AfrUmcMter Farming, Saturday, Augu«t 17, 1996 Gift of Time What do you give the president of your country for his birthday 9 Allegiance to the flag, maybe? How about your voluntary efforts toward some aspect of your local community government, perhaps school board, selectmen, or conservation committee. Maybe your town library or a local clinic needs volunteers It was John F. Kennedy who started the Peace Corps of Young Americans for Overseas Service, after his famous inaugural address, "Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country.” Hillary Rodham Clinton's book. It ' Village (Simon & Schuster) is fu suggestions tor how to get involvi whatever your party affiliation One volunteer is worth two pressed men m Consider volunteering for something you DON’T know how to do; it's good training. One-Bowl Birthday Cake 2 squares (2 ounces) sweet dry ingredients over this and beat until smooth. Beat in the shortening, milk, and egg. Pour into a greased and floured 8-mch square pan and bake at 350° F about 35 minutes, until the edges pull away from the sides of the pan. (You can double this recipe for a 3-layer, round cake.) Frost as desired, or sprinkle with sifted confectioners’ sugar. Makes 9 servings. chocolate 1/2 cup boiling water 1 cup sifted flour 1 cup sugar 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 cup shortening, softened 1/4 cup milk legg Pour boiling water over chocolate, stir until melted, and let cool in a big bowl. Sift the m SOW PRODUC • Existing Farms WE OFFER: m GUARANTEED. PRICE 5 to 7 Year Contracts h RECORDKEEPING AND ON FARM SERVICE h FINANCING AVAILABLE PURINA MILLS, Inc. 800-873-5300 ig Facilities: Lancaster, Harrisburg, Hagerstown (2/97), Wyaluslng and Knoxville Manufacturin' August 19-25. 1996 Pres. Clinton’s Birthday, Aug. 19 • New Construction to Qualified Producers Morror S2.SO-65.00, No. 2 S5/120 lb*, mu ter 29.00-50.00; one No. 1 Holtlein heifer 90 Livestock Ibi. 107.50, few No. 2 70/80 Ibi. MERCER. PA 40.00-75.00. Few beef cron built and heif- AUGUST 11 i Bftir on 70/90 lbs. 29.00~62.00. CATTTJ? S WA HOGS 2S...BARROWS AND GILTS: iiwuwVmSSSjJTqZ m 13 335/450 “»■ 1225/1300 Ibi. 63.25-65.50. Select ec ivi-ico *t[_|,ji. ijt