Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 22, 1996, Image 57

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    Dairy Recipes To
(Continued from Pago B 16)
1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 cup cold mashed potatoes
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups all-puipose flour
'/« cup baking cocoa
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup milk
1 cup chopped nuts
In a mixing bowl, cream butter
and sugar until fluffy. Add eggs,
one at a time, beating well after
each addition. Blend in potatoes
and vanilla. Combine flour, cocoa,
and baking soda, adding alternate
ly with milk, blending well after
each addition.
Stir in nuts. Pour into a greased
13x9-inch pan. Bake at 3SO
degrees for 40-45 minutes or until
cake tests done. Cool on a wire
I like to read Lancaster Farm
ing when the dairy contest is in. I
also like to read Kids Korner every
We live on a dairy farm. I am 13
years old. I enjoy living on a farm.
Rebecca Zook
1 bag or box graham cracker
A cup sugar
A pound butler
Line pan,' 8x12x2-inches with
graham cracker crumbs mixed
with butter and sugar. Be sure to
line sides of pan. Bake for 5
minutes at 325 degrees. Let cool.
First layer:
3 packages cream cheese
6 eggs
VA cups sugar
2 tablespoons lemon
Mix together ingredients for
first layer. Pour over crust. Bake at
325 degrees for4S minutes or until
knife inserted in middle comes out
clean. Let cool.
Top layer:
2 cups sour cream
4 tablespoons sugar
I teaspoon vanilla
Mix together ingredients for top
layer and pour over first layer.
Bake 10 minutes at 37S degrees.
Let cool. Refrigerate for several
hours before serving.
Linda Miller
New Smithville
2 cups milk
Vi cup butter
8 teaspoons salt
% cup brown sugar
6 cups warm water
4 tablespoons dry yeast
4 cups whole wheat flour
16-18 cups white bread flour
Scald milk; add butter, salt,
sugar, and stir to dissolve. Dissol
ve yeast in warm water and com
bine two mixtures. Add whole
wheat flour and gradually add
white flour, mixing and kneading
until elastic and not too sticky. Let
rise in warm place until doubled.
Punch down, let rise again. Work
into 8 loaves; let rise again. Bake at
350 degrees for 30 minutes. Butter
tops when removed from oven.
Remove from pans and enjoy.
This is our favorite bread
recipe. I enjoy making it for Sun
day dinner guests also. We are
turkey fanners in Perry County
and really enjoy all the wildlife. /
look forward to Lancaster Form
ing's Section B every Saturday.
Esther Burkholder
3 tablespoons butter
214 cup macaroni (do not cook)
4 cups milk
1 cup Cheddar cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
Melt butter in 2-quart casserole.
Stir in macaroni until well coated.
Add cheese, salt, pepper, and stir
well. Pour in milk Bake at 350
degrees uncovered for 1 hour.
We have a 185-acre dairy farm
in Snyder County. We milk 50
cows. Our daughters Janelle, 11
and Danielle, 6 help with the
chores. They have bunnies, sheep,
cats, dogs, and a goat they have to
take care of.
This recipe is a favorite of our
family. It’s so easy to make since
you don’t cook the macaroni
before baking. I have given this
recipe to many friends and family
A gallon vanilla ice cream
1 cup shredded coconut
Vt cup light brown sugar
2 cups crushed Rice Chex
A cup chopped nuts
‘/i cup melted butter
Mix everything well but the ice
cream. Put 3 /s of the mixture into an
8- by 8-inch cake pan. Place sof
tened ice cream over tye entire sur
face.'Put remaining mixture on
top. Return to freezer until ready to
My husband Ben and I both
grew up on farms. One of our
memories is the early morning
chore of milking the cows. We still
consider ourselves farmers, even
though the only farming we do is
our small vegetable garden.
We have two grown sons and
two beautiful little grand
When the boys were small, we
often made homemade ice cream
with farm fresh milk and cream.
Some of the ice cream would go
into this dessert and used later for
a special treat.
