State House Honors Dairy Farmers, Dairy (Con'lnuad from Pag* AM) in more than 22 years on Sept 24 to attend the slate dairy princess pageant in Harrisburg, the last offi cial proceeding with his daughter reigning as stale princess. He took a four-day stretch of vacation then. On Monday he took one more day of vacation and got his first visit to the slate Capital and his first visit with the governor. And he got to see his daughter being honored by the state House of Representatives. Both patents said they are very proud of their daughter, who is currently working with Sonny’s Photography in Erie, a business that takes student photographs. Rhonda said she is equally as proud of her family, which includes older sister Renee, who served as a county dairy maid in 1990. EXTENDED PARTS DEPT. 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She said that Dorothy Naugle from Allied Milk Producers, helped give her advice. “She wasn’t there Monday, but she deserves recognition for her efforts working with me.” KiekJak said she sought political recognition because of the impact. “I just wanted (dairy farmers to) be recognized. I knew that if politics would be involved, it would be public.” She said she was aware of Scrimenti and at her high school graduation party, she talked to him about the day of appreciation. She said originally she intended to hon DS is Distributor for: SUPER CHIMNEY 2100 and SU PERF£P Stainless Steel Chimney Systems ir m , * oar f I -4 » I I !'■"& r - I | *I ' , I F ! * SupctPro 2100 Chimney Features 25 Year Warranty DS/316 Stainless Chimney Liners Also Available Chimtek Inner Liners are madeof volcanic pumice and high tempertature refractory cements, Its round shape provides even temperature inside flue and con tributes to efficientflow of smoke and flue gasses. The volcanic pumice in Chimteck liners adds considerable insulating value. or all farmers, but it was changed to specify dairy farmers, which was fine by her, su long as the other farmers don’t feel they aren’t appreciated by her, because they are. The resolution passed the House by a 201-0 vote. On Monday, while waiting along the walls of the House cham ber for the legislators to settle into their places and come to order, she said she was somewhat shocked at the apparent Alice-In-Wonderland chaos that seemed to dominate. “I was real suprised that they ever get anything done, because it was real chaotic,” she said, “but when (Rep. Scrimenti) was done talking, everybody clapped, so they must have been listening.” Kicklak said the day was very exciting for her. “It was overwhelming,” she said. “There were a lot of people there Angela Wcrlcy, Jan hi 1 a cmnriiiYi wifti “ Wr JtSJI JH Wltll ATWTA'KTAfItt #&HII WtlfTff. JP*jLWJM. • DRIES WHITE •NO WET FLOORS • IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS • DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY • WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY 0* BARN CLEANING SERVICE AVAILABLE WITH COMPRESSED AIR To have your bam cleaned with air it will nf~ /)- clean off dust, cob webs Se, lots of the old _ lime. This will keep your bam looking ■Tcleaner & whiter longer. CALL US ABOUT ON THE FARM FLY CONTROL Serving Southeastern Pa. And More BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED 32 Years Experience INSURED 5 Trucks For Air Cleaning And Whitewashing RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS Barn Spraying Is Our Business, not a sideline. Spraying Since 1961 Unc—ter Firming, Saturday, October 12, 1M6427 Harding, my parents, her parents— and we were called up to the House floor and the citation was read and presented and they recognized both Angela and I, and we had our photos taken with the speaker, and I thought it was over with and then the governor made an effort to come out” “It's exciting,” her mother said. “We’re very proud of her. We’re blessed. She’s a great person. It’s been a great year.” Richard said the experience for him was “great” and he also was very proud of her accomplish ments, but not surprised. “Usually when she starts some thing, she goes until its finished,” he said. “If she didn’t get it passed this year, she’d get it passed next year, she’s very determined.” The Kicklak farm goes by the name of “Four-R Farm,” a refer ence to the family Of four and the fact that all their names begin with “R.” But it also refers to the dedica tion and ethic of working and sac- Princesses rificing for a goal, in this case the farm. Richard is the third generation on the farm. His grandfather started it and Richard took it over from his father. They own 100 acres, rent 200, and milk SO cows and have about 20 heifers, both registered and grade Holsteins. Robin said Monday was icing on the cake. “I would put the whole year as dairy princess as one of the best times the family had,” she said,. “(Monday) was like the crowning achievement.” Rhonda, who is looking to pursue a college education, said that her advice for others is not to give up when things get lough and to put* a complete effort into convictions. “If you have a dream, or you feel that your goal can be reached, put in a 110-percent effort and you can accomplish it,” she said, adding that Monday was “my year’s work and it kind of marked that my year was over.” But it is just the beginning of Oct. 7 as state Dairy Farmer Appreciation Day. Penn State Open House university PARK (Centre Co.) The Penn State University College of Agricultural Sciences’ Department of Dairy and Animal Science has announced an open house for prospective students to be held Saturday, Oct 26, at its University Park building. According to a news release, registration and refreshments are set to start at 9:30 a.m., with the program starting at 10 a.m. The open house is designed to provide information most often requested by college boutid students applying for admission into undergraduate prog rams offered in Penn States Department of Dairy and Animal Science. The day’s activities will include sessions on the dairy and animal sci ence major, undergra duate experiences at Penn State, the admis sions process, housing, financial aid, career gui dance, clubs and judg ing teams. After a lunch buffet, families will have the opportunity to meet with an academic advi sor and tour the Penn State campus. Those wishing to attend should call LuAnn Weatherholtz at (814) 863-3664, by Oct. 22, to make reservations for lunch. For more information on the open house event, or programs offered in the Department of Dairy and Animal Science, call Keith Bryan at (814) 863-0569, or Dale Olver at (814) 863-3914.