Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 23, 1995, Image 60
824-Lancast»r Farming, Saturday, Dacambar 23, 1995 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication JANUARY MON. JAN 1 - 9AM Anti ques, household goods, collectables Located at the Mt Joy Fire Hall, just off Rt. 230 in Mt. Joy. Pa. H. Edward Johnson, auct. MON. JAN 1 - 9AM Trac tors, Farm Equipment. Located 7 Mi. South of Mar tinsburg, WV OR 14 Mi. North of Winchester, VA off Interstate 81, Take Exit #5 (Inwood) Route 51 East Approx. 3'/, Mi East of Inwood, WV Turn Right at Shutfs Cash Grocery - .2 ML to Sale. Edgar A. Boh rer, Jr. Aucts. MON. JAN. 1 -10 AM Indoors at Leesport Far mers Market, meeting room. For M Boyer, Ken neth P. Leiby, auct. MON. JAN. 1 -10 AM Trac tors, Farm Equipment, Trucks, Dairy Equipment. Auction Held at 419 Far viow Rd., Hamburg, Berks Co.. PA. Traveling on Rt. 61 to Shoemakersville Turn onto Rt. 662 S. for Approx. 2V4 Mi. Turn L. onto Wind sor Castle Rd. for Approx 1 Mi. Make R. onto Farview for '/< Mi. to Auction Site. Auction for: Richard W. Hoppes David P. Loeb Auct WED. JAN. 3 - 9AM Heif ers, Milking Equipment, Farm Equipment, House hold Goods Location: Ist Farm South of Strasburg on May Post Office Rd. Directions. From 30 Take 896 South to Strasburg at Thur 1996 10:30 A.M. Farm Machinery - 3 Diesel Tractors 5140 Maxum M.D.F. - 510 C. Int Loader Diesel Skid Loader - N.I. Spreader New 94 900 N.H. Harvester 3 row corn head 86 - 4x4 Pickup Auction held for Duane & Carolyn Eberly at the farm 3 mile West of Oxford in Chester County PA. From Rt 1 exit at Rt 472 go North on Rt. 472 one fourth mile go left on Bethel to Calvary Rt left go to 3rd stop sign turn right onto Forge Rd. Ist farm left Case International 5140 four wheel drive diesel 1244 org hrs bar axle - power shift - full power cab tilt steering full set of wts sell separate. Case Intslo quick att loader quick att bucket self leveling - bale fork loader fits 5140 sell separate International 1486 diesel tractor w/cab - air 18-4-38 radial tires 540 - 1,000 - pto, 4943 ong hrs dual Jiyd outlets, International 826 hydro diesel tractor wide front, 18-4-34 tires 3 pt - dual hyd outlets, 4610 Gehl diesel skid steer loader 3618 org hrs new tires 95 bale fork - bucket - 7 It tire scraper. Farm Machinery Glencoe 9 shank soil saver, Brillion 5 shares deep tilt plow auto reset 3 pt, Krause 900 wing disc harrow 20 ft w/tandem wheels, Brillion 12 ft base cultipacker w/2-5 ft extension pups, 12 ft Brillion cultipacker 4 inch axles, Perfecta 2 field cultivator 3 pt w/gauge wheels. New Holland 900 forage harvester w/tandem axle full electric control hyd swing hitch used 3 seasons - 360N3 three row corn head - 990 W seven ft grass pick up head heads sell separate. Case Int. 600 forage blower used 2 seasons New Holland 185 single manure spreader tandem axles hyd end gate spreader Q 4 Vicon 321 discbme hyd swing hitch used 4 seasons. Hard! 500 spraver 45 ft self leveling booms w/foam markers, Lruch 200/now T.M.R. feed mixer wagon electronic scales long discharge used 2 seasons 8 round bale capacity transport wagon, Bush Hog pull type 11 ft rotary mower twin blades, New Holland 55 rake, Southeast 16 ft indus trial trailer 9600 gross wt. capacity, 100 gal 3 pi hitch pressure nozzle sprayer w/hand gun, 60 It ol 9 inch blower pipe and goose neck, 4xB parts bin, 6 poly dome calf hutchs, Homelitc transfer pump, 200 gal poly tank, cattle gates. 