Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 24, 1996, Image 42

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    Potatoes Sprout
Tasty Pleasures
Although the potato appears to
be a bulky vegetable, it is 80 per
cent water. The potato is a nutrient
dense food because it provides
good nutritional return for its
The potato is an important sour
ce of complex carbohydrates, vita
min C and 86, trace elements of
manganese, chromium, selenium,
and molybdenum. The potato sup
plies about 20 percent of people’s
daily potassium needs.
Not only is the potato a healthful
choice, it tastes delicious and can
be prepared in hundreds of ways.
Here are a few delicious ideas from
our readers.
4 cups diced potatoes
V* cup diced onions
10-ounce can chicken broth
6 slices bacon, cooked,
1 cup cottage cheese
A teaspoon salt
'A cup chopped celery
2 cups milk
A teaspoon pepper
In large pot, cook vegetables
until tender. Remove one cup veg
etables and add 1 cup cottage
cheese add place in blender. Blend
until smooth. Add blended mixture
to pan, then add 2 cups milk,
'A teaspoon salt (optional),
A tespoon pepper. 6 slices cooked
and crumbled bacon, 2 teaspoon
bacon grease for flavor (optional).
Heat through and serve right away.
Serves 4-6.
Jennifer Davis
Berks Co. Dairy Princess
2 pounds frozen hash browns or
tater tots (thawed)
'A cup butter, melted
'A teaspoon pepper
'/ cup green pepper (chopped)
1 pint sour cream
2 cups Cheddar cheese (grated)
1 teaspoon salt
'A cup onion, chopped
1 can cream of celery soup
Blend all ingredients except
potatoes, then fold them into the
mixture. Pour into 9x 13-inch pan.
Top with bread crumbs and V* cup
melted butter. Bake at 350 degrees
for one hour, covered, then 30
minutes uncovered. Serves 10-12.
Jennifer Davis
Berks Co. Dairy Princess
Recipe Topics
If you have recipes for the topics listed below, please
share them with us. We welcome your recipes, but ask that
you include accurate measurements, a complete list of ingre
dients and clear instructions with each recipe you submit.
Send your recipes to Lou Ann Good, Lancaster Farming,
P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Recipes should reach our
office one week before publishing date.
3 cups mashed potatoes
'A cup milk
'A cup butter
'A cup parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
Mash potatoes with milk, butter,
salt and pepper until creamy. Put in
9-inch glass pie dish. Sprinkle with
parmesan. Bake at 350 degrees
until golden. Approximately 20
minutes. Serve as side dish with
meat. Serves 6.
Jennifer Davis
Berks Co. Dairy Princess
3 large potatoes, peeled, sliced,
and placed in cold water
'A teaspoon savory
'A teaspoon cayenne pepper
'A teaspoon white pepper
1 tablespoon chopped fresh
1 garlic clove, peeled
2 eggs, beaten
3 A cup milk
'A cup heavy cream
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Drain potatoes and dry slices well.
Place in bowl.
Mix savory, cayenne pepper,
white pepper, and parsley together.
Add to potatoes and mix.
Rub baking dish with garlic
clove. Butter dish generously and
arrange potato slices in layers.
Season with salt Mix eggs, milk,
and cream together. Pour over
potatoes. Bake in oven 40 to 50
minutes. Serves 4.
2 cups mashed potatoes
'A cup finely chopped onion
2 tablespoons flour
Salt and pepper to taste
2 medium eggs
Oil for flying
In a medium bowl, mix all
ingredients, except oil for frying.
Spoon into flying pan over
medium heat until lightly browned
on both sides.
Makes 6 to 8 individual potato
National Nutrition Month
Peanuts and Other Nuts
Fruit and Nut Breads '
Lisa Span-
Upper Falls, Md.
B. Light
Potatoes are adaptable to almost every flavor and combination in casserole dishes.
4 medium potatoes, washed,
3 tablespoons butter
Salt and pepper
Slice potatoes. Melt butter in
heavy 10-inch skillet Add pota
toes. Cover and cook on low heat
IS minutes. Remove cover.
Increase heat slightly and cook 10
minutes, or until brown and crispy
mi bottom. Sprinkle with salt and
pepper. Serve immediately.
B. Light
3 cups mashed potatoes
1 cup shredded Cheddar
A cup small green pepper
Salt to taste
4 eggs, separated
1 tablespoon green onion
A teaspoon celery
Prepare mashed potatoes as you
normally do or use leftover
mashed potatoes. Bring to room
temperature if you use leftovers.
Beat egg yolks into potatoes until
well mixed. Stir in cheese, onion,
green pepper, and celery salt.
Whip egg whites into soft peaks
and fold into potato mixture.
Spoon into well-buttered
VA -quart casserole. Sprinkle with
paprika. Bake at 375 degrees for
25-30 minutes.
Sarah Clark
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Featured Recipe
Angie Mummert, York County Dairy Princess, says “Dairy pro
ducts have many nutritious benefits, and can be used h several diffe
rent ways. Here are a few recipes that are just right for February,
which is Chary Month.”
2 envelopes unflavored gelatin
VA cup sugar
VA cups boiling water
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups whipped cream
2 cups sour cream
fruit sauce topping (cherry) or other fruits may be used
Combine gelatin and sugar. Add boiling water and stir until dissol
ved. Blend in sour cream and vanilla. Chill until slightly thickened.
Blend in whipped cream. Top with fruit or pie rilling. Chill and serve
Fills a large bowl.
VA cups vanilla wafer crumbs
2 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons butter, melted
1 teaspoon almond extract
1 quart vanilla ice cream
1 21 ounce can cherry pie rilling
2 tablespoons heavy sweet cream
2 tablespoons Confectioner’s sugar
'A teaspoon vanilla
Toasted slice almonds
For curst, mix together crumbs and sugar. Stir in butter and almond
extract. Press mixture firmly and evenly against bottom and sides of s
9” pie pan. Bake at 3SO°F for S minutes. Cool and chill in freezer. For
filling, spoon softened ice cream into crust, alternating 1 cup of cher
ry pie filling with ice cream. Return to freezer to harden. About 10
minutes before serving, remove pie from freezer in order to soften
slightly. Meanwhile, whip cream until almost stiff; add Confection'
er’s sugar and vanilla; continue beating until stiff. Gently fold in
remaining pie filling. Spread on top of pie with this mixture. Decorate
with almonds.