Page 18—Corn Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 16, 1996 MANAGING COVER CROPS EOR CONSERVATION TILLAGE William S. Curran Department of Agronomy Penn State Cover crops are crops seeded to provide a soil cover or barrier from soil erosion. In addition, cover crops can improve the soil by adding organic matter, nutrients, and stability, and act as scavengers to trap leftover nutrients that otherwise may leach out. Cover crop uses include ground covers, mulches, green manures, nurse crops, smother craps, and forage and food uses for animals or humans. Cover crops can be annual or peren nial species including certain legumes, grasses, and non leguminous dicots. An understanding of the cropping system is necessary for selecting the proper cover crop. Characteristics important for cover crop selection include life cycle, seeding date and rate, winter hardiness, nitrogen fixa tion or scavenging ability, feed or forage value, and establish ment costs. There is no single cover crop or system that will provide all benefits. Therefore, exper imentation may be necessary before identifying suitable cov er crop(s) for an individual system. Management of the cover crop is critical for deriving the benefits and minimizing poten tial problems that may arise. Planning the management strategy well in advance will assure the greatest success. Management of Cover Crops Preplant Considerations Prior to cover crop establishment, several factors must be considered. Soil fertili ty is an important consideration in any cropping system. A reli able soil test which determines the nutrient limitations of a soil including pH is a good place to begin the planning process. If certain nutrients are limit ing, follow soil test recommen dations for the primary crop, keeping in mind that high fertil ity will also maximize cover crop growth. Another important consider ation is the pest history of the field. In general, additional pest management inputs are not necessary when utilizing cover crops. However, as with any crop, pests can become a prob lem in the cover crop system. If possible, select fields that have minimal pest problems when establishing the cover crop. Since there are generally crop/pest associations such as alfalfa or clover and leafhopper or winter small grains and wint er annual weeds, these pests can also become a problem in the newly planted cover crop with in a cropping system. Consider the herbicide applied the previous season. Certain herbicide residues can carryover and injure sensitive rotational crops. If these residues have not dissipated before a sensitive crop is planted, injury or death of the cover crop may occur. Herbicides including atra zine and simizine can injure both grass and legume crops and several of the herbicides belonging to the sulfonylurea and imidazolinone families persist and can injure legumes. Always refer to current crop protectant product labels to be certain of crop rotation restric tions or other limitations before establishing any crop. Establishment Options Several options exist for seeding cover crops, including conventional, no-till, or broad cast seedings. Good seed-to-soil contact is necessary for proper germina tion and emergence. (When broadcast seeding, increase the seeding rate for proper stand establishment.) In general, using preplant til lage to prepare the seedbed, controlling weeds, and disrupt ing insect and disease life cycles improves cover crop establishment. Conventional seedbeds are prepared by plowing, disking, and harrowing the soil prior to seeding. Seeding depth depends upon the species being sown. Generally, for most cov er crops, small-seeded legumes require shallow seed placement ('/« inch), while larger seeded legumes and small grains are generally planted 1 to V/i inches deep. No-till seedings can also be successful, but planting equip ment as well as potential pest problems must be considered. Excessive plant residues can hinder uniform planting and interfere with seedling deve lopment. However, a no-till drill that places the seed at the proper depth and allows good seed-to-soil contact is an excel- lent seeding option. No-till seedings are best suited for areas where soil ero sion is a concern. Be sure to control live vegetation at plant ing time with an appropriate bumdown herbicide applica tion (e.g., Roundup). Broadcast seeding may also be acceptable, although this is often the least successful method. Small-seeded species such as the clovers tend to establish better by broadcast compared to larger seed spe cies. Several broadcast tech niques and timings may be utilized. Surface seeding with a drop type or cyclone-type seeder provides a uniform distribution of seed. For larger areas, aerial seeding by fixed-wing aircraft or helicopter in late summer during crop die down can be effective. As the leaves of soy bean plants drop off, they act as a mulch by covering the seed and allowing for retention of moisture and soil protection. Another broadcast seeding method is frost-seeding, which occurs during late fall or early spring when the ground is hon eycombed. This allows the seed to fall into the cracks and ger minate when the temperature rises in the spring. Cover crop seeding at layby or last cultiva tion has generally not been successful. Suppression or Control of Cover Crops Cover crops that interfere with growth of the primary crop defeats their benefits. Effective control or suppression of the cover crop is generally neces sary before emergence of the main crop. Commonly used methods include tillage, mowing, herbi cides, or selection of species that winterkill or have a short life cycle. Whatever The Crop, Pioneer Has The Seed And Inoculant You Need. ■ Pioneer... Quality Forage Source. >@g\ PIONEER. > fm W4W WMKJCTj If you're striving to increase 1 of forage crops, there's no be than with Pioneer. Kent L. Fritz 8 Japonica Dr. Lititz, PA 17543 717/626-9484 Martin L. Snyder 245 Ridge Avenue, Ephrata, PA 17522 Fowl’s Feed Service Inc. PO Box 15, Peach Bottom, PA 17563 717/548-2376 717/738-1500 Tillage not only controls but incorporates cover crops into the soil allowing them to degrade quickly and release nutrients for the primary crop. An example of this would be a cover crop used as a green manure. Moldboard plowing is often necessary if large amounts of cover crop biomass are present. Chisel plowing followed by disking may be inadequate for certain cover crops such as cereal rye if large amounts of residue are present. Mowing can successfully control certain covers prior to planting the primary crop if timed properly. Mow hairy vetch when the first puiple flowers are visible. Mowing vetch prior to flowering can fail to provide adequate control and result in both crop competition and the production of vetch seed which could affect future small grain production. Mow ing vetch after pod formation may result in viable seed pro duction which may impact the primary crop. Mow cereal grains after heading to insure successful control. Mowing prior to head emergence will likely result in regrowth from tillers. Regrowth from cereal grains harvested for forage in the boot stage of development is a com mon problem for producers that do not use an appropriate herbi cide program. Certain crops such as oats can be either mechanically incorporated or mowed after heading or can be used as forage. Pasturing with animals or cutting for hay or silage are viable ways of utilizing cover crops for other means besides soil improvements. Species which have short life cycles or are not winter hardy may also be a means by which cover crops are controlled. Generally. Joe Hess Phares Hurst 432 South Erisman Road 175 Center Souarp Rri 7 a i7/B«aU 7 S. 5 LeoTpA?7 U 5 717/653-9490 717/656-7944 crops which are planted in the fall, produce vegetation, and are killed by cold temperatures in late fall/early winter provide adequate ground cover and are effective in conserving and improving soil as well as hold ing moisture. Be aware that winter kill occasionally may not occur. Control or suppression of cover crops can be done effec tively with herbicides. In addi tion to product selection, appli cation timing is important. In general, make herbicide appli cation at least one week ahead of planting. This insures com plete kill as well as some dry down of the cover crop prior to planting the primary crop. Several options exist for managing cover crops with her bicides. See the individual commodities sections within the Penn State Agronomy Guide or other related publica tions for more information about product selection. Proper management of the cover crop will ensure its suc cess. Plan the establishment and control strategies well ahead of time. Be aware of potential limita tions and problems that can arise with cover crop manage ment systems. Keep expecta tions reasonable and adapt the management strategy when necessary to reduce potential problems and capitalize on the benefits.