Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 05, 1996, Image 37

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    State Officials
Cut Ribbon
(Continued from Page Al)
To help combat that concern, £ e Partial accreduanon given by
the state created the Pennsylvania A accredlUn f or gamzauon-
Animal Diagnostic Laboratory the American Assertion of Vet-
System (PADLS). PADLS is a tri- Diagnosticians
partite system utilizing the refer- Committee
ence sources, research techniques, said dier ? are °there.
and facilities of the state Depart- A . second Proviso was to have
ment of Agriculture, the Pennsyl- an ammaltoxicology center up and
vania State University and the Uni- r u " l ning ’ Leg'slatorcinthe last
versity of Pennsylvania. b “ d S et L approved $400,000 to
The goal of PADLS is to pro- allow t* l3l to happen. That facility
vide patholody and clinical pathol- ,s he at New Bolton Center,”
ogy services such as necropsy, his- C str *ch said,
topathology, immunohistochemis- Ostrich said a third proviso is to
ty, poultry pathology, clinical have a computer system linking
chemistry, hematology and aqua- die due® laboratory entities to the
cultural pathology; bacteriology efficiency of one.
and mycology work such as detect- Cn top of the instate expertise,
ing and identifying bacteria and Ostrich said that the environment
fungi, working with Lyme disease, among diagnostic laboratories,
DNA probes, serotyping of E.coli departments of agriculture and
bacteria (especially important with universities is one of mutual sup
new regulations concerning port He said to expect a sharing of
slaughter and meat packing), and technology and expertise from
Salmonella testing: and virology, around die country from Cor
such as isolating and identifying ndl University to Ames, lowa, to
viruses, using electron micro- Cah f °rnia and Texas —so that
scopy, and studying transmission. Pennsylvania may seek additional
. ~ _ , expertise or special tests that have
According to Dr Sherbyn been developed elsewhere to help
Ostrich, of Robesoma, the interim solve proslems here P
duector of thestate Ammal Health <There no s £ rets . We want
and Diagnostic Commission. tQ k America’s agriculture
while partial accreditation has clean wiU al * te
been received by the state the (overstates) may abo send things
completion of the new state diag- ta {ot rcvie<> J he said
nosttc laboratory puts the state m .* With±ftopeningofthis hbor .
position to receive full accredita- atory . we wm ha ve access to state
tion. He said he expects to seek a service thro hout
review in the second quarter of commonwealth ."
1997- A delivery service has also been
While completion of the labor- contracted to help animal owners,
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Pennsylvania’s new animal health diagnostic laboratory serves to house a number
of laboratories and contains specimen receiving, testing and storage areas. It Is a key
link In the Pennsylvania tripartite animal health diagnostic system, in cooperation
with research and facilities at University of Pennsylvania’s New Bolton Center and
Pennsylvania State University. The lab gives the state’s agriculture Industry an
Inhouse testing facility to help fulfill the requirements for export testing, and should
help stimulate business, as well as the ability to help prevent the spread of disease
among livestock and among people.
veterinarians and others with prob- “Our diagnostic lab is an out- legislators, agricultural organiza
lems send samples to the Harris- standing investiment in Pennsyl- lion representatives, staff and PDA
burg lab or elsewhere in the tripar- vania’s number one industry,” employees. Gov. Ridge said, “For
tite for testing. Contact the PDA Brosius said Monday to the large over 300 years, agriculture has
for more information. crowd under tent in front of the played an important role in Pen
. new laboratory. nsylvania’s development,” Ridge
During the ribbon cutting cere- “Qf agriculture’s $3.73 billion said, “there is an intimate connec
mony, Secretaiy Brosius acknow- , n annua i cas j, receipts, and $4O '-ion between Pennsylvania and
ledge the work done by his pre- billion in related economic activity agriculture. With the opening of
decessors, making special note of in the commonwealth, animal agri- this new lab, that connection will
hTW b V or T er Se ® retat y B °yd culture is the largest and most pro- continue into the 21st century.
Wolff to head up and support the ntable sector, representing 56 per- ‘There is little doubt it will be
development of the PADLS, and to cent 0 f f arm i ncome .” one of the premier laboratories in
seek legislative support. In addressing the laige crowd of United Stales,” he said.
of Lebanon, PA
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