AB-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 13, 1996 Blooming Liverwort & Bloodroot! Bloodroot in bloom, Lexington, Mass., 1965” . . . “Hepatica in flower, Lexington, Mass., 1960” ... so read our old Almanac pages for mid-Apnl, announc ing the first spring blooms of these age-old plants. Hepatica, otherwise known as the three-lobed leaves and white or lavender flowers of the liverwort plant, gets its common name fVom a resemblance to the liver itself. Bloodroot has a fleshy root stock and red juice. Both were once considered remedies, by the Doctrine of Sympathies, for ailments in those departments To the rest of us, > they are harbingers of spring. p . “Adapt the remedy to the disease. ” - Chinese proverb Jjuf os- Apply a plalntain leaf, a drop of vinegar, onion juice, or baking aoda and water to relieve a bee ating. Spring Watercress Salad 1 bunch (about 1/4 pound) I ■ I ash and trim water watsrcrsss 1111 cress, then cut in 1 small rod onion V If half. Thinly slice the 4 eggs, hard boiled rec | onion. Chop the 1 small cucumber, peeled i/li eggs. Slice the cucum 6to > large mushrooms jjljj b er an( j mushrooms. jjnja Assemble all the salad UjU ingredients, layering watercress, then onion, M cukes, mushrooms, and i eggs. Whisk together It salad dressing, pour over Za salad, and toss. mk Makes 4 servings. Creasing; 1/2 cup tour cream 1/8 cup lemon juice 1-1/2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon red or Balsamic vinegar salt and pepper to taste Rim SOW PRODUCER • Existing Farms • New Construction WE OFFER: GUARANTEED PRICE 5 to 7 Year Contracts RECORDKEEPING AND ON FARM SERVICE FINANCING AVAILARLE IDI PURINA MILLS, Inc. 800-873-5300 Manufacturing Facilities: Lancaster, Harrisburg, Hagerstown (2/97), to Qualified Producers CATTLE 107™ PDA ...Compared with Uit week'* ule™oowi mo*tly 1.00 to 1.30 higher. STEERS: Choice 1300/1470 lb*. 57.25-61.25, couple 54.75. HOLSTBINS: one Prime 139 S lb*. 57.50, couple Select 50.25 ft 5100. Jfc OLD FARMER’S COWS; few Breaking Utility aid Com merciil 35.25-39.75, Cutter and Boning Utility 3275-36.00, Camer and Low Cot ter 27.00-32.25. Shell* down to 21.75. BULLS: one Yield Grade No. 1 1343 lb*. 38.25, one No. 2 1050 lb*. 33.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: few Medium Frame No. 1 400/560 lb*. 47-50-53.00; WEATHER PROVERBS . 412-248-9785 717-582-2397 717-896-8314 610-847-5563 610-381-3781 717-865-2037 LiITTZ, PA ELVIN M. HURSH New Holland Sales Stables Goat and Sheep Sale Monday, April % 1996 GOATS: 631 HEAD. BILLIES 75-100 LBS. 100.00-140.00; MUTTON 65-75 LBS. 75.00-90.00; NANNIES 4S-S5 LBS. 55.00- YEARLINGS 45-60 LBS. 60.00- KIDS 20-35 LBS. 35.00- FEW 50.00-70.00. SHEEP: 1031 HEAD. ALL WEIGHTS. RAMS 25.00-45.00; EWES 25.00-60.00; YEARLINGS 40.00-70.00; 2 YEAR OLDS 30.00-50.00; SLAUGHTER LAMBS 80-100 LBS. 90.00-105.00; 100-130 LBS. 10.00-90.00. NEW CROP LAMBS, CHOICE 25-40 LBS. 180.00-240.00, 40-60 LBS. 160.00- 60-80 LBS. 130.00-160.00, 80-100 LBS. 110.00-130.00; GOOD 25-40 LBS. 100.00-150.00, 40-60 LBS. 100.00- NC+ 6959 ♦ 117 Days, 2590 GDUs 4 Outstanding yields from this full-season hybrid 4 Excellent standability and stay green 4 Good ability to tolerate com borer 4 High-TDN silage hybnd THOMPBONTOWN, PA DAVID B. SANER RICHFIELD, PA SAMUEL E. KNOUSE SALEM, N.J. DONALD EMEL THOMPSONTOWN, PA ROGER L. SANER WESTMINSTER, MD R. TODD LEISTER 717-733-3538 717-665-6627 717-535-5103 717-463-2885 609-769-1577 717-535-5307 410-848-8528