Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 23, 1995, Image 62
o i 826-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dacamber 23, 1905 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication FRI. FEB 9 - 9AM Farm Equip, Tractors & Farm Supplies 100 West Jack son St, New Holland, PA A & C Diffenbach Auction Inc FRI FEB 9-1 -30PMState Graded Feeder Pig Sale SAT FEB 10 - 9AM Farm Machinery & Household Goods Loc 515 Hollow Rd , Quarryville, PA. Take Rt. 372 East of Quarryville App 4 Mi. Turn Left on Hol low Rd. to First Farm Left Or From Strasburg Take May Post Office Rd So to Rt 372 Turn Left to First Rd. Left (Hollow Rd ) Terms by: Bertha Irwin & Jesse Irwin. Kreider, Kline & Good Aucts SAT FEB 10 - 9AM Milk ing Equipment, Mules & Farm Equipment Location South of Strasburg on May Post Office Rd Approx 3 Mi toLantzßd Turn Left to Ist Farm Right Watch for Signs Terms by Daniel F and Sadie King Mel Hoov er Aucts SAT FEB 10- IPM Real Estate Along Rt 25, Approx 3 Mi West of Ber rysburg and 6 Mi East of Millersburg, Mifflin Town ship, Dauphin County, PA at the Former Daniel A Weaver and Dora A Weav er, Also Known as the Mel vin "Hershey” Weaver Farm Sale Orderd by St John's Luthern Church and Tressler Lutheran Ser vices. Mike Oeibert Auct and George Delbert Real tor & Auct TUES FEB. 13 - 9AM Livestock and Farm Equip ment. Located 5 Mi So of the Buck, 2 Mi North of Wakefield 2 Mi. West of Rt 272 Just South of Goshen Mill Rt at 1319 Tanning Hollow Road, Peach Bot tom, PA Abner L Stoltzfus Owner Abe Diffenbach & Son Aucts TUBS FEB 13 - 9AM Livestock and Machinery Located in Mifflin Co . I'/. Mi West of Belleville, PA on Rt. 305, Turn E on Back Mt Road V 4 Mi. Owner Elam S. Kanagy. Mark Click Auct TUES FEB. 13 -9.30 AM 5 Draft Horses, Full Line Horse Drawn Farm Machinery, Milking Equip, Lombardim 2 Years Old, Water Milk Cooling Sys em, Hay, Hobson Rd i_anc Co, PA Steven & Katie Better Petersheim Aucts WED FEB 14 - 9AM Mules, Irrigation and Farm Equipment, Household Goods Location 125 Mea dow Creek Rd , New Hol land Direction Rt 23 in PUBLIC^* — 10:00 AM JAN. 6TH & 7TH SATURDAY & SUNDAY YORK FAIR York, PA (Preview Friday Jan. sth, 1996 from Noon til 6:00 p.m.) BUILDING MATERIALS Truckloads of. Windows (Andersen, Marvin and Other name brands) • Doors Flush and Raised Panel, Patio Doors, Storm Doors, Beautiful Entry Sets • 1000's of feet of Architectural Molding and Trim • Dimensional Lumber • Hardware MANY ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION ALL BRAND NEW • No Minimums * No Reserves Terms - 12% Buyers Premium, Checks and Mastercard, Visa, Discover Cards welcome 2% Discount for Cash, Certified Funds, or Bank Letter of Guarantee Sale day selections and statements take precedence over all written material Full settlement on each day of the sale All merchandise must be removed no later than 12 noon, Monday, Jan 8, 1^96 New Holland to South Cus ter Ave. South Approx. 11/,I 1 /, Mi Meadow Creek Rd Right to Sale on Right. Watch for Signs Owner Elmer L. & Rachel B Stolt zfus. Mel Hoover Auct THURS. FEB 15 - Farm Machinery, Horses & Mules, Dairy Cattle and Household Goods For Aar on M & Rachael B. Fisher. 233 Miller Street, Stras burg, PA. FRI FEB. 16-10 AM Horse Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. 