Maintaining A Healthy Back In The Garden Laying before you on the floor is a piece of paper that shows your garden plot plan and a 40 pound bag of potting soil. If you were to bend over and pick up either one of these items, which one do you think could put the most strain on your lower back? The majority would answer the 40 pound bag of potting soil. Yes, the 40 pound bag of potting soil can strain your low er back, but so can the piece of paper that shows your garden plot plan. I personally can attest to this situation. Some time ago, I did blend over to pick up an Bxlo piece of paper, and felt this pain shoot threw may back and bring me to my knees in pain. I spent 10 long days in bed trying to heal my back. You sec, it isn’t always the weight of the item you are picking up or lifting that can cause strain [PAUL B. ■ ■ - - - , § [MI 01 § [FOOD oDOil TERRA-TRONICS I Electronic Monitor Measures Working Acres And Ground Speed * Easy-to-see digital readout ■ Easy-to-operate touch sensitive keys * Operates with any field imple ment requiring acre measure ment - pulled, mounted, or self propelled sprayers, combines, etC ‘ Reg. $275.00 SPECIAL $247.50 Reliable Stainless Steel AG-CHEM FOAM * MARKER Reg. $864.00 jVijt gtfjj $797.00 VI l| ■IIIIIbmH Each Foam Marker Contains: * Mixing chamber for each boom. * Drop hoses for each boom. * Electronic harness for in-cab controls (on-off/ left-right]. | * Hose for boom lengths up to AT. j The Ag-Chem foam marker offers you efficient operation with a 12 volt compressor that draws only 9 amps. Independent left and right boom markers can be controlled from the cab for on-the-go operation. That lets you operate either boom marker for precise, economical foam placement. And best of all the Ag-Chem Foam Marker produces a dense foam within seconds of agitation, and has a dependable output that can be adjusted for volume. Use with the new 80-to-l™ high concentrate foam. Handy Half Gallon AG FOAM SPECIAL $9.75 We Also Stock A Complete Line Of: MT9TJwraP Pumps And Accessories Teefef Sprayer Nozxles And Accessories to the lower back. In my case, it was the position I was in when I reached down to pick up the piece of paper. I over rotated (twisted) my back when I bent down to pick up the piece of paper, also, my back was very tight from the strain I placed on it the day before. Gardening is an excellent form of exercise. Don’t stress your joints. Any age group from toddler to a senior citizen can become involved in gardening. It’s a great way to release stress, make friends and it bums anywhere from 250-300 calories an hour. However, too much of a good thing has its price. When I’m out in my gardens, I seem to lose track of time and before I know it. I’ve worked through lunch and my children are begging me to start dinner. It’s so easy to spend 5-6 hours out in my gardens and not realize that I’ve just spent the 5-6 hours bent over. Oh my aching / h * V V* f Reg. $12.55 FOAM DYE For Higher Visibility Foam $13.50 Pint • Sprayer Hose • Ball Valvea • Nylon Fittings • Poly Tanks back! I’ll pay for it in the morning! Here are some tips on how to keep your back strong and healthy for those long hours spent in the garden. • When pulling weeds, picking up garden tools, etc., never bend from the waist only; bend from the hips and the knees. • When lifting heavy items, such as bags of soil, shovels, the wheel barrow, etc., lift the bulk of the weight with the legs. • Never lift objects higher than your waist. • Always turn and face the gar dening equipment or supplies you are lifting. • Avoid carrying unbalanced loads. An example of this would be carrying a 25 pound bag of soil in one hand and an empty water ing can in the other hand. Make two trips if you have to or load up the wheel barrow. • Hold heavy objects close to your body. Keep hoe, rake, heavy bags of soil, etc., in close to your body. • Never carry anything heavier than you can manage with ease. • Avoid sudden movements. • Learn to keep your head in line with the spine, shoulders are back and down and abdominal contracted. (Pulled in tightly). • Incorporate strengthening exercises for the back, abdominal and thighs. • Stretch before, during, and after any strenuous task. Any time you feel tension in the back, stretching is needed. ‘ AA; / r ™ ‘ - CBDIUP CDrPIIII 6 91*1111111 9l*laUlfftll9 & Complete Headquarters for Sprayers & (Parts W7t I * 1 ttf v* * ~ lA PACER P Self-Priming Centrifuj FEATURES: • Self-priming to 20 feet • Total heads to 120 feet • Capabilities to 200 U.S. Gi • Built in check valve • Equipped with VA” or 2” f threaded connections, NPT Full Line Of Hose And Couplings • 3 H.P. ‘S’ Series VA” Or 2” Ports Reg. $220.00 SPECIAL $192.50 ‘S’ Series Pedestal Pump Only, va ”Or r - Reg. $136.00 special $119.00 50 Woodcornar Rd. Lititz, PA 17543 1 Mil* West of Ephrata 717-738-7350 • HARDWARE • FARM SUPPLIES • CUSTOM MANUFACTURING • CRANE SERVICE • Most importantly, before beginning any strenuous activity, whether it’s as simple as garden ing or beginning a stretching and strengthening program for your lower back, you should first con sult with your physician. Gardening has a great many rewards, but just as our gardens need TLC, we also need to take time to care for ourselves. So, begin today by implementing the tips on caring for your back. Work signed into law during her first term in office. One of those is the Farmland Preservation bill. She is currently working on a bill for approval of an ag license plate. The profits from the sale of the specialty licence plates would help fund ag land preservation. Most legislators, Sheila said, are sympathetic towards farming con cerns and want to help them, but often don’t realize that some prop osals especially those dealing with environmental concerns could put farmers out of business instead of benefiting the agricul tural community. “It’s hard enough fanning with out being burdened with paper work,” she said. Of her duties as representative, Sheila finds the public speaking • 5 H.P. ‘S’ Series 2” Ports Reg. $270.00 SPECIAL $236.25 Raven Tough Polyethylene Tanks PAUL B. ZIMMERMAN, INC Lmcmiw Farming, Saturday, February 24, 1296*85 State Representative (Continued from Pago B*iy • 5 H.P. 'S’ Series With I/C Briggs Engine 2” Ports Reg. $370.00 SPECIAL $323.75 • SPRAYER TANKS - ALL SIZES For New Or Replacement AVAILABLE FROM • STATIONARY TANKS - For 25 GAL. Liquid Fertilizer Storage to 2500 GAL. it into your daily life style and dig to your hearts content! Prepared by Donna O’Neill, a Master Gardener volunteer for Penn State Cooperative Extension in York County. Any questions regarding the above article can be addressed to, Donna O’Neill, Penn State Master Gardener Program, 112 Pleasant Acres Road, York, PA 17402-9041 or you may call (717) 840-8408. aspect the most challenging. “I still get butterflies wherever I get up to speak,” she said. There is little sparetime for Shei la. In fact, she said she hasn’t read a book for pleasure since she took office. And the baby quilt she started to make for Emilie before her birth has now been relegated for the distant advent of a grand child. When asked who does the cook ing, Sheila smiles and answers, “Cooking? We have a micro wave.” Sheila isn’t thinking of trying for national political office. She said, “I’m happy with my job here. I want to do the best at what I’m called to do. I couldn’t handle that Washington Beltway, but then again, I never planned to seek this one (political seat).” • 5 H.P. ‘S’ Series With Honda Engine 2” Ports Reg. $506.00 SPECIAL $442.75 With Cage $497.00 HOURS Mon., Thun., Fri.: 7-8:30 Tuea., Wed.: 7-B:S0 Sat.; 7-4:00