(Continued from Page DIO) 5994 air—■ - raatai aam—nas sw OMI S7I FALL MM LAMS euaa its sfrxms mm lnm t ■awn hoi « wTSS-iS^Mot cult STS ODUVIM MM I HMIH tMI euaa st< naam euwiai auw class S7i vuiusa Ma s itain am ts-sso s aiMii osao 4 mpfi'ii class 174 nu am lamm i iwm 9591 3 mum 9993 s auw S7S MMtt CLASS 577 aniM SMB LMSI i arsaan 9443 « me ms % HOT XMTOTUL *4O Greg and Doreen John, of Seneca Falls, N.Y., are the exhibitors of this champion Tunis ram. Chad Swartz, of Attica N.Y., is the exhibitor of this champion Tunis ewe of the junior show. Laura Hunter, of Cassadaga, N.Y., Isthe exhibi tor of this champion Dorset ewe of the Junior show. KILE Lists Sheep Show Results ■aaa/aiiwi, nrran/anam, sms hack awr, ra macs bbbi, m jimn/afMR, arm bugs mm, r» nmn/ifWR* rff* wa mm, m juauT/awsm, mi maos mk, fa LACTU/MXIXSR, IMBIBUM, FA jwran/aaiaw, off* «a« fa jacos/saaoss, maou, fa woa/saiai, trlfom, fa . ALTcs/snasar*. FtTsntLS, fa jrpfrrt/rv*rr. opmauo^i.^* jimin/avaiußT, off* mack mot. fa JSPFUr/SVMSI*. OFFM MA« MW. FA jMcaa/softFow. sexrso cm**, si altcr/bxmoms, otwillr, FA CLASS STS CMMFXSai MB oass 579 aiaan csamfim 1 RXSXm SOM 91-339 CIASS SSI FALL RAM LAMS I 94 XT S 9 SSI CLASS SIS SFRIM RAM LAMS 3 MSSNXCS 9403 I RX9MMSM FARMS X44T 4 94-49 5 14T CLASS SSS CHAMXOM RAN 1 9417 OASS SS4 RSSRRFR CRANFIOM CLASS SSS TBARLXHS MRS S ROSMXCt 9909 CLM* ut nu. INI C. Stephen Blair and family, of London Ohio, Is the exhibitor of this champion Montadale ram of the open show. Jeffrey Wilson, of Dansville, N.Y., Is the exhibi tor of this champion Dorset ram of the junior show. ' 1 1 w■ . - jlQl i ■ tor of this champion Montadale ram of the Junior show. lAOM/NILUR. FMMSSORS, FA jauM/aniss, rrwsfxllr, mi nxMR/FMSM, 'auiiau, ’fa s—icr/—Bat, aoaaw, fa wmnm/mtmiet, wmrwmm atws, fa AMH/LHF, HTMSTCMI, FA JAXM/FOOT0», CAMLISU. FA JMrm/WXXA*, RRM9TIII. NT JBFFRBT/NXLSON. OAMSVILLR, MT MIC/OBMI*. FROOFMITT. FA IAOM/iaom. n ■ff i l wmtm in? a l mm iiti a oa-a 4 MM 5 MIT cum sit mm am urn a amnei ate 4 an s an euit aaa cmmim im ojui aa» uwtn omvim ra i l mmim uoi 1994 mrac - jmim mmoim mnm (UN 431 nu. MM LMM i Nwreu ram cuts 4aa mm un unu 1 JM MILLS 9403 a INO 94-30 a uiumn an 4 T 73-94 (UN 433 CMMNION MM JON/MILLS, CANS ROTA, NT (Turn to Page Dl3) Randy Frame, of Blue Rock, Ohio, is the exhit tor of this champion Merino ewe of the junli show. Richard and Mary Johnson, of Quincy, Ohio, are the exh ibltors of this champion Columbia e« of the open show. # t i f 1 ; 4 1 ip ♦ J iMM LIVESTO Amy Josling, of Maplewood, Ohio, Is the exhH bltor of this champion ram Rambouillet in th* junior show. iMM/mim, eunaui, n mwywwH, .fiiimn, n An/Mmt. wum, ra mmav/wium, mmiiiii. wt UmW/NUM, HIMUROWH, MD SMUHtn mxefmmm, cuH/ynwita, miua, n eun/mmwei. tanas, n uunu/mnw, cubuim, «t uunu/nHm, eunmi, mr M.ICIA/MMPMID, tcirto eanu, n tm/mniM, cm mnont, mr IMUC/OAMM, TBLCMD, M vttt/eo IM. KMcnim, m Djumt/nmnoi, iocrvoud, m