55 gal drum w/pump, boom field 1986 Dodge 150 V 8 ram pick up 66,000 orig miles auto w/8 ft cab good running condition elec motors - 220 space heater Please note- not many small items, come early for machinery Auct note Machinery well maintained - The Eberly’s are relocating to the midwest. Owners number 717-529-6586 Auctioneer 1511 Jr Petersheim 610-593-AUCT 610-593-2828 AU 001349 L Light go Straight to Farm on Left. Watch for Signs. Owner; Amos K. Stoltzfus. Mel Hoover Aucts WED. JAN. 3 - 2PM Anti ques, Household Goods, Tools & Car. Sale to be Held at the Horst Auction Center Located at the Cor ner of Rt. 322 and Durlach Road (Approx. 2V4 Mi. West of Ephrata)Ephrata, Lancaster County, PA. Sale for: Alfred Wolf & Flor ence Ritchey. T. Glenn Horst Aucts. ' WED. JAN. 3 - 6:3OPM Winross Trucks & Toys. 100 W. Jackson St., New Holland. PA. A & C Diffen bach Auction Inc. THURS. JAN. 4 - 9:3OAM 6 Head Sorrel Draft Horses, Full Line Farm Machinery, 870 Case Diesel Tractor, Hay, Feed, Alfalfa Hay. 3 Mi. East of Intercourse, Lane. Co„ PA. Terms by. Amos B. & Lydia Ruth Ally ger. Petersheim Auctioneers. FRI. JAN. 5 -140 Hd. Reg. Holsteins, Sale Held at Mif ttinburg, PA. Owners: Ken & Karen Beiler. Sale by: Wing’s Auctions, Inc. Land isburg, PA. FRI. JAN 5 -10 AM Horse Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. 101 W. Fulton St, New Holland, PA. SAT. JAN. 6-THURS JAN 11-96 Pa. Farm Show Col lector Tractors For reser vation form call or fax 717-768-3066 leave mes sage. or wnte Farm Show Tractor, PO Box 553, Gap, Pa 17527 Tractors - Skid Loader SAT. JAN. 6 - Real Estate, 32 Acre Limestone Farm. 954 E. Main St., Ephrata, New Hinkletown. By: David M. & Anna Z. Hoover. Aar on E. Martin Auction Service. SAT. JAN. 6 - 9AM Farmall F-14, Furniture, Personal Property. 3351 Charles town Road, Lane. Co., PA. Auction for Naomi E. Bre neman. John D. Stauffer Auctioneers of Manheim. SAT. JAN. 6 - 9AM Fine Antiques, Primitives & Col lectibles. Sale to be Held at the Horst Auction Center Located at the Comer of Rt. 322 and Durlach Road (Approx. 2V4 Mi. West of Ephrata) Ephrata, Lancas ter County, PA. T. Glenn Horst Aucts. SAT. JAN. 6 & SUN. JAN. 7 -10 AM Building materials, York Fair, York, Pa. Peak Auctioneering. SAT. JAN. 6-10 AM Ware house equipment and excess inventory. Ship pensburg, Pa. Off Inter state 81 take exit 9 onto Rt. 696 N to S. Fayette St. then turning right onto West Garfield Street. James G. Cochran, auct. SAT. JAN. 6 - 10:30AM Farm & Potato Equipment. Eddie & John Kelley, Kelley Farms, Inc, 32140 Nocks Landing Rd., SR *702 Eastern Shore, Atlantic, VA. Peoples Auciton Co. SAT. JAN. 6 -11 AM Real Estate Auction. Downtown Rising Sun, MD, at No. 305 W. Main St, Owner: Robert E. Shallcross. Harry W. Whiteside Aucts. MON. JAN. 6 -12 NOON Restaurant Equipment Auction The Fish House, Columbia, PA. Complete Fish Market and Crab Steaming Equipment, Neat Decor Mark Baranowski. * iCvwi * f lm »•*' TUES. JAN. 9 - Fed Cattle Sales. