmant and at a mint to raduoa toll oompaobon. Rati AtttmM* W. art utlng tha tamo rati at Iht provtn Suptr Plcktr HOO. Tha thrat paddal mtl hat a larft dltintlaf, hard tu.faoao jth and heavy duly paddlaa See Binkley & Hurst Bros. For A Quality SLURRY BLADE ©(DO Cleaning Barns with Simplicity. Auto Rollover Tha Made automatically rolla into ■ working peti tion wtwn changing tha diraollon ct tha tractor. Puling to puahlng thiny It mtda aimpla. Rubber Wiper Blade Tha -Bamboy 600 Slurry Bladar hat two 3/*’ ravarafcla wtpar biadat that all flaa to amoothly contour ovar unavtn aurfaoaa Itaving a dean, puddla fraa floor. Tha mbbtr blada alio pravanta •hiring or danraga to oenorato. Specifications Modd Slide Wk«h Slide Height Rubber Slide Rubber Slide Weight Weight ThlekneM Height 3p.t. Skid Under 600 6’ 16" »4’ 5112* 475 be. 525 ll* In Stock To Fit c~l „ n _ Case 8140 and 1845 C Uniloaders pnnri nfemipgT ,33R^‘± s oSr IRd 1 Rd - ■ H Bl(U9alNwi 1-100-414-4705 F«X 717-026-0990 Wear Skids naplaoaabla waar akldt art uaad to airland tha Ufa of tha wipar bladaa Hook Up • Thtaa PaM HU: Tha “Bamboy 600 Slurry Blada' can ba attaohtd to all ‘Category ona‘ and 'Catagory two' thrao point htoh traotora. • Skid Laadar Attachment Tha ‘Barnboy 600 Slurry Blada’ haa a apadtl frama to quickly attach to moat makaa and modala of akld loaders. Binkley & Hurst Bros. For Quality Rock Pickers & Rakes NOWI REMOVE ROCKS BEFORE FALL SEEDING slurry blade Swing PotoThs manual awing pola •$ easy to maneuver In both working or tr* isport position SoHd Shall QrW Tkiee wMi Weglaceahto Oril Tips. This modem grille easier to main* tain, has longer life giving you lees down time The unique grill provides five feet of clean ahVUng and virtually jamiees performance. New Rental 15 Foot Rock Rake Model RR 1500 Quality Rock Rakes & Pickers Come from Binkley & Hurst Regular Price $ll,BOO Special Rental Reduced Price $9,750 Don’t Wait Only One Each At These Special Reduced Prices New Rental Unit At Special Reduced Price Reg. Price $12,800 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 9, 1996432 Rental-Demonstrator Special Price $10,500 For This Model 6000 Hyd. Drive Rock Picker ySt s* v * See Binkley & Hurst For Tractor Mount Dozer Blades It