!—Coi im Talk. Lancaster Farming. Saturday. October 12,1996 Bite Protection Bite Bite Btft Bt* Bt wf niSCOUMT *A( PRE-PAY R /ft DISCOUNT PLUS; VOLUME DISCOUNT —i _ offers Expire - \ Oct IS. 1996 \ SEASON-LONG PROTECTION. Nothing works better throughout the entire Nothing works better throughout the entire Now, European corn borer protection can last all the way to harvest. Get the season-long corn borer protection of YieldGarcT along with superior genetics in the most popular, high performance NK® brand hybrids like this one: A N4242EU (X4334C8R) RM:99 • Just as consistent and high yielding as N 4242. ' * Our Bt technology gives this hybrid extremely reliable resistance to European corn borer throughout the growing season. • Also offers some protection against fall armyworm and corn earworm. • Adapts to the same areas and management practices as N 4242. (3L) N46408t (X4734C8R) RM: 102 * All the agronomic advantages of N 4640. • Northrop King Bt technology adds the most effective, season-long resistance to European corn borer available. * Also provides some protection against fall armyworm and corn earworm. • Responds well on most soils under the same management as N4640 ' A N6BOOBI (X6534C8R) RM:110 * The same solid agronomic characteristics and disease package as N6BOO. ■ Northrop King Bt technology provides exceptionally strong resistance to European corn borer from emergence to black layer. * Also offers some protection against fall armyworm and corn earworm - an increased problem with late planting and no-till. * Adapted to the same areas and management _ practices as N6BOO. NOW THERE'S Yield Gard is a trademark of Monsanto Company, season. plant. ■>£#yx' n* €tfUW^NHB|Bl Ckxwrtl fwmom CH«COWOS. ita*Mui.*ifT > \ MAKSinUIIIA JWiftlr 1 mmmuum. Whfnitttnrf mi ' *?k 'PI S/s V* 4 v ts-jji r fiSSfSSI* J /s ' />•''' mmym tommmtn 717-2M-*iai JEHmy WEIGHT ummom laggwiwrr JA*IE*ULHtCH , N*w Oxford 7f7*4KM>*l«7 ALANWf'UN miSCtUs