Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. a t each week’s publication THURS. DEC. 28 - Anti ques, Music Boxes, Slot Machines, 75 Wildlife Prints. Fogelsville Auction Center S. Nursery St., Pogelsville PA (Just W of Allentown, PA Take Exit 148 Off 1-78 & Turn L at Light). Ralph Zettlemoyer Auction Co., Inc. LAST AUCTION OF 1998! REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, COLLECTIBLES, TRAINS, TOOLS, ETC. FROM THE ESTATES OF HARRY W. “PETE” HAUGH, LATE OF AIRVILLE, PA; OF HILDA G. MILLER, LATE OF YORK, AND FROM A HOME ON JOPPA ROAD, BALTIMORE, MD. SEE SEPARATE AD FOR HAUGH REAL ESTATE. SAT., DEC 3Q, 1995 8:30 A.M. lb be held within Chanceford Community Hall, Brogue, York County, PA. From York & north, Rt. 74 southeast through Red Lion and continue approx. 7 mi. to right turn at Brogue Post Office. From Bel Air/Jarrettsville area, Rt. 165 north onto PA RL 74 and continue approx. 8 mi. to left turn at Brogue Post Office and continue V< mi. to hall on left. THIS IS A PARTIAL LISTING. UPDATED LIST INCLUDING JOPPA ROAD LATER. ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, COLLECTIBLES, TRAINS, TOOLS, ETC. Columbian gray & white enamel cookstove w/water tank & shelf; nice mahog. Winthrop sec./bookcase w/b&c feet; mahog. BR suite; chestnut dropleaf table w/3 boards; 4 pc. waterfall BR suite; 5 pc. light oak BR suite; other BR suite; sofa & chair; red enamel dinette set; 2 old wooden dinette sets; unusu al closed-center cyl. rolltop desk w/lap drawer, 3 sm. drawers & door below; sm. kneehole desk; sq. china closet; ant. beehive radio; boston rocker; matching blind china & server; Ig. glass hutch; Gephart Bros, pump organ partially restored; Redwood parlor stove #2O; 3 pc. LR suite; B&C piano stool; Gibson & GE window A-C units; oak hall tree; sm. cedar chest; odd dresser & chest of drawers; round New Perfection heater; sewing rocker; 2 blanket chests; 2 porch swings; quilting frame; twin beds; rollaway beds; GE port, dishwasher; mirrors, pictures & frames; Japanese tea & cake set; Halls red poppy pitcher, etc; rubber stamp set from old candy store; Dep. glass pcs; pattern glass cream, sugar, butter & spoonholder; set of English china; mixing bowls; shaving mugs; pottery; milk can; iron rabbit doorstop; set of tumblers & carrier; wooden chum; Erie nickel on cast iron teakettle & other iron pcs; linens; Boy Scout Handbook for Boys; ant. tricycle; old hand op. water pump; old wooden hand op. washing machine; adv. items, post cards & asstd. paper goods; old taxidermy course; Wmsbrg. clay pipe; Kuebler Easton, PA beer case & bottles; cook ware; sm. appliances; dutch oven; etc; etc. Lionel NYC 8206 and 9164 locos & tenders; Lionel cars; HO “Trailblazer” set in box; 1989 Hess truck comp, in box; ant. fishing lures; etc. GUNS, ANTIQUES, HAND TOOLS, POWER TOOLS, LAWN EQUIPMENT, ETC. H&R .32 cal. “Bulldog” revolver; no name 12 ga. single barrel; Hechinger 8 hp. 30” 6-spd. riding mower; Sears rototiller; Lawn Boy 2 cycle mower; 3 other mowers; 4” jointer - complete; Craftsman drioopress; '!* & V* drills; Foley sharpening mach. for reel mowers; wheelbarrow; sm. & Ig. wooden toolboxes; 1 & 2 man crosscut saws; 35+ steel traps; 32 ft. wooden ext. ladder; 3 prs. Ig. wooden buggy wheels; lawn spreaders; cement tools; spoke shave; jackstands; asstd. hardware; etc; etc. TERMS: CASH TO STRANGERS & OUT OF STATE BUYERS. LOCAL CHECKS W/ACCEPTABLE I.D. CLARA BELLE GRIM, EXECUTRIX OF HARRY W. HAUGH ESTATE CARLR. MILLER, EXECUTOR OF HILDA G. MILLER ESTATE W fMififr H Auctioneers J\j. KHB Ety LIC. NO. 820* 821 HOME-MADE SOUPS & PIES, SMOKED HOTDOGS, ETC. BY CHANCEFORO VOLUNTEERS THURS. DEC. 28 - 9:3OAM St. Anne Area Farmers Consignment Auction, 7200 E 5000 S Rd. St. Anne, 11. 