D6-Lancaatar Fanning, Saturday, April 13, 1996 ii6i nonii cois - ukutii conn HID Ul MI! lIIUW HI 2-1 81-1 1-11 COUMIt M 3-1 II M imns II 1-3 II 3-10 Ml non ■ CM'S un inn i iiouiii 0(0102 000(01 joiin c min meu ILLS Ull lIIIIIIT umi oioni nun«in mini sio (00071 SIS duiii i stoitsto on un i ononis 41 join s smnns n nun sun . urn ' usm c SToiTins HUM MODI OUT Dill HU unis unis o uin mm 233 lIIDCI GIKII lILUI Kill 205 ciuu Mini m-um fur OtllU uil ■ mi nuu sriiin j itohifoi CUOIT RUCII OUKIL mu ram n unim i ran Finn IM lUCI TURK CUFF FU»n iot i ramie lU-ITUD ICUDT Kingston (Luzerne Co.) Do you take pride in maintaining your Hairy farm? Does your dairy farm project an attractive, wholesome image to consumers? If so, the Dairy Of Distinction Program of New York, New Jersey and Penn sylvania will consider your farm for the program’s annual recogni tion awards. The Northeast Dairy Farm Beautification Program was first Attractive dairy farms give the consumer greater confidence in the wholcsomcncss of milk and stimulate milk sales which encourages public support for the dairy industry The award gives recognition to the da