Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 15, 1996, Image 50

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    810-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 15. 1996
\ A
Bradford Co. Correspondent
Co.) Kids of all ages celebrated
the first day of June Dairy Month
by traveling to Northeast Bradford
County to participate in the annual
dairy festival. Perfect sunny, but
not too hot, weather painted the
perfect backdrop for the day’s
A parade was the first event on
the agenda. Stuffed cows, card
board cows, and cow crazy people
graced almost every entry. Also
participating in the parade were
county officials, fire companies, a
marching band and of course, the
1995 Dairy Royalty. Jodi Colton
and her first runner-up, Ellen Kee
ney and the 1996 Bradford County
Dairy Princess Contestants, Stacey
Mattocks, Robin Wilson and Julia
After lots of chicken barbecue,
burgers, hot dogs, and ice cream
was consumed, the day’s festivi
ties continued with a milking con
test The 1995 Dairy Princess chal
lenged the three contestants for the
first round of the milking contest
only to be out-milked by contes
tant Julia Wanck and contestant
Robin Wilson. After the royalty
had their opportunity to show their
skill, the public was invited to take
a turn.
Next on the agenda was the ice
cream eating contest. All willing
participants placed their hands
behind their backs and their faces
in the bowl of ice-cold vanilla and
raced until they were finished.
Everyone had fun while watching
the best ice cream eaters dig in.
The seat of a pedal tractor was
one of the favorite spots for many
children at the event. Even before
any competition, children ran from
seat to seat trying to see which was
the most powerful. Even with all
the activity, many of the people
who turned out for the day’s events
made it into the evening to attend
the pageant where the 1996 Brad
ford County Dairy Princess and
her court were named.
Robin Vandervort slurps up some ice cream at the Ice
cream eating contest.
Ice Cream, Milking Cows At Dairy Festival
21 *months old, Klersten
Fink of Kirkwood, N.Y.,
enjoyed to riding on the ped
al tractors at the Bradford
County Dairy Festival.
“It’s good!" said Shawn
Vanderpool, of East Smith
field, as she takes another
lick of her chocolate Ice
cream cone.
Kids young and old enjoyed hay rides throughout the day at the Bradford County
Dairy Festival.
Five-year-old Tyler Wheaton,
of Warren Center, tries out
one of the pedal tractors In
preparation for the contest.