Dr. Greg Roth Penn State Agronomy Asociate Professor On many dairy farms in Pen nsylvania, com and alfalfa are When It Comes To Corn, Risk-Reducing Instruments Are Risky tract to buy com from titeir far- tracted to g et increasingly mer customers specifying an favorable cash price. The eleva amount, price, and delivery tors coughed up more and more date. A common practice margin money as their short involves the delivery of com to portions became further and the elevator at harvest, with further below market prices, only the timing of price deter- Farmers saw the cash price mination specified in the con- g 0 higher and higher. So rather tract. The elevator hedges its than deliver com with cash con position by selling futures tracts for $3 50 in Mayi for contracts. example, why not sell the com When the farmer delivers (or a t $4.50, and then make good elects to set price of the com on ddi c mA previously dehvered), the ele- in December vatorbuys back the futures con- 1996 ' js tract, thereby completing the v hedge. The futures position protects the elevator against price declines after the forward contract has been made, and losses resulting from price declines in the cash market ate offset by gains from the futures position. Under the HTA contract, however, the farmer can deliver the com anytime. That is, deliv ery date is not specified. Appa rently many people, including many farmers and some con tractors, even interpreted the contract to mean they could decide to forego delivery of old crop com in, for instance, June and make delivery instead of ’96 crop com in December. So what happened? As the com price went up, more and more farmers forward con- John R. Brake Department of Agriculture, Resource, And Managerial Economics New York State College Of Agriculture And Life Sciences Cornell In these times of the highest com prices in years if not ever com producers and country elevators should be prosperous and happy. Right? Wrong. It seems that a number of grain merchandisers, many in the upper Midwest and a few in Ohio and other areas, have been offering a “flexible” hedging contract, described as a Hedge- To-Arrive (HTA) contract, as a marketing tool to attract farmers. With the strong upward move in com prices, the con tracts have gone sour. A num ber of fanners have threatened not to honor the contracts, many elevators have lost big money, and there, is potential for some of the elevators to go bankrupt, peihaps with signif icant losses to their lenders as well. Elevators commonly con- AfiMMY SEED CORN VELDS TO NO ONE. Our new high-yielding seed corn hybrids give you the best of both worlds: yields equal to or better than anything on the market, plus agronomic advice from highly trained crop specialists. These experts can help you choose from all the Agway corn hybrids to find the ones best suited to your farm. To take advantage of early-season discounts and assure delivery of the best hybrids, ** call your Agway crop specialist today. ’Your farm, your way. grown on rotation on at least some of the acres on the farm. In practice, rotations often vary in length from three to more than five years in each crop. A new Penn State study I am HEAVIEST TEST WEIGHT heaviest test weight in corn demo plots-Lebanon, PA: 59 lbs, Oley, PA; 58 lbs (1995) 140.8 bu/acre (2nd place), Pleasant Gap, PA, corn demo plot (1995) conducting in cooperation with an ag economist. Dr. Jay Har per and an entomologist, Dr. Art Hower, will focus deter mining the best com alfalfa rotation on dairy farms in the state. The initial phase of this pro ject will be to evaluate the rota tions using yield information from ongoing crop rotation stu dies at Rockspring and recom mended practices based on the Agronomy Guide. We have found that shorter, 3-year rota tions offer many advantages such as higher com yields, higher bay yields, reduced need for soil insecticides on com, reduced potash needs on alfal fa, and more potential to take Some More importantly, if the ele vator hedges using current crop, July for example, and the farmer doesn’t deliver the com until December, the spread between July and December futures (old versus new crop) tends to widen substantially in a rapidly rising market. The ele vator might sell a July futures contract and then have to “roll it over” to a December contract. The catch is that the July con tract may have risen $1.50 while the December contract only rose $.75. In rolling it over the elevator loses $.75 per bushel. Apparently, no one ever envisioned 1996 market condi tions when the HTA marketing strategy was developed. Ist1 st place fe. GRAIN & M | SILAGE ft IYELDER Corn Taik, Lancaster Frmlng7&urday,"S&fter 1$ advantage of no-till com. Compared to a four-year rotation, for example. 100 few er pounds of insecticide and 4,600 fewer pounds of nitrogen fertilizer would be needed on a 300-acre farm per year because of a greater percentage of the com would follow alfalfa, where N fertilizer recommen dations are low and soil insec tides are not needed. Likewise, with no fourth year alfalfa fields, potash requirements would be reduced by 4,400 pounds on the farm since these fields frequently have high requirements for K. These fields may also have slightly lower yields than second or third year fields. The downside of the three year rotation is that hay fields need to be reseeded more fre quently and some nice three year-old alfalfa fields need to get killed to rotate to com. We are in the process of determining the best way to estimate the whole farm profi tability of these various rota tions to find the conditions that the shorter rotations make the most sense. The next phase of this project has been to work with two working dairy farms and evalu ate the potential of various rota tions on their system. Adding real-world considerations to the project made it more complex. For example, both farms we selected indicated they liked the three- to four-year rotations, but they also like to harvest a first cutting of hay before they rotate a hay field to com. Based Pa. HARRISBURG —Based on Sept. 1 conditions, Pennsylva nia’s 1996 production of com for grain is expected to be high er than last year, according to the Pennsylvania Agricultural Statistics Service. Yield of com for grain is expected to be a record 123 bushels, up 27 bushels from last year, up three bushels from the August 1, 1996 forecast, and three bushels more than the pre vious record yield of 1994. • 34.4 tons/acre (Ist place), Lmwood, NY, silage trials (1995) • 190 9 bu/acre (Ist place), Phelps, NY, corn yield test plot (1995) • fast dry down Corn Production Higher on this input, we added another rotation to our project for consideration. Some of our preliminary pro fitability estimates indicate that indeed this double crop hay/ com rotation might be the most profitable alternative, provided that the hay can be harvested early, and the com yields at least 75 percent of a normal crop. To do this, however, requires good soils, adequate labor, good management, and a long season. Otherwise the double crop rotation can be costly. Based on this and other con versations with the producers, we realized we need some actu al hay and com yield data to carefully estmate the econom ics on these rotations under pro duction situations. This year we have been measuring yields and monitoring pest problems such as western com rootworm and clover root curculio, an alfalfa pest that causes stand decline in third and fourth year alfalfa. Our inital findings seem to indicate that short rotations probably do have a place on dairy farms in Pennsylvania, but we need to identify the con ditions where they fit best. These conditions will include the pest levels on the fatm, the amount of manure available, the yields of com and alfalfa during each year, and the feed needs of the farms. Commodity prices and conservation requirements will also have some effect. We also need bet ter software to compare com plex whole farm economics of the various rotations. Acreage for harvest is esti mated at 1,050,000. Production is expected to be 129.2 million bushels, 37 percent more than last year. At the United States’ level, com for grain production is forecast at 8.80 billion bushels. 19 percent above the 1995 crop. Acreage for harvest is expected to be 73.3 million acres. The yield is forecast at 120.2 bushels per acre, up 1.5 bushels from last month and up 6.7 bushels from last year. TOP % ,™ 154 0 bu/acre (Ist place), Hershey, PA, corn demo plot (1995) 172 7 bu/acre (2nd place), Johnsonville Reading Bone corn test plot-topped Pioneer 3295 by 14+ bu/acre (1995)