DULancister Farming, Saturday, October 5, 1996 NEWPORT (Perry Co.) “Your people have some of the best lambs in the state and some of the best trained kids,” said Dr. Robert Herr, judge of the market sheep, breeding sheep, and sheep showmanship competitions held recently at the Perry County Fair. Herr has more than three decades of experience as a sheep judge, and judges about 12 shows each year. He went on to explain to the group that his job was made difficult because of the excellent work that 4-H leaders had done in preparing their kids. In addition to the sheep shows, the fair featured market swine, market steer, market goat, dairy cattle, dairy goat, and rabbit com petitions. Competition was espe cially keen in the market sheep and market swine shows. Show manship competitions were also held in conjunction with all of the above shows. Best doe of show shown by Helen Snyder. Amber Hetrick, left, with her grand champion market hog. Sisters Amanda Nace, rigth, with her grand champion market lamb and Veronica Nace with her reserve grand champion market lamb. Sheep judge Dr. Robert Herr com plimented show participants on the quality of lambs in the show. Showmanship Reigns Supreme At Perry County Fair Members of the Perry County 4-H clubs showed the majority of animals at the fair, although! FFA members from Newport, Green wood, and West Perry High Schools also participated. Several open competitors, including peo ple from outside the county, also showed animals at the fair. Forty-nine market lambs were shown at the fair. Amanda Nace won grand champion with her 113-pound Dorset lamb. Her sis ter, Veronica Nace, won reserve grand champion with her 120-pound Suffolk. Becky Myers was Master Sheep Showman, and Casey Hines was reserve champ ion sheep showman. Market swine judge Larry Arnold of Lebanon County told 4-H members to remember the parents, leaders, and others at the fair who worked so hard to help with the livestock show. From a total of 71 swine, the honors for grand champion went to Amber Hetrick’s 270-pound Hampshire hog. Honors for reserve grand champion went to Sam Lowe’s 246-pound Yorkshire hog. Aman da Nace was Master Swine Show man, and Josh Holman was reserve champion swine showman. Rachel Finkenbinder and brother Eric’s Limousin steers won grand champion and reserve grand champion honors. Rachel was also Master Market Steer Showman, and Christine Petersen was reserve champion steer showman. Honors and grand champion market goat went to Marijane Wright, with Sam Lowe’s market goat being named reserve grand champion. The Master Market Goat Showman was Bart Gill, and the reserve champion showman was Sam Lowe. In the dairy cattle show, an exceptional Holstein owned by Amanda Myers of the Perry Coun ty Dairy Club won awards for best udder, senior champion Holstein, grand champion Holstein, 4-H senior champion Holstein, and 4-H grand champion Holstein. Liza Haas was Master Dairy Cattle Showman. In the dairy goat show, Star fire’s WBB Alloette 4*M, owned by Helen Snyder, earned the titles of best doc in show, senior champ ion Nubian, and grand champion Nubian. A nubian doe owned by Kassy Snyder won honors for Best 4-H Doe in Show and 4-H Best of Breed. Kassy was also 4-H Master Dairy Goat Showman, with Sarah Spangler taking honors for 4-H reserve champion showman. The meat pen of grand champ ion market rabbits was shown by Nicholas Campbell, who also won the master rabbit showman award. On the fourth night of the fair, the master showman from each livestock category were assembled together to compete for the title of supreme showman. CHAMBERSBURG (Franklin Co.) Extension Agent Philip Wagner reports that 167 animals were exhibited by 95 youth at the 40th Annual 4-H Dairy Roundup held in conjunction with the Franklin County Fair. Larissa Mellon, St. Thomas, exhibited the junior champion, grand champion, and reserve grand champion Brown Swiss. Tammie Gloss, Chambersburg, exhibited the reserve junior cham pion Brown Swiss. The grand champion Guernsey was shown by Herbert Hoffeditz, Mercersburg. Craig Hight, Waynesboro, exhibited the re serve grand champion Guernsey. Emily Stuff, Mercersburg, ex hibited the junior and reserve junior champion Guernsey. In the Jersey competition, Cory Mellott, Mercersburg, exhibited the grand and reserve grand champion. The junior champion was shown by Curtis Reichard, Chambersburg, with Aaron Horst, Chambersburg, taking reserve junior champion honors. In the Holstein show, Justin Burdette. Mcrcersburg, exhibited the grand champion and reserve junior champion. Cory Meyers, St Thomas, took reserve grand champion honors and Amy Hart man, St. Thomas, exhibited the junior champion. Marijane Wright with her grand champion market goat, left, and Sam Lowe with his reserve grand champion. Rachel and Eric Finkenbinder with their grand champion and reserve grand champion market steers. which was awarded after the parti cipants had competed with each other by showing all categories of livestock. The Perry County Fair is one of the few fairs that spon sors this type of event Because she had competed for supreme showman at a previous fair, mas ter steer showman Rachel Finken binder allowed Christine Peterson, Dairy Roundup Franklin County Other exhibitors placing first in their classes included: Christopher Goetz, Joanna Hoover, Megan Meyers, Philip Mummert, Beth Meyers, Jack Rotz, Amy Gloss, Rachel Oliver, Christiana Mickey, Brad Glessner, Nicholas Helman, John Garber 111, Matthew Reich ard, Barbara Reichard, Hannah Koontz. Amanda Stoner, Donna Garber. Aaron Hartman, Kyle Burdette, and Rebecka Brake. Whitney Meyers, Greencastle, won the first year fitter award and Sheena Wingert, Mercersburg, took first year showman honors. Junior fitters honors went to Grace Webster, Greencastle, with Benjamin Mickey, Waynesboro, earning junior showman honors. Autumn Zimmerman, Mercers burg, was selected senior fitter and grand champion fitter of the show. In the showmanship competition, Jill Middour, Waynesboro, was chosen senior showman and grand v oOßseU^ the reserve champion steer show man, to compete in her place. Sev eral judges from different'lives tock categories were involved in the scoring process. The judges awarded the title of supremen showman to Lisa Haas, with the title of reserve supreme showman going to Becky Myers. At Fair champion showman. Juniors placing in the fitting and showmanship competition were Christopher Goetz, Whitney Meyers, Melinda Reichard, Katie Brant, Sheena Wingert, Dustin Mull, Emily Stoner. Abigail Ston er, Matthew Reichard, Aaron Horst, Andrew Ryder, Elizabeth Brake, Hannah Koontz, Melinda Martin and Emme Mellon. Seniors placing in the fitting and showmanship competition were Megan Meyers, Philip Mum mert. Amber Zimmerman, Curtis Reichard, Jack Rotz, Abby Gay man, Stacy Goetz, Cory Meyers, Matthew Martin, Amy Hartman, Kara Oliver, Justin Burdette, and Herbert Hoffeditz. The best bred and owned ani mal of the show was a 4-year-old Jersey exhibited by Cory Mellon. Type judge was John Burket, East Freedom. Becky Sonnen, Lancaster, was the fitting and showmanship judge.