Page 18—Corn Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 12, 1996 Want To Graze Maize? ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Farming Staff BETHEL (Beiks Co.) Cattle “go for the leaves” when grazing maize, according to Brian Mohn, manager of Gilles Richard Papa Farm. Farms such as Papa often experiment with new and inex pensive methods of feeding beef cattle, One such experi ment is the use of a “grazing maize” for the 119 head of commercial Angus raised by Mohn. » While still experimental, the use of grazing maize has met with limited acceptance and can be used as a supplement to hay feeding for finishing cattle. Mohn makes use of extensive rotational grazing on the farm. The maize, available from Baldridge Hybrids in Nebraska, is grown on about four acres of what was previously a hay field. There are two different plantings of the maize: one on 36-inch rows and one seeded on 18-inch rows (using 36-inch row spacing doubled back) at 40,000 plants per acre. At a field day co-sponsored by Penn State Extension last July, 30 producers Mid agri industry representatives toured the 350-acrc (240 tillable) Papa Farm. Mohn spoke about some of the challenges of rotational grazing (about 70 acres) and using the “grazing maize.” “You have some obstacles you have to overcome, but it looks good,” he said. Of the four acres of maize, Mohn divides the area into pad docks for grazing the cattle using five-strand polywire. The fields used for grazing com were previously in orchard grass, which will be rotated into small grains in the fall. In July, Mohn opened up the gates and allowed more than 100 head of cattle to graze on a half acre of the com. The com, measuring about five feet high, was just at the right stage to graze at tasseling. “They like it!” came one response from the producer, as the black Angus cattle fed on the lush leaves. “Yeah, they do!” said another. Within two hours, the cattle grazed most of the leafy sur- Hints For Freezing Corn On The Cob UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) According to the Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, if you want a taste of summer’s deli cious com crop in mid-winter, this is the time to act. Yes, you can remover the silk and freeze com in the husks. Some people are certain of this, but it’s not the recom mended procedure for long term storage. To freeze com on the cob, blanch small ears eight minutes, medium ears 10 minutes, and large ears 12 faces of the maize, leaving the stalk intact. Mohn expressed some reser vations about using the grazing maize. “I was afraid of (the cattle) knocking down more com than they utilize,” Mohn said. “Whenever you pasture com stalks in the fall, the cattle tend to romp through the whole area first and then go back and pick it clean. That’s what I’m hoping will happen.” The Baldridge hybrid maize is “a little bit more reasonable than most of your hybrid com,” or traditional field com variet ies, according to Mohn. Mohn said the soil on Papa Farai is “extremely droughty. Next week, if we have a couple of 90-degree days, you can come up and see everything brown here. We dry out real quick.” Mohn said that he used a plow-down fertilizer of about 250 pounds of nitrogen in a 20-10-10 mix. He also used a couple gallons of starter fertil izer in the solution and topdressed the maize with 30 units of nitrogen per acre. Mohn indicated that the grazing maize is useful only as a supplement, and that grass is “better than this stuff, which is high in water content." But there was no evidence of bloat in the cattle because the mater ial was not high in nitrogen. Mena Hautau, Berks agro nomy agent, said that looking at the grazing maize was useful on the soil type at Papa, consider ing that many similar farms in the area “took a beating” she said over last year’s summer drought. Cattle will easily chew the “nice, tender parts” of the maize, including the leaves and the tassel, said Mohn. The leaves are more soft and palat able, with less lignin. Mohn indicated there may even be more sugar content in the leaves, compared to hay. The field will be disced in the fall and small grains will be planted. Overall, the material car work in some operations as r supplement to rotational graz ing or traditional feeding, according to experts who spoke at the field day. minutes. If you cut it from the cob, blanch it five minutes. Or, try freezing com (or other vegetables) by the tray pack method. Place chilled, well-drained vegetables in a single layer on shallow trays or pans, such as cookie sheets. Place in the freezer until firm. Remove and quickly fill prc labeled bags or containers. Freeze immediately. The advantage is that food doesn’t freeze in a block, so you can pour what you need from the container and put the rest back in the freezer. Consider This Farmer’s Experience .Jr 2? Papp often experiment with new and Inexpensive methods of feed a* one #uch experiment is the use of a “grazing maize” for t'te 119 head of commercial Angus raised by Mohn. Now Is Time To Join 5-Acre Club STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) PMCGA is pleased to announce continuing support for its Membership Incentive Program (MEP) that it is con ducting in conjunction with a number of cooperating Pen nsylvania seed companies. The MIP with seed com company sponsorship will enti tle any com grower who plants at least five acres of com to a free bag of seed com (standard size) with a three-year member ship in PMCGA/NCGA. This program applies to all three-year memberships, new or renewal. To participate, simply com plete the membership form and indicate the brand of seed com you would like to try. Remem ber the theme of PMCGA’s program is “Try Something New,” so we hope you will use this opportunity to experiment a bit and not just get a bag of free seed com. You will receive a certificate for a free bag of seed from the company chosen from PMCGA. You will make the ultimate decision about which hybrid he to receive in consul tation with the local seed com dealer for the company you selected. / PMCGA will send the names and addresses by brand chosen to the appropriate seed com company’s statewide contact % ft n •(¥/ »• * *> itllf „ > i person and they will contact you. In addition to this incentive program, you’ll be joining more than 29,000 other growers across the country who are showing their support for the « Pennsylvania Master Corn Growers Association National Corn Growers Association lembership Application Name Farm Name Address '/State/Zi Count; Phone Farm Acres New Member PMCGA and NCGA duels for one year; $3O Special! Three years for $75! Make checks payable to; FMCG A Send to; PMCGA P. 0. Box 304 State College, PA 16804 Growers who harvest more than 5 acres of corn each year and sign up for a least three year membership qualify to recieve a free unit of seed com of their choice from the participating seed company listed Please indicate your choice if you qualify Seedway Chemgro Seed Pioneer Hi-bred Inti. NC+ Hybrids Ag Chem/Dyna-gro Agrlpro Wetsel Seed Company Inc. Doebler's Pa. Hybrids Inc.. Dekalb Genetics Agway ‘some hybrid restrictions may apply com industry and the develop ment of new com markets. Locally you’ll be supporting PMCGA’s activities such as Com Talk, the PMCGA Cora Conference, and local com promotion activities. Coifn Acres or Renewal. Try Something New!! below Cargill*