Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 23, 1995, Image 76

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    CS-Lsncaster Farming, Saturday, December 23, 1995 for individual cow profiles since of - 90 - u would 11 AM /P M OS records have slightly less than
fj A j i j most of what is needed is already records to equal the value of ten 50 percent sire identification
Herd And COW ironies on the individual cow pages print- 2X records. Factors will need to while most of the rest of the coun
ed by the processing centers. 1)6 developed for other forms of try is at 40 percent or less. With
(ContlnuM from Pago 1 Much of the information that There is much discussion as to test suc * l as bi-monthly, AM/PM, out the presence and encourage
files provide an indication that the would be required for a herd pro- the relative value of records pro- A WAM, or PM/PM and the many ment of the DHIA technician at
data were collected accurately on file is already available on the duced by the various testing plans var > at ' ons thttt are becoming avail- milking time it is difficult to get
test day. herd summary reports produced i n use today. Weighting factors a^e as a * temadves to die 2X test dairy producers to take the time
Two very important parameters routinely by the dairy records pro- will soon be available for milk, fat P rocedure - Recently, there has and have the interest to write
are plotted for the herd. One is the cessing centers. The same is true and protein results that have been * seen * nterest shown in the use of down much beyond the cows bam
distribution of predicted transmit- for individual cow profiles since collected via different test-day Owner-Sampler (OS) records for name or number and her milk
ting abilities (FTA’s) on individu- most of what is needed is already protocols. The traditional twice-a- B enedc evaluations. AI units have weight,
al cows and the second is the dis- on the individual cow pages pnnt- mining (with weighing and asked DHIA to look at the possi- A lot of change is taking place
tribution of mature-equivalent ed by the processing centers. sampling of the milk at each milk- bility of including OS records in in the DHIA program. Hopefully
(ME) milk yields for all cows over Much of the information that ing) procedure will likely be given die sire evaluation procedures, such change can be accomplished
the past year. Cows with extreme would be required for a herd pro- a va j ue 0 f jqq if there are 9or What weight would be assigned to without compromising the accura-
PTA deviations and/or those with file is already available on the more tes ts for a 305 day lactation. OS records is unknown. At pre- cy and integrity of the genetic eva
exceptionally high milk records herd summary reports produced AM/PM weights would be sent, one of the problems with OS luation procedures that have made
would be identified on the graph routinely by the dairy records pro- weighted at something less than records is the poor identification the U.S. dairy cattle breeding
that plots the herds performance. cessing centers. The same is true j qo. if they were given a weight of sires and dams. Pennsylvania industry number one in the world.
Put Things In Perspective With Herd Summary I Report
DAVID BlfFi nw feed reported the feed’s name, New to herd Summary lis the sampled are so marked. This sec- Currently there is an option to
Trainine Coorri'nat nutrient densities, cost per ctw., summary of the start, stop and don also contains the reported receive this report. Be sure to
" 1 or amount fed per group and total for midpoint of each groups reported price received for milk and its sign-up for your Herd Summary I
STATE pot I FfiF fOpnim the herd. A cross feeds within milking times. Milkings that were components. Report on your next testday!
Co.)—The revision of the Herd PW»P tolals are also listed. ,
Summary I Report has given the E. Test Day Somatic Cell Count i(
PA DHIA membership yet Summary.
another tool in the everyday man- This is new to Herd Summary I
agement of their dairy farms. This and provides a somatic cell count ,£_ | imk i„,„.