10KW. Fulton St, New Holland, PA. SAT. FEB. 17 - Farm Machinery. Held at RD Mil lerstown, PA Owner. Keith and Derry Lelnaweaver. Sale by: Klmg's Auctions, Inc Landisburg, PA TUES FEB 20 - 9AM Full line of horse drawn farm machinery, 6 draft horses, White horse plow, Chester Co 1 mi S of Honey Brook on Rt 10. By Daniel S & Rebecca Stoltzfus, Peter sheim, aucts. TUES FEB 20 - Fed CAttle Sales, Carlisle AUCTION Farm & Potato Equipment Sat., Jan. 6,1996 10:30 A.M. EDDIE & JOHN KELLEY KELLEY FARMS, INC. 32140 Nocks Landing Rd. SR #702 Off US Highway #l3 Eastern Shore -Atlantic, VA PARTIAL LIST - Mustang #lOOO LP Gas Skid Steer Loader, 14 Int., Ford & Chev. Trucks with Bulk. Grain & Dump Bodies, Several Haines Belt Conveyors & Elevators, 4 - Haines Cham Elevators, Weigh-O-Malic Hopper & Elevator. Milestone 48” Chcl Si/ci, Complete Haines Grading Line, Walthamhury & Haines 50 lb. Baggers, Weigh-O- Matic 20 Head Bagger, Fischbein Sewing Machines & Stands, Platform Scales, Haines Seed Cutter, Lockwood #423 4 Row Planter. Lockwood Mark VI Potato Harvester, 2 Windrowers, Cultivators, 2 Row Beater, 2000 of 6” Irrigation Pipe AND MUCH MORE. Consignments welcome - give us a call. If you are in the market for nice equipment, DON’T MISS THIS AUCTION. Held ram or shine. Snow Date - 1/10 same lime. TERMS: Full settlement on day of auction by Cash or pre-approved check, bank letter of cred it required for first time buyers. For mora Information call: AUCTIONEERING 816-474-1982 Livestock Market, Inc. WED FEB. 21-9 AM Work Horses, Horse Drawn Farm Equipment and Hostein Heifers. 336 Old Damm lid., Christiana, Lancaster County. Daniel B. & Barba ra Petersheim. Leon D. Kurtz & J. Omar Stoltzfus, Auct. THURS. FEB. 22 - Farm Machinery, 3 Massey Fer gueson Tractors 2705,245, 65. JD 3960 Forage Harvestore. Lane. Co. 1 Mi East of Bird-In-Hand. Sam S. & Susanna Stoltzfus Petersheim, Aucts. THURS. FEB 22 - Farm Equipment. From Mount Joy Rt, 772 W Approx. 3 Mi to Farm on Right or From Rt 30 at Columbia Bndge Rt, 441 to Rt 772 East Approx IVi Mi. to Farm on Left. East Donegal Twp , Lancaster Co., PA. Terms by: L Laverno & Ruth M Rutt Kline, Kreider & Good Aucts. FRI FEB. 23, 1 30 PM State Graded Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. FRI FEB 23 - Dairy Herd, farm equip, milkers 3 mi E of Newville, Cumberland Co , Pa Owner 1 Walter & Mary Ann Newswanger Andrew & Nevm Martin Aucts SAT FEB 24 - Frame pEAk Richard R«ak AutllmMr Dwelling on 1 Acre Lot. Loc 1 Mi NW of Chur chtown, 1 Mi. Off Rt. 23 at 1980 Churchtown Rd Anna R. Zimmerman Estate Allen S Zimmer man Executor. Leßoy S & Paul W. Horst Aucts. PUBLIC '—'AUCTION OF VALUABLE FURNITURE; ANTIQUES; PERSONAL PROPERTY; OLD FARMALL TRACTORS; BUTCHER EQUIP. SAT., JANUARY 6, 1996 AUCTION TIME: 9:00 A.M. LOCATION: 3351 Charlestown Road, Lancaster, PA. From Millersville follow Route 999 west 4 miles. Turn right at Central Manor Market onto Central Manor Road to first road right, Charlestown Road, turn right to first farm on right. Manor Township, Lancaster County, Pa. FARMALL F-14 TRACTOR w/Cult. FARMALL REGULAR w/Cult. & Mower Auction For NAOMI E. BRENEMAN Auction managed and conducted by JOHN D. STAUFFER Phone?7l7-665-5099 actio neer^ Manheim, Pa. 17545 Food by Farm Women AUCTION REAL ESTATE - DAIRY HERD - FARM MACHINERY Saturday, December 30,1995 10:00 A.M. Sharp Located approx. 6 Miles West of Loysville on Rt 274 - Just Past Village of Andersonburg, 4 Miles East ofß,ain ' I Real Estate 12:00 Noon I Farm consists of 110 acres, more or less with a4B stall dairy bam w/pipeline, 20’x60’ stave silo, conveyor bank feeder, approx. 