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12 Off 1-81 Turn S. Then Left onto Alx ander Spring Rd. 249-4511. TUES. JAN. 9 - 9AM Dairy Cows, Heifers & Farm Machinery. Directions: Rt. 222 to the Village of Refton, Turn East onto Brenneman Road, Approx. '/< Mi. to the Covered Bridge, Just Before You Cross the Bridge Turn Left into the Lane. Watch for Auction Signs. The Covered Bride is in the Process of Being Restored and May Not be Open by Sale Time. Terms & Conditions by; Barbara & Sideon Lapp. Larry Martin A Mose Smucker, Aucts. TUES. JAN. 9 - 9:3OAM Farm Equipment, Milking Equipment, Carriage and Harness. Location: Rt. 322 8 Mi. East of Blue Ball or 3 Mi. West of Honeybrook on Rt. 322 to Churchtown. Go South 2 Mi. to Sale on Right or Rt. 340 at Baldwins Gar age go North on Chur chtown Rd. 4 Mi. to Sale on Left. Watch for Signs. Own er: Lizzie E. Reihl. Mel Hoover Auct. TUES. JAN. 9 - 10:35AM Complete 21,000 sq.ft, supermarket. Former Jer ry's Food Rite, 800 S. Main St., Red Lion, Pa. Bell Aucts. WED. JAN. 10 - 2PM Anti oues, Household Goods, Primitives, Hit & Miss engines and Tools. Sale to te Held at the Horst Auc tion Center Located at the Comer of Rt. 322 & Durlach Road (Approx. 2Vi Mi. West of Ephrata) Ephrata, Lane Co, PA. Sale for: Vi 'iolet S. Horst & Abbie Grace Poll T. Glenn Horst Auct. FRI. JAN. 12 - T3OPM State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12 Off 1-81 Turn South then Left onto Alexander Spring Rd 249-4511 PUBLIC AUCTION Holstein Dairy Herd - Milking Equipment - Sputnick Milk Mover 4 DeLaval 60 lb. Pail Units - 6 Head Mules, Draft Horses Alfalfa Hay Approx. 100 ton Ear Corn Full Line of Farm Machinery Tuesday, January 16,1996 J 9:00 AM J Auction held 1 mile West of Clay, Lancaster County, PA, 5 miles West of Ephrata. From Route 322 go Southwest on Brubaker Valley Road, first farm on left 60» e * d 46 milk cows, 28 fresh and due January thru March, 9 head milking with Ist calf, 14 head milking with 2nd and 3rd calf, 7 milking and sired by Wister Son, 31,000 lb. dam, 304 day record, 5 calves from Al bulls. These animals have exceptionally good type on udders, heifers sired by Atlantic bulls, 30 day charts, pregnancy checked. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: The King’s are selling for health reasons - this herd has potential for high production! 4 DeLaval milker units with shut off claws; original Sputnick; milk house supplies; foot bath; feed carts. 4 Mules - 2 Draft Horses - Harness - Hitches 9 yr. old top of the line lead mare; 8 yr. old off side draft horse; pair 5-6 yr. old sorrel mules; 4 yr. old top single mules; smooth mouth molley lead mule; 8 sets of harness - collars - bridles; jockey stick; backers choke straps; extra collars; 6-7 horse hitches; double - triple trees; 8 yokes; 10 double trees. Farm Machinery White Horse hyd. 2 bottom plow; John Deere K.B.A. 24 discs disc harrow; 3 section spring tooth har row; 7 ft. single roll cultipacker; John Deere 999 corn planter with plateless hopper and Gandy applica tor; McDeering 2 horse cultivator; McDeering com binder offset wheel with loader, adjusts to 30 inch rows, ex. cond.; Kawasaki 11 h.p. diesel engine with starter; 323 New Idea com picker, new chains ‘94; New Holland 456 mower; tiger jaw knife, new guards ‘95; Lombardini diesel engine; New Holland 402 hyd. control crimper, interlocking rolls, setup for combination, ex. cond.; Grimm tedder: New Holland 56 rake, rubber att. teeth; New Holland 310 baler, super sweep with engine; 3 flatbed wagons, I Farm bilt gear, 18’ bed, used 3 seasons. Pequea conventional manure spreader with hyd. tail gate, new fall of ‘95; Fisher