report is similar to the old Herd summary for each test during the g 3557°*!! I™ 111"
Summary I; however, the nutrition P a st year. The shaded line at the vw* » jj 3 illjl
summaries have been expanded tO P corresponds to the test 1 year JJ g| iU HI 331
and the report is now a 2 sided ago and 11,6 last line printed cor- ww » SIS mm"
renort responds to the most recently con- 513133 li til 5.6 Ml lllii
ICpUll. . A J 10/M/VS 27 596 17 1 577 10 (9
A. Test Period Daily Averages ducted test - " W 5 29 634 91 s | 590 ,0 )( ’
The feeds fed are now summar- J est D . a ? Herd Inventory
ized by the new feed types, and IIS section is new to Herd -j 1 1 —-—-——
the amount fed is on a dry matter Summary I and contains an inven- rmtij inttt,, j tn M|tfc M|tk Ibi rill bi rf ° l hi 11 mIL S!! cotK r 0, ,»« jg com t ofi* »«««» c«i
basis. This same idea carries over f OI T an i ma ls for each test dur-
I'llSd H 1 1371 I7l>[ 105457 IMM I 331)6 IMtl I 7iH 2M I I >3511 I4M I 11154111
into the 365 day testday totals and past year. The shaded line
| 'iM.ll.’i.y I 345 I m»«p>lllt[ 12513 W I 43641 [ 5.353 [ | 15.315 [ 2>3i« [ 33441 54Q.| [ [ | lOT7I l| 1737 | | | [ mill [
B. Profile Of COWS By Lacta mrrPQnnnHc fn thf* mncf rlvv>ntKi ,mw "£* lis Sll W fS“ S S Sfl ISI 5S P f i-sij 55
tion Number corresponds 10 me most recently mh, j«, i.u n*. m<, j;, ££s sjr•«»w3 im«™.. iui.> ;;i< *•
Thic II IWW In H»n< Cnmmmt I conducted test. 1 12 17 I 11 201342 36 3 2 3 2 lIS 175 Ml « 165 239 4114 34 510 9 1121 « 23 6 2lllVl
mis is new io ncru oummary i 2 t 7 5413 6?7 s« 31 n «? 14114.211177295 .3233.30 n 211 mmn
and contains nutritional summa- unn *j- , . *' '• 22 3 2s 501 66 3j. 32 463071551.2221173250 43330.11 u m siom.*
r L .2. Ml • . . O. 130 Day Adjusted Milk IJ SS S W 111 til 31 3 2 39 U 7 163 21. 11l 172 241 420 32 <O5 II 21 1 23 61 1 1.1
nes for both milking and dry cows New to Herd Summary lis the "">'>2
by lactation, contained for each is: avenM , e nroduction at 150 davs in " M,H 1 tmtluf.inl B ■>« < m*a*.
I. Dry matter pounds fed by in milk 305 Sis or ™ H
feed type and total , r . , . * uus i 24 24 555 a? 32 37 ie? 157 ®9i 121 16$ 239 «i 4 j» i? 0 69 9
2 Drvmatter fed as a nereent of ,CSS for each test dunng 11,6 P ast ™ 2
z.i.ry matter reo as a percent oi year. The shaded line at the top ! j 15 31 31 6,9 31 3 1 40 iOU 167 * 6O ,10 1, 7 255 43 23 3 366 171 «
"x it o/Sn ™ corresponds to the test from one S ,NP s ■. s s 3.. ■■ 21 ■ 2.. i« 5.6 120 «
4 .• h . y® 3l ago and the last line printed 3 »| »| I» I mJjJibj ■■ I 1 M M 1.. I I .11 M I
“+. rooi note cooe mat is tied to ,u„ ‘ I tod* 5 Diy M«IUI lnut« (I) MI) n|ow Uiect Uti amount] and fuliubilny
15 . corresponds IO me most recently Codft ror»|» I*rctnl or the inuj tiuon ii low ( »■ 4$S) Chtck ror*|e mut» * nudity (.odo i. Dry Matin Intiikt li hsth Ch«k fttd imounu
me rauon message tootnotearea rnn diirt<.d lEnat j Cod* t Own) fori|« quiliiy it poor Nej I nwty I actaoon (MB! t In* than 05) MciMb I J Codt 7 Net Tncriy I icinbon (Nfl J wltkt 11 tow Or.k trd tmrunu and rnr.jy d.ntiori
tHflt annpupc of | Up KnttAm r\f r\Q rvo COIIUUCICU Ivdl. |MM| k Corft 1 Owill fora|f quality n midiwt Away N«t Fnruy I acUtion Im than OSt Mral/tb Code I < nid« Tiolrin iCP) inlila low Oirci7««£*cn'*u» U and protrin drnniin
Uul dppcdl j al UIC DOllOm OI page JJ Rolling 365 Day Average Lod« < Cwd« ncltin perc«m of lilt rtaon || low <.P loi dim 11% tod« * Cm4lt Tiotem ter) tntuli li Kl|h Ctiick l«d tni ]
s This section which is also new
f g to Herd Summary I provides a ■ .