Karen Myers
East Berlin
1 cup milk
1 cup heavy whipping cream
'A cup sugw
'A teaspoon vanilla
Pinch salt
Mix together all ingredients and
transfer to a 12-ounce coffee can.
Set the can inside z larger can and
pack crushed ice between the sides
of the 2 cans. Add rock salt to the
ice and snap on a tight fitting lid.
Roll the can back and forth on a
porch or driveway for about 15
minutes. Remove lid. Drain the
water. Open the smaller can and
stir the ice cream. Reclose. Add
more ice and rock salt to large can.
Roll another 10 minutes. Enjoy.
I am seven yea's old. I have two
sisters and one brother. My
parents are Eli and Barbara. We
live on a dariy farm. I have two
bunnies, Chocolate and Benny. I
like reading, roller skating, and
riding my bike. My mother lets us
make this recipe when she thinks
we have extra energy. We don’t
mind because it is so good.
Amanda Zimmerman
Keep You On The ‘Moove’
2 cups pumpkins
2‘/a cups brown sugar
4 egg yolks, beaten
4 tablespoons flour
l‘/a quart milk
Va teaspoon vanilla
'/a teaspoon cinnamon
4 egg whites
Mix together evetything except
egg whites. Beat egg whites until
stiff; add '/« cup granulated sugar.
Mix egg whites last into pie mix.
Makes 4 pics. Put in tegular
medium-sized pie plates. Bake at
325 degrees for one hour.
We live on a farm. We milk 27
cows. If Dad is working in thefield.
Mom and I milk the cows. I like to
milk and work outside. There are
eight people in our family. My dad
and mom are Allen and Lovina
Zimmerman. I am the oldest and
am 12 years old. My sister Barba
ra Ann is 11 years old My brother
Allen Ray is five years old The
twins, Marlene and Marvin, are 3.
Lucille is the youngest and is one.
We love this pumpkin pie.
Deb Ewing
3 tablespoons butter, melted in
baking dish
2% cups uncooked macaroni
(pour into butter and stir until
Slice or dice 'A pound Velveeta
cheese and put on top of macaroni.
Sprinkle on 1 teaspoon salt and
'A teaspoon pepper. Pour 1 quart
milk over all. Bake uncovered at
32S degrees for VA hours. Do not
stir while baking.
The recipe comes out golden
brown and creamy. Other kinds of
cheese are good, too!
/ live on a dairy farm. I have six
brothers: Brian, 16; Michael, 13;
Steven, 11; Me, 8; Keith, 6, Wil
son, 4; and Benjamin, 2.1 feed the
calves. Wilson and Keith help me. I
also have to feed the chickens and
hunt the eggs.
I also have to watch my little
brother Benjamin. I help my dad
milk cows and feed. / help my
mother clean the house.
Andrew M. Martin
Graham cocker crumb crust:
2'/> cups graham crackci crumbs
'/a cup granulated sugar
'/a cup butler, melted
Blend together crumbs, sugar
and butler. Press crumbs firmly
into a 13x9-inch pan.
Mix together
8-ounces cream cheese
4 cups whipped cream lopping
1 can condensed milk
Pour mixture over graham crust.
Cook together
I‘/i cups water
'/> cup sugar
Thicken with 2 to 3 tablespoons
clear jell. Add 2 tablespoons
orange Jell-O. Cool. Add fresh
peaches. Once it’s cooled, pour
over cream cheese mixture.
Delicious! It’s one of our favo
rite summer desserts. I’m 13 years
old. I have two brothers and two
sisters. We live on a 50-acre dairy
farm and we milk about 39 Jersey
cows. We all enjoy helping with the
farm work.
Minerva Zimmerman
Sadie Mae Seller
1 pound butter, divided
6'/a quarts bread cubes
3 cups chopped celery
1 cup chopped onions
6 eggs, beaten
2 teaspoons parsley flakes
1 teaspoon celery salt
1 teaspoon garlic or onion salt
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon black pepper
3 teaspoons poultry seasoning
or sage
3 cups turkey broth or milk
Saute onions in melted butter.
Add bread cubes and lightly
brown. Combine remaining ingre
dients and add to bread cubes and
onions. Bake in casserole for one
hour at 325 degrees. Serves 20.