built boom sprayer, 200 gal. tank, drop nozzles, tobacco spraying attachments, used 2 seasons; New Idea transplanter; Combination harrow roller; 2 auto turn fore carts with steering; tandem hitch; 200 gal. fuel tank; N.I. wagon gear with water tank; baler twine; portable Lincoln welder; Kohler engine with starter; seed broadcaster; plant boxes; parts - inventory; wagon load small items; 8-9 lite win dow sash; green house frame, 19’ span, 13 pieces 4'h' high, complete with stakes; Centennial sewing machine; few household items; cook range; oil furnace. Auctioneer Steve Jr. Petersheim 610-593-AUCT 610*593-2828 AU 001349 L AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This is an opportunity to purchase machinery in good condition, field ready. FRI. JAN. 12 - 9AM Farm Equipment, Tractors, Farm Supplies. 100 W. Jackson St., New Holland, PA. A & C-Diffenbach Auction Inc. SAT. JAN. 13 & SUN. JAN. 14 -10 AM Toy Auction. To settle estate of John Howes held at Binghamton Regen cy Hotel & Conference Center, Ginghamton, NY. Goodrich Auction Service, Inc. SAT. JAN. 13 - Bldg. Materials & Consignment Sale. 10 Plus Bldg. Pro ducts. Minersville, PA. B & J Auction Co. SAT. JAN. 13 - 9AM Lives tock and Harness, Farm Machinery, Household Items. Located in Snyder County, 1 Mi. South of Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA (Blinker Light) on Rt. 104 to Stuck's Lumber, Turn West Vi Mi. to Farm. Owners: Allen S. & Mary Martin. Mark Glick Aucts. TUES. JAN. 16 - Full Line Farm Machinery, Holstein Herd, 2 Draft Horses & 4 Mules. Brubaker Valley Road, Clay, Lancaster Co., PA. Terms by: Jonas & Fannie King. Steve Peter sheim Auct. WED. JAN. 17 -9:3OAM 8 Head Sorrel mules, full line farm machinery, Sputnick milk mover, milker units, White Horse, Lane. Co., Pa. Elmer L & Anna Esh. Petershelm, aucts. THURS. JAN. 18 - Building Materials Auction & Consignments Sale Sat., Jan. 13,1996 dt TEN PLUS BUILDING PRODUCTS Minersville, PA Consignors Call (717)544-2646 B&J Auct. Co. AY-000128-L Full Listing Jan. 6 Holstein Herd 12:30 PM Barn and Milking Equipment 10:30AM Farm Machinery, 3 Diesel Tractors, 4140 Maxxum MD 7 - 510 C Int. Loader, Diesel Skid Load er, Nl Spreader New 94, 900 NH Harvesters, 3 Row Com Head, 86 4X4 Pick Up. 3 Mi. West of Oxford in Chester County, PA. From Rt. 1 Exit at Rt. 472 go North on Rt. 472 One Fourth Mile go Left on St. Anna Area Fanners Consignment Auction Thurs., Dec. 28,1995 9:30 AM N 5 Combine 15’ Grain Head 6 Row 30” Corn Head Int. 5088 Tractor, 7200 Hours For More Information See Page 828 PUBLIC AUCTION Antiques, Household Goods, Collectibles NEW YEAR'S DAY January 1, 1996 9:00 AN Located at the Mt. Joy Fire Hall, just off of Rt. 230 in Mt. Joy, PA. Furniture, Crocks, Graniteware, Child’s Corner Cupboard and Other Children’s Items, Postcards, Tins, Duck Decoys, 2 Sella’s Cork Decoys, Coins, Tinware, Advertising Items, Old Barbie Dolls, Collection of Indian Statues & Dolls, Tools, and much more. Auctioneer: H. Edward Johnson AU001842-L (717) 285-2365 Owners: Jonas & Fannie King Bethel to Calvary Rd. Left go to 3rd Stop Sign Turn Right onto Forge Rd., Ist Farm Left. Auction for: Duane & Carolyn Eberly Steve Petersheim Aucts. FRI. JAN. 19 - 9AM Lives tock, Machinery, Some Furniture. Located in Mifflin Co. at Allensville, PA. Ste phen F. Swarey. Mark Click Aucts. SO**., ** \Civi 4 »/«