Each lactation group also con- . 1 c 7 1
tains number of cows milking production summary for each test 'i; ■ff'niilTMMM c n v 4 BSSSI
dry. total and test day production dunng the past yeai - The shaded - —j" «. K! Vif l', !
<2»atisnVc line at the top corresponds to the i cornsham r .< 7. mi <2. >.9 si <5. >.■ s. isi .9 >« .su .2 «,
SiaUSUCS, . ./■ , r r , , J HAYIAC.I I 460 17 2 65 136 15 9 7 3 22 1711 7 . 73 11 3 5 2 14 9 1 4 4 II
r Pmfiv nr Pmu. n.i r', test from 1 year ago and the last , 2 »oo « 243 30 27 07 12 29 os n is 4
c. rroine ut Lows By Oroup . , / \ nuYrowiiAY 1 900 120 61 2.3 m , M 7 J 2 , ~ ,
VnmKor * ine printed corresponds to the \ oaslc.rain c 900 mo 75 1221 19 to 109 95 16 n si 41l ,
Thfr profile appeared on the most recently conducted test. ; !!« M vS5- N r.«A,N fSS ,2* « .V. 4 , 91 53 43 97 56 46 „ a 37 V
Old Herd Summari howevt Listed for each test is the rolling , 3 f „.. ,9,5 ~ 2, f .
nulSS' £TS tltrcc hundred sixty-five day aver- 3 ‘ 397 19 393 19 3 »= 19
expanded. Contained for each ag< 7 T “ (ps
1 the herd arc = Milk Sales r U n..|*A..r.«4>b... >
1* Dry matter pounds fed by ,<i,wi ® SiS Lu AiSSfiißd I*ii iWt 1 , No Nu Adi Numb« o.v* m>h % i«i » au *- v j|
f ao J ° 1 * >4*679 H iiiniU % M.Uini D.y Cow* lift. *«< h Kmvd Mllk o,r, »** ,n M,lh '•» *•' ' * '
leed type and total ivm tttt m -tf-sst— - .in
2 Drv matter f<vt ac a rw»rPAflt rtf l^l^l IS a! 37 7 4 39 I9S 3 7 5 n 46 I I 6 646 599 162 20SJS 3 5 723 30 620 Jl
inauer ieu as a percent oi 2/01/9$ 47 40 15 36 9 21 19 613 47 10 2 1 649 602 mo 20566 ss 719 so 621 <■
bodvweiffht 1/IS/9J 46 20 7 54 IS 4 46 319 6 13 7IS 46 V 4 I I 66 5 59 7 167 20611 3 5 711 30 626 II
uuuywciglll 4,07/95 52 29 25 33 12 2 3 S 142 3 6 612 $2 6 5 3 1 65H 599 163 204H1 35 710 30 623 U
3. (Fed) cost oer cow >/n/VJ 5 H l\ ? 4 w 14 2 59 ,94 1 2 612 51 w 4 2 6?s wn «s 4 20273 34 6«? 31 619 ji
J. UUSI pci IrUW 4/W/95 49 33 II 31 10 I 4 5 303 612 714 49 It 5 I 3 66 0 60 6 14 7 20145 34 690 31 616 H
7/19/91 $2 23 21 37 12 < 4 4 274 5 1 0 7 1 3 53 K 4 3 2 64 2 606 141 20101 34 691 3 1 617 tf
4/17/VJ 52 21 29 31 10 10 4 7 329 4 I 5 10 52 9 6 1 64 7 601 15 1 20215 3 5 691 3 1 620 Jl
9/14/95 50 26 20 36 10 I 46 306 5 10 5 10 50 10 3 I 3 63 6 609 15 1 20335 3 $ 70J J| 621 <1
