Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 08, 1996, Image 36

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    A36-Lancuter Farming, Saturday, June 8, 1996
Lancaster Farming Staff
LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.)
By looking at the perfectly uni
form strawberries Jeffrey Erb
picked at 5 a.m. on Wednesday
morning, no one would suspect
that the berries had endured recent
frost, cold, pelting rain, and hail.
The surprised 11-year-old pock
eted $2lO for producing the best
looking berries in time for the
annual 4-H Strawberry Festival
sponsored by the Lancaster Rotary.
High bidder for the prize berries
was S.G. “Bud” Fletcher, president
of Lancaster Electric Incorporated.
A staunch supporter of encour
aging young enterpreneurs to
develop good business sense,
Fletcher had bid at the annual
roundup in previous, years but this
was the first time he took home the
grand champion berries.
Fletcher planned to share the
two-quarts of berries with his nine
grandchildren. “Plain strawberries
and cream —you can’t get any bet
ter than that,” Fletcher said.
Jeffrey’s 14-year-old sister Dia
na won the reserve placing and
$lOO from Calvin High , senior
vice president of High Industries.
“My wife loves them,” High
said of his decision to take home
berries instead of flowers for his
Ag Secretary Warns
Of Rabies Danger
HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.)
Agriculture Secretary Charles
C. Brosius warned Pennsylva
nians about the need to immunize
their pets for rabies.
“As the weather gets warmer,
Pennsylvanians and their pets will
be spending more time outdoors,
increasing the danger of rabies ex
posure,” Brosius said. “It is im
perative that people get their pets
Last year, 418 positive cases of
rabies were reported across the
Pennsylvania law requires all
dogs and household cats over
three months of age to be vaccin
ated by a licensed veterinarian.
Owners must also ensure that their
pet is vaccinated as needed
throughout its life. Those who do
not comply not only run the in
creased risk of rabies exposure,
but could be assessed a $3OO fine
for each day they are in violation
of the law.
“Rabies is s serious disease.”
said Brosius. “By simply getting
our pets vaccinated, we can great-
National FFA
“National FFA Online,” located at, provides
members, advisers, and other
Internet users information about
programs and services offered
through the National FFA Organi
zation, the agricultural education
organization for students.
“The Internet allows us to pro
vide immediate information and
resources to our members and
advisers, and to other people inter
ested in agricultural education and
youth organizations,” said Bill
Stagg, FFA director of communi
cations. “We estimate that about
75 percent of FFA chapters have
Internet access, with more going
online daily. Many FFA gdvisers
are using the Internet In their
Strawberry Roundup Seeds
Investments For Future Entrepreneurs
wife. He hoped to eat the berries in
strawberry shortcake.
Diana had been the grand
champion winner two years in a
row and was happy that her brother
topped her this year.
The brother and sister duo said
that they each have 100 Earli-glo
plants, which they keep separately.
They are the children of James and
Romaine Erb of Neffsville.
Twenty 4-H’ers participated in
this year’s Strawberry Roundup.
Dr. Zoann Parker, 4-H extension
agent, said that the roundup date is
set six weeks in advance. The
unusually cool spring produced
some anxiety in 4-H’crs who
feared the strawberries would not
be ripe in time for competition. In
spite of the weather, Parker said,
“their projects tuned out to be fairly
To encourage good business
practices, participants must keep
detailed records and write a story
about care-taking efforts. Because
berries are not harvested the first
year the strawberries are planted,
the Rotary Club encourages
4-H’ers efforts by donating $l5O in
prize money for the record books.
After the champion and reserve
berries were sold, auctioneer Har
old Keller continued the bidding
with berries bringing between $3O
and $55 for 2-quarts.
ly reduce the chances of exposure
to this deadly disease.”
He cautioned against contact
with wild or domesticated animals
that are exhibiting unusual or ag
gressive behavior.
Rabies is a viral disease pri
marily contracted from the saliva
of an infected animal. People bit
ten by an animal should immedi
ately wash the wound with soap
and water.
If an individual believes either
they or their pet have come into
contact with a rabid animal, they
should seek the advice of a physi
cian or veterinarian immediately.
Treatment before symptoms de
velop is usually very successful;
however, once the disease devel
ops, it is invariably fatal.
It is also imperative that all
dogs be licensed as mandated by
law. If a dog has been exposed or
has bitten someone, vital informa
tion about rabies vaccinations can
be traced through the number on
their tags. Licenses can be ob
tained through the county treasur
er’s office.
classrooms. Our site augments
their lessons by providing agricul
tural education and FFA materials
in a format that intrigues and
engages students.”
National FFA Online features
FFA information, a biweekly col
umn by the national FFA officers,
online versions of FFA publica
tions, listings of international
travel opportunities, links to FFA
chapter and state homepages and
other agricultural Internet sites, a
guest book for visitors, e-mail
links to FFA staff, media informa
tion, and form and applications to
print out, complete and submit
Eventually, advisers will be able
to complete and submit applica
tions online.
Berries raised by siblings Jeffrey and Diana Erb won the grand and reserve champ
ion ribbons respectively at the Lancaster Rotary Club Strawberry Roundup held on
Wednesday. S.G. "Bud” Fletcher, right, paid $2lO for Jeff’s champion berries while
Calvin High paid $lOO for Diana’s berries. Auctioneer Harold Keller stands In the
Other placings are as follows: 3. Hoover, 9. Melissa Holloway, 10. Megan Holloway, 16. Stephen
Lee Ressler, 4. Jimmy Mullen, 5. Kara Shenk, 11. Emily Mininger, Leaman. 17. Derek Stoner, 18.
Cate McMahon, 6. Amy McMa- 12. Zack Mininger, 13. Karly Matthew Greiner, 19. Lynn
hon, 7. Michelle Brubaker, 8. Andy Bucher, 14. Sarah Saunders, 15. Ressler, and 20. Heather Crockett
Hat a
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