This is our family's favorite stuf
fing recipe. Mom makes it at
Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I have eight brothers and sis
ters. We live on a dairy farm in
Union County.
Carol Martin
3 cups mashed sweet potatoes
1 cup sugar
A teaspoon salt
2 eggs, beaten
'/> stick melted butter
'A cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup nuts
'/i cup melted butter
Combine sweet potatoes, 1 cup
sugar. 'A teaspoon salt, 2 beaten
eggs. 'A stick melted butter, 'A cup
milk, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mix
with mixer, then put in a 9 x
13-inch pan.
Topping: Mix brown sugar,
nuts, and Vi stick melted butter.
Make like crumbs and put on top of
sweet potato mix. Bake 'A hour at
3SO degrees.
This is the only way we like to
eat sweet potatoes. We live on a
dairy farm and are milking 22
cows. Our children are Emmy Lou,
4, Regina Mae, 2, and Jonathan
Lee, 6 weeks. We are all glad that
summer is arriving.
Joseph and Mary Lou Rainer
1 large box strawberry Jell-0
1 pint frozen strawberries
4 mashed bananas
l'/4cup boiling water
1 can crushed pineapple
T pint sour cream
Dissolve Jell-0 in the boiling
water. Add frozen strawberries,
pineajpple, and bananas. Place half
the mixture in the bottom of a dish
and add the sour cream.
Add remaining strawberry mix
ture. You can also use individual
dishes. Let set in refrigerator sev
eral hours before serving.
This recipt is very good on hot
summer days. I use my own straw
berries that I have prepared for the
My husband Darwin and / live
on IS acres. We grow hay and veg
etables. I work as a nurse at a local
Darwin is a printer at a local
business. Our children, Jennifer,
24, and Kevin, 23, are always
looking for some home cooking.
Jean Bensinger
New Ringgold
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 22, 1996-817
2 cups water
1 cup celery, chopped
1 cup carrots, chopped
A cup onion, chopped
1 pound fresh broccoli, washed
and chopped
Cheese sauce:
A cup butter
'A cup flour
2 teaspoons salt or to taste
'/« teaspoon pepper
4 cups milk
1 pound Velveeta cheese, cut in
Vi inch cubes or 4 cups grated
cheddar cheese
2 cups ham, cut in Vi inch cubes
In large kettle, combine water,
celery, carrots, and onion. Bring to
boil; reduce heat Simmer, cov
ered, for about 5 minutes or until
tender. Add broccoli; cook until
broccoli is tender, about S minutes
(to keep broccoli bright green,
leave the cover slightly ajar). Do
not drain vegetables.
To make sauce, melt butter in
large saucepan; blend in flour, salt,
and pepper. Cook, stirring, for 1
minute. Stir in milk; cook until
thickened. Stir in the cheese and
cool until melted; add the ham
cubes. Combine cheese mixture
with undrained vegetables. Serves
This is a favorite dish of most of
us in our family. Each of the child
ren seems to have one vegetable
they aren't too fond of, but gener
ally don’t complain, as long as I
vary the menu.
I’m the mother of 1 girl and 4
boys ranging in age from 2-13
years. After living in lowa for 7
years on a beef, hog, and crop
farm, we moved back to Pennsyl
vania last spring. My husband died
after a short battle with cancer and
I felt the need to be close to family
■and friends.
My children and I now live on
my dad’s farm and help him with
fieldwork. I feel truly blessed to
have the opportunity to give my
children a chance to still experi
ence farm life and work.
1 pound cream cheese (room
1 pound creamed cottage cheese
1 pint sour cream
I'A cups sugar
4 eggs
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons cornstarch
!4 cup butter, melted
Cream the cream cheese, add
cottage cheese, and beat IS
minutes. Add remaining ingre
dients separately. Blend thorough
ly after each addition. Bake in a
greased and floured spring-form
pan. Bake 60 minutes at 37S
degrees. Turn oven off, let cake
cool completely in oven with door
Brenda Oberholtzer
Frances G. Westfall
New Oxford