PENNSYLVANIA MASTER GROWERS ASSOC. ■ SPECIAL SECTION IN LANCASTER FARMING MARCH 16 ADVERTISERS PUN NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE PHONE 717-626-1164 OR 717-394-3047 DEADLINE FRIDAY MARCH 8 The Official Publication For The or Snook c# Host 4oif % ’ s i ' J%aS ac t°r I l '- SHterSf? 1 £ tS, - * ftS* **> r" ««w Bd c-^r 0 ® *>a« Cbm n.. 1 ■ iSr ‘ *»'t «ler£f' eCon >Qub 201 6hi S. 1993 *e P 522? *S 1994 P" *Z WWw* Con, A Ynn-Komd A, L *. statewide com yield» JOYCE BXJPP ,esl PMCGA also works cloie- * York Co. l y with Penn Slue in education Correspondent / n d reS ciich work tows STEWARTSTOWN (Voik mvmti y.clds snd cropping Co.)—Piles of icy snow suit prKllces . linier along the edges of the , SSO ciation helps to I SgfddtdWMt. promote com through edu^ west of Stewaitstown lt0 „ „ d advertising. »•» I But inside the farms offices, said, adding that the PMCGAs I Dan Wolf contemplates the c {f oni sre closely related W the ) neon-green commodity price c , efforts of the Charts*scrolling across a satel- com Growers Assch lite monitor snd makes plans ciaUon .. We also work towwd for planting com. enlightening and educai g Com is king at this southern elected officials in the best York County crop farm, where mierest! 0 f com growers Dan Wolf and his brothers Promo ting new products Dave and Steve crop I.oo° mtde from com is anotner acres of the golden gram crop focus of com growers dong with addiuonal acreage aBßoCl>llon Ethanol, an alter m soybeans, wheat, umothy. nJ(lve fue i ml de from com. snd popcorn continues to grow in volume of . .op*f- Wolf, a quiet, well-spoken K rtxl the country. Tax ... ..uioH FarmsStttod ,0 non, JUOtln. AMOrtl rsjrs.’rJK. saws srs^^ — Association (PMCOA) noted. Familiar to many com pm- ANM MASTER COHN GROWERS ASSOC., INC. GROWERS INFORMATION FEATURE INTERVIEWS STATE & NATIONAL ASSOCIATES NEWS PRESIDENT’S NEWSLETTER L _ rntalk CORN INC.