Page 12—Corn Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October -12, 1996 (Continued from Page 1) tions that use narrow row tech nology in vegetables or other crops have been successful as far away as Michigan. At Groffs farm, Roth spoke about the challenges growers face when trying narrow row com. “Most of the com we grow in Pennsylvania and the com- pro ducing states is grown on 30-inch rows,” said Roth. ‘To some folks that is narrow row com.” Rows measured 36-38 inches 15-20 years ago. In the years since, row spacing was reduced to 30 inches to make fields more productive. Today’s com varieties have the potential to work with nar row rows. To do so, equipment has to be modified at planting and harvest to accommodate narrower rows. At Groffs farm, a field that used to be in alfalfa was planted with narrow row com, 15 inches wide. Theoretically, said Roth, the narrow row com should provide early season growth and higher yields. Many growers have experienced a 5-6 percent grain yield increase as a result of using narrow rows. Producers have seen a 10 per cent increase in yields for com silage. “Now we’re at the point COMPARE. LOOKS ARE DECEIVING! K you think a bin is a bin and the brand doesn't matter, we can get you a deal on the Brooklyn Bridge, too Brock gram storage bins are better And we can prove it. Call us We'll show you how to gel more for your money with a Brock bin And you won't get stuck with the Brooklyn Bridge THERE'S ONLY ONE! Q BROCK. Grain Storage Bins Inc. 1248 SOUTH MOUNTAIN RD., DILLSBURG, PA 17019 Producers Try Narrow Row Corn where it’s time for producers like Steve and other folks to try this system on their farms,” said Roth. The advantages of narrow row com include earlier canopy of the ground, which would help retain soil moisture and control weed growth. Other potential benefits include decreased soil erosion and increased nutrient uptake. “It makes sense that we might be able to benefit from a system that captures more light and shades the ground,” he said. Also, nutrient uptake per acre is about 10 percent higher, “kind of important for folks interested in nutrient manage ment and wanting a com crop that takes up as much nutrients as possible,” he said. A conventional planting of field com has populations on 30- inch rows to about 30,000-32,000 plants per acre. Narrow row com density is about 38,000-42,000 plants per acre. In many cases, producers can simply use a 30-inch planter and double back on the rows. The only drawbacks could be in harvesting the material. “Harvesting is a little bit more of a challenge,” said Roth. “Generally, even harvest- PHONE 717-432-9730 FAX NO. 717-432-8389 ing these plots the last few years, I don’t find a whole lot of problems.” Equipment can be modified in a machine shop for $3,000-$4,000. Amortizing of equipment costs can be done at $5 per acre planting and $S for harvesting. A drawback could be the higher starter fertilizer costs since more product is necessary to accommodate more com in narrower rows. Also, for farmers using insecticide or starter fertilizer, “you might be looking at 50-100 percent more cost there,” or about $5-$ 10 per acre additionally for narrow row, Roth noted. Roth said that for silage com, producers have adapted their equipment to narrow row com accordingly. They use a Ger man rotary head that fits on a self-propelled chopper. But narrow row com has benefits beyond yield. “Some farmers in Maryland I’ve talked to say that if you get a windstorm or something, the stalks can sort of lay against one another. And they have said, if anything, they feel it’s not that big of a problem.” Roth said he hears encourag ing results from farmers. “I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of results we get here. I think this could be promising.” Bob Anderson, Lancaster County crops agent, said that “many of us, for many years, have been looking at whatever we can do to maximize our yields.” But while many people think that more inputs are necessary foryields, the reverse may be true that too many inputs can hurt yields. That’s why Penn State con mm miLi miwo PENNSYLVANIA MASTER CORN GROWERS ASSOC., INC. tinues to examine what field inputs are needed and to adjust the rate of fertilizers accordingly. Also, according to Ander son, work is under way to mea sure what those crops need. Anderson spoke about the use of a chlorophyll meter that measures the level of the chem ical substance in the com leaf to determine the nitrogen needs of the crop. Using that technolo gy, the Groff com had suffi cient nitrogen for a good yield. Because the com was rotated from alfalfa, there was no root worm damage. However, in late July, European com borer was damaging some com in the field.