10/11/95 54 21 20 35 7 9 44 212 4 7 6 II 54 7 3 5 2 62 2 601 15 4 20425 3 5 701 3 I 624 Jl
11,09/95 55 27 27 31 9 5 3 9 117 I 2 7 13 55 5 6 4 64 6 601 16 2 20599 3 5 7|l 31 629 t|
4. Ration densities on a dry
matter basis, a) Dry matter per
cent: b) Crude protein percent; c)
Net energy percent
5. Footnote code that is tied to
the “ration message” footnote area
that appears at the bottom of page
6. Body condition averages
D. Profile of Feeds Fed
This profile is new to Herd
Summary I, It provides for each
January 3
January 3
t January 4 Mercer
, January 12 , Clinton
January 13 ! Dauphin
i January 16 Clearfield/Jffsn
’ January 16 - i Lan. Red Rose
New to Herd Summary I is a ten
month projection of cows to be
milking and dry at the beginning
and end of each month. This lists
the number of cows and heifers to
calve, cows to dry off and an esti
mated number of cows to be
culled (died/sold) each month. A
monthly estimate of milk pro
duced, shipped and the income
from milk sales is also provided.
J. Herd Dates
These appeared on the old Herd
Summary I, but in a different
K. Group Milking Times
Old Bonanza, Ligdora
Extension Office
Mercer Co Extension Office
| Big Wrangler, Mill Hall
! Western Sizzler, Progress Ave
iLuthersburg Community Center
County Annual Banquets
Shady Maple Restourant
■■■hi ■■■■■■ mem
*iS Value Imu.mic ' Oty MrtWtUy |> ,
Milk V. % % Milk Ini Pen SNI ° f , Over Coile , oraße | I I - lora.e]
Ibi I'al 1 10 SNI lld Ibi Ibi Ibt Mll * C "‘ l Ibi Ibt Sybil IMR Pailuie Cone I mage Sybil ]
; 6i t 3 5 T 5 ~mT TST Ttj tIo Tif 1m in 4?T ~ii
642 36 3 1 53 1 192 166 701 131 14 7 24 3 490 10
666 3 5 3 1 563 197 175 743 272 14 B 24 3 491 80
651 37 33 562 305 177 716 141 151 24 3 495 10
66 3 35 3 1 584 207 183 799 220 154 24 4 491 81
709 34 30 61 1 210 116 727 152 15 1 24 4 495 80
70 1 3 4 3 0 519 200 175 740 170 14 7 24 3 490 10
64 1 34 30 54 1 114 160 646 75 14 8 24 3 491 80
653 3 3 30 56 2 187 166 661 16 IS I 24 4 495 10
652 3 3 29 54 7 112 161 647 77 14 7 24 3 490 80
62 0 3 5 3 0 54 0 IKK 163 63 6 59 15 2 24 4 496 II
61 3 3 7 3 1 57 3 212 110 710 120 162 24 6 509 II
f -Wjk
11:30 a.m.
8:00 p.m.
D. Slusser
D. Slusser
D. Slusser
D. Slusser
10:45 a.m,
7:30 p.m.
D. Amick
11:30 a.m. ;D. Amick
G. Cudoc
G. Cudoc
G. Cudoc i
F. Orner
D. Hoover
F. Orner
N.Hershey j