Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 27, 1996, Image 46

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    810-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 27, 1996
t a
First Fairs
Mifflin Co. Correspondent
Fairs have dated as far back as
500 years before the time of
Christ! Hie prophet Ezekiel men
tioned fairs in the biblical book of
Ezekiel, winch was written in the
sixth century. The early church
celebrated religious holidays and
seasons by actively sponsoring
fairs. Then, during the mid-ISOOs,
fairs lost their religious affiliation
when churches stopped participat
ing in and promoting fairs. From
Big Business
There’re so many fun things to
do at (he fair! After seeing all of the
exhibits, you can visit commercial
displays of all types garden
tractors, field tractors, machinery
and other equipment. Carnival
tides cover the midway! You can
ride and play games with your
Most fairs have nightly enter
tainment. Larger fairs schedule
activities in front of the grand-
Exhibiting Fun
Every year, millions of folks
flock to their local fair to see their
area's best projects and products.
Whether it's crop samples, home
canned fruits or vegetables, home
grown garden produce, sewing,
woodworking or animal projects,
everyone wants their best put on
display. Earning prize money and
ribbons certainly are an incentive,
but pride in learning and a job well
done just might be the best reward.
If there is something special you
Find Fair Fun Fast
Mifflin Co. Correspondent
Words to find: fun friends french fries fish (goldfish) finger foods
free time fashions funy friends (animal) feed flurry (of activity) farm
(machinciy) FFA 4-H farmers field (crops) fabrics flowers flies Fido
id $
then on, fairs became events for
exhibiting commercial displays
and enjoying entertainment.
In 1641, New York City (then
called New Amsterdam) held the
first annual fair in the American
colonies. Agricultural fairs that
displayed local farm products
became commonplace throughout
the colonies by the mid-1700’s. In
1840, New Jersey and New York
held the first state fairs.
stands harness racing, car rac
ing, and rodeos.
Even though volunteers plan
most fairs, businesses look at fairs
as a good place to teach customers.
With more than 3,200 fairs held
annually in the United States and
Canada, fairs bring in more than
$1.7 billion dollars for the areas in
which they ate held. It all adds up
to big business!
like about your fair, something
done that no one else docs, some
thing unique to your area or some
unique exhibits you’ve seen, let us
know! Just send us aietter telling
us about your favorite part of your
local fair.
Write to: Lou Ann Good, Lan
caster Farming, P.O. Box 609,
Ephrata, PA 17522.
Make sure you include your
name, address, and name of the
12 3 456 7 89 10
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
What shouldn't you eat too much of?
3 1 14 4 25
What should all 4-H'er*s and FFA'er's help with?
3 12 5 1 14 21 16
What animals at the fair do not need to be fed?
1 14 9 13 1 12 19
What wheel carries lots and lots of people?
6 5 18 18 9 19 23 8 5 5
Check out these hot ideas!
19 1 14 4 23 9 3 8 5 19
8 15 20 4 15 7 19
Did you ever take part in these?
15 12 25 13 16 9 3 19 11 9
20 18 1 3 20 15 18 16 21 12
6 21 14 19 8 15 23
Whaf s your favorite activity at the fair?
11 12 13 14 15
3 15 20 20 15 1
19 20 21
8 15 20 19 1
2 1 18
5 20
6 6
19 1
14 25 1 18
44 9 5
12 4 15 7