15 free stalls, various outbuildings. Dwelling is 4 Bdrm. Brick, repointed and modernized w/atlached 3 car garage. Modem kitchen, Ig. Iv. rm , laundry rm, enclosed front porch. Drilled well, sm. stream, hi-tensile fencing. All land is on North side of Rt. 274. Terms: 10% down Day of Sale, Balance due on or before March 1,1996. Real Estate offered by Sanford G. Leaman, listing Realtor and Auctioneer, Lie. # 532-L, Phone # 1-800-836-8113. Oliver 1750 Diesel - Wide Fmt. - Cab - New rubber - Ex. Cond. M.M. 1000 Diesel - Cab - Tractor has been complete ly gone over - Good Shape 2 J.D. 170 Skid Steer Loaders -1 Diesel -1 Gas - Both Good Martin 1665 Scavenger Spreader - Good White 543 Planter - Dry Fert. - No Till - Insecticide - Ready to Go Oliver 3x16 Rollover Plow 2 Hesston 1091 Haybines - Both Good J.D. 210 Disc Harrow Brillion 13 Ft. Cultimulcher N.H. 256 Rake w/Front Wheels Round Bale Wagon 2 Bin Wagons Field Sprayer While 3 Pt. 10 Ft. Disc Oliver 1750 Gas Tractor w/Wide Fmt. Loader Selling First: Wagon Load of Misc. Items, Tools, Supplies, Asst Tractor and Machinery Parts. HAY AND SILAGE - SELLING IMMEDIATELY AFTER R 1 Approx. 300 Round Bales, (200 kept inside), I st, 2nd, 3rd Cuttings. Approx. 150 Ton of Com Silage on cov ered pile - Approx. 200 Ton of Haylege in Silo. DAIRY HERD - SOLD AT APPROX. 12:30 Consisting of: 44 Milking Animals, (40 Registered -41. D. Grades) Sired by: Clcilus - Trendy - Jewelmaker - Astronaut - Starman - Odyssy - Algonquin - Lancelot - Lancer - Lin wood - Vanguard - and others. This Dairy is Working Good with over 60 Lbs. Per cow - DHIA Records - Herd Av. Right at 18,000 Lbs. - 7 Due (or October - 8 Due Nov. & Dec. - 6 Due Jan. Sev, milking over 90 Lbs. 30 Animals Milking with first and second Calves. Tic Stall Milked - Loafing Stable Kept - 30 Day Blood & TB Test - Herd Completely Vac cinated for DVD, IDR, and Shipping Fever Complex. Plus 10 Registered Started Calves - Shed By: Boulet Charles - Delaware - Arlinda Chief - Aerostar - Astro Jet - Indy - H H. Prccisionist and others. Don’t Miss This Opportunity to buy Good, Young Cattle that Have Pedigree and Production - Fancy Udders, and Good Feet and Legs. I.D. Required for Bidder’s Number, Out of State Buyers, or Buyers not Known to the Auction Com- pany MUST Have Current Letter of Credit. Lunch R.D. #l, LoysviUe, Pa. Stand Reserved, Not Responsible for Accidents 717-536-3615 Real Estate Inquiries: 1-800-836-8113 (Sanford Leaman, Realtor & Auctioneer) \miM SAT. FEB. 24 - B:3OAM 22nd Annual Sale of Horses, Mules, Farm Machinery, Antiques, Household Goods, Quilts, Etc. by Strasburg Fire Co., 46 W. Main St., Strasburg, PA. - Fmt. End Sale Managed By: Kling's Auctions, Inc. R.D. I, Box 66 Landisburg, Pa. 17040 ■ Pa. Lie. #O5OO Office Phone #717 789-3883 YOU’RE INVITED END OF THE YEAR “TOY SHOW” WINROSS, ERTL, HESS, MATCHBOX, RACING, PROMOS, FARM AND CONSTRUCTION, MODELS AND MANY MORE TOYS. SAT., DEC 30,1995 SHOW STARTING AT 8:30 AM TILL 2 PM LOCATION: HOLIDAY INN LANCASTER ROUTE SOI 1492 LITITZ PIKE LANCASTER PA. FROM RT. 30 TAKE RT. 501 SOUTH HOL IDAY ON RIGHT LOOK FOR SIGN. HOLI DAY INN TELEPHONE (717) 393-0771 LIMITED NUMBER OF TABLES APPROX. 60 WILL BE SOLD ON A FIRST COME BASIS. (ALL TABLES WILL BE 8 FT.) ADMISSION IS FREE. DOOR PRIZES GIV EN AWAY ALL DAY table;' cost ($25.60'f6r Vst. fable's2o. THEREAFTER) TABLES NOT GUARAN TEED UNTIL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED. MAKE CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO: ALL-AMERICAN AUCTION SERVICE 2426 DONEGAL SPRINGS ROAD MARIETTA, PA. 17547 TELEPHONE # (717)426-3769 all You’re #1 with us! ,4 AMERICAN All-American Auction Service /fflvlorvic-E 2426 Donegal Springs Road Marietta, PA. 17547 Lie. #RY-11-L J.D. 3010 Gas - Wide Front - Recently overhauled White 2-70 Diesel - Like new - 2100 Hrs. J.D. #45 Square Back Combine w/Grain Hd., Works Good Hesston 4555 Round Baler - Makes 4x6 Bales - Very Good Cond. White 508 -4x16 Plow N.H. 770 Harvester - Pickup and 2 Row wide Hd. Gehl 120 Grinder Mixer I. 45 Vibra Shank Harrow J. FBB Grain Drill M.F, 3 Pt. Hitch Hay Rake 3 Kasten Forage Wagons Smoker 24 Ft. Elevator Badger Blower J.D. Mounted 2 Row Cultivator for 3010 (and others.) AVAILABLE SALE DAY :atalo( ESTAT Owners: Ed and Irene Horn