Bio-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, Fabruary 24, 1996 -,'i!, 'j Elizabeth and her mother enjoy reading books together. Elizabeth also shares her mother’s love for preserving farmland. Now, through the sale of the T-shirts like the one Elizabeth is wearing, more money Is being raised to help farmers preserve their farms. ids Seven-Year-Old Draws LOU ANN GOOD Lancaster Farming Staff RAWLINSVILLE (Lancaster Co.) —When 7-year-old Elizabeth Zimmerman-Clayton drew a pic ture of a farm, she had no idea that her picture would appear on hun dreds of T-shirts. “I was at the picnic and they told us to draw a farm scene,” Elizabeth said. “I sat two minutes and thought about it and then drew it” The picnic was the annual one held by Lancaster Farmland Trust in September 1995. Judges selected Elizabeth’s drawing iron several finalists, many who were older than Elizabeth. “I never won anything before,” Elizabeth said. Elizabeth’s drawing is a brightly four-colored farm scene of a bam, cow, fields, silo, and tractor. “But they cut off the front wheel of the tractor,” Elizabeth said of her picture that was reproduced on the shirts. The shirts are being sold to raise money to preserve farmland in Lancaster County. Elizabeth, herself, lives on a farm that is preserved by Lancaster Farmland Trust That means that the land on the farm must be used ortiei#® T-Shirt Design few fanning and cannot be used to build houses, factories, or stores. If they want to, Elizabeth’s family may sell the farm, but the person who buys it must use it for farming. Elizabeth’s parents, Nancy Zim merman and Clifford Clayton, own the 28-acre farm in New Provi dence Township. The farm was purchased by Nancy’s parents in 1941. Nancy loves the open fields and wooded areas on the farm. She was alarmed to see so many other beautiful farms like hers turned into housing developments. She believes that the growth of agricul ture should be encouraged in the county because the farm heritage has enriched the lives of all people who live in the county. Elizabeth’s mother said that she wants to see farmland preserved 00****'“' Paul, Elizabeth’s 10-year-old brother, Is an accomplished fc> Elizabeth cuddles one of her three cats. because, “I hope my children havi a county to live in like I did when! was little.” Elizabeth said that the bam si drew looks like the one on the property. The green and brew fields look like those outside h window in the springtime. “The silo is like Naomi’s - she’s my Amish neighbor,” El zabeth said. Evidently Elizabeth inheritei some of her father’s artistic talent He taught art for a number of yean before beginning his own antique restoration business in the farm'i bam. Neighbors farm the land. No one can accuse her dad fo helping Elizabeth with her winnin picture because he didn’t eve know she drew the picture until i (Turn to Page Bit) / * O // X < ■xi