% NORTHAMPTON The Raymond and Doris Klelntop, Jr., family farm 1200 acres near Kleck nersville In Northampton Coumy. This new Dairy of Distinction was pur chased by the Klelntop family in 1940. Today Raymond’s and Doris chi d ren and grandchildren are part of the farming operation. They milk 150 Hols telns and have a total of 400 head of dairy cattle on the farms. A freestan barn and milking parlor are used to handle the cows. Because milk Is a food, Raymond said the most important thing to prac tice around the dairy is cleanliness. “Because milk Is a food, you need to keep It clean,” Raymond said. Other words used by the family to describe Important things about dairy farming are “patience, devotion, determlna- President Baker’s Message * Since the Dairy of Distinction program began in Pennsylvania in 1987, hundreds of dairy farmers have k applied to have their farms recognized as a “Dairy of Distinction.” k J Those attractive farms that were honored to receive the colorful farm sign are truly an advertisement for k their industry, not only to their neighbors, but to those who pass their farms. This is the purpose of the prog- k k ram: to be a point of pride in promoting the source of the state beverage—milk. k £ However the executive committee recognizes there are may more farms that would merit the designation if k £ only they would submit an application to the program. Also, there are those farms that entered in the past £ k that have truly improved the appearance of their'farms and would now qualify. But no one else can enter for k k you. Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Dairy Farmer, this is a self nominating program. Only you can take the initiative to k £ complete the application and send it in. We encourage you to participate in 1997. k k It will make us all proud to see more farms strive to become a “Dairy of Distinction.” k k Thank you again to all our hard-working volunteers on the committees for making the program successful k the past eight years. Dan Baker k President, Pennsylvania k k Dairy of Distinction Program k 5 S Dairy of M Distinction Editor’s Note: 1997 application forms for Dairy of Distinction will be available after January 1, 1997. Forms are distributed by the American Dairy Association and Dairy Council, Inc., Tower Business Building, 239 Schuyler Ave., Box 5, Kingston, PA 1874-3378. Because Milk Is Food The Kleintop Family Keep Their Dairy Of Distinction Clean Inside And Outside. tion faith, good management, and family togetherness.” The Klelntop family are not looking to get larger. While they own 200 acres, the additional large number of acres of rented ground are iJJ"" (content areas where you don't know If you will have the land to farm from orKr M*t At present they grow almost all of their feed on the farms to feed the cows and for cash crops. A TMR mix Is used from the silos. They do not use BST. In the photo, the Klelntop family me ™^ r * from left, Jason and Carl on the tractor; Chris and Larry, Doris and Ray mSSd holding the Dairy of Distinction sign; Jeff, Rlck holding Can dace, Lisa, Cody, Connie, and Adam, Dennis and Nathan Dealer.