The Official Publication For The PENNSYLVANIA MASTER CORN GROWERS ASSOC. SPECIAL SECTION IN LANCASTER FARMING OCTOBER 12 ADVERTISERS PLAN NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE PHONE 717-626-1164 OR 717-394-3047 DEADLINE FRIDAY OCTOBER 4 For Snook «. c Most Wori d f '%’ s ftlCfor P*SSS** SS£?aS5 s bom,,?.* ** Soootta *° a » Qw Club “* J asSfaSs? aaJaS. SsSSaass’ a^riST sSSSs 1 * ' don 'I enier Coni Oub 20J ?I!’ to ,95 3 be' A Year-Round Business At Wolf Farms the statewide com yield con- JOYCE BUPP PMCGA also wotks close- ' * *• York Co. )y wlt h penn Stale in education Correspondent , nd research work toward STEWARTSTOWN (York rd yie ids and cropping Co.)— Piles of icy snow suß linger slong the edges of tne -^yi C association helps to rolling fields at Wolf Fams, ole through educa west of Stewartstown. , ion u,d advertising, Dan But made the farm's offices, lddin g that the PMCGA s Dan Wolf contemplates the cftorts closely related fo the neon-green commodity pnee efforts of the chans scrolling across a satel- ]UQn|l Co ro Growers Asso hte momtor and makes plans cia(ion „ We •,]«, woik toward for planting com. enlightening and educating Com is king at this southern electe(i officials in the best York County crop farm, where mlerests 0 f com growers Dan Wolf and his brothers Proln o U ng new products Dave and Steve crop I,«W mjde from com is anotner acres of the golden gram crop of com growers along with addtuonal acreage Ethanol, an alter m soybeans, wheat, nmothy, njnve fuel m>de from com, and popcorn contmues to grow m volume of Wolf, a quiet, Kross the country Tax farmer who studies his bu - gr *nied for ethanol ness intently, is one of the new- developmwU we re a result of esl directors of the Pennsylva- e nons of the com ma Master Corn Growers rowe „, Msc: istions. Wolf Association (PMCGA) note d Familiar to many com pro- 't* aims tag. Com Talk, Laneatltr Farming, Saturday, Fabniary 10. 1896 GROWERS INFORMATION FEATURE INTERVIEWS STATE & NATIONAL ASSOCIATES NEWS PRESIDENT’S NEWSLETTER Rn talk S^UneM*. RNTALK m master corn growers assoc., INC. ~..operj a^^SSssssss»aa« tmm th# PhOtO bW* ."** SfßVt . WoM brother and partntr, stava. INC.