2 miles N. of St. Anne, Illinois on Rt. 1, then Vi mile west or 7 miles east of Kankakee, Illinois on Rte. 17, then 5 miles south on Rt. 1 and 1/4 mile west Jim Humphrey, Roland, Art Uh,H Rosenboom, Sam Kerr, Don Braham, Eugene Tomaszewski, Bill Decker, aucts. THURS. DEC. 28 -11 AM Dairy Cattle Auction. Located at 11342 Creager stown Rd., (Rt. 550), Woodsboro, MD. Trout Aucts, Inc. FRI. DEC. 29 - Real estate, 54 acre diary farm, from Akron take Rt. 272 S. approx. Imile turn right on Cocalico Creek Rd., go 1/10 mile turn right on Mill way Rd. to 307 Millway Rd, Ephrata Twp, Auction by Henry & Elsie Weaver. Aar on E. Martin, auction service. FRI. DEC. 29 - Real estate, house and bam on 3 acre lot from Akron take Rt 272 S aoorox. 1 mile, turn right AUCTION RESCHEDULED RESCHEDULED OF VALUABLE FURNITURE ANTIQUE GLASSWARE PAPER ITEMS - TOYS - ETC... ON: FRL, DEC 29,1995 at 9 A.M. AT; 3013 E. Market St., York, Pa. at the Springettsbury Fire Co. Social Hall. The under signed will sell at Absolute Auction the following: Zinc lined dry sink, Blind door grain cupboard, Oak claw foot server w/top, Lg. secretary desk with blind & glass doors, Pump organ. Ornate rope bed, 4 Drawer chest of drawers. High back oak bed, Fancy oak dresser, Oak wash stand, Marble top stand, Foot ed blanket chest. Grain blanket chest. Empire chest of drawers, Jelly cupboard, Oak bed, Several ant. stands, Painted 1 drawer stand. Oak stands, Sewing stand. Dough tray, Childs table & chairs. Set of 5 oak pressed back kitchen chairs, Set of 6 oak plank bot tom chairs, Oak drop leaf table, Betsy Ross kitchen cabinet, Rocker, Quilt rack. Bench, Drop leaf tables, Butter chum, Wood box, Rocking horse, Desk, Plus others Spice set, GWTW lamp, Decorated jug, Shaving mirror. Crocks & jugs, CD. Kenny items, Quilt, Ingrahm shelf clock, Glassware in clear - pressed - carnival - hobnail - decorative - etc..., Adv. tins & boxes, Scales, York Co. Milk bottles, Wooden mea sures, Butter print, Picture frames, Photo albums, Baby shoes, Tiger tobacco tin, Coffee grinder, Pic ture block set. Kerosene lamp, Approx. 200 Edison gold moulded & amberoid records, Box cameras, Alphabet plates, Framed lithos, 2 Currier & Ives prints, Miniature jelly cupboard, Miniature chest of drawers, Candle mold, Broad axe, Grave marker, Rug beater, Bisque figurines, Old bottles, Stevens Model 94 shotgun, Mossberg .22, Win. Model G 7 .22, H&R .32 revolver TRAIN American Flyer train set No. 5329 - Engine & tender 293 The New York New Haven & Hartford RR, Plus many many accessories & cars, caboose, etc... Near mint condition. All in original boxes. For a detailed list of all items phone auction firm. TOYS Mickey Mouse airmail plane, Howdy Doody toy, Wash machine, Popeye paint set, Santa button, Sm. tin toys, Metal horse & jockey toy, Papermache pumpkin, Dolls, Windup Hafner train set. Cap pis tols, Approx. 12 plasticville house & building in mint boxes Approx. 200 comic books, Car adv., Cigar label sample book. Big little books, Calendars, Catalogs, Local adv. items - R.L., York, etc... Childrens books, York Co. History Lanius Vol. 2 and Prowell Vol 1, Bill heads, Postcards, Books, Etc... Not responsible for accidents on day of auction. Good parking. Refreshments Available. Motels nearby. PREVIEW SHOWING: Thursday, Dec. 28 from 6:30 P.M. - 8 P.M. and 1 Hour prior to auction. NOTE: A great country auction - Something for everyone! ♦•• TERMS: CASH OR PERSONAL CHECK. NO OUT OF TOWN OR OUT OF STATE CHECKS UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY A CURRENT LETTER OR GUARANTEED PAYMENT FROM YOUR BANK. PLEASE COME PREPARED. FULL SETTLEMENT ON DAY OF AUCTION.*** Gilbert & Gilbert Auctioneers Brian L. Gilbert, Lie. #2256 Jacob A. Gilbert, Lie. #336 Ph. (717) 252-1656 or 252-3591 on Cocalico Creek Rd, go 1/10 mile turn right on Mill way Road to 389 Millway Rd., Ephrata Twp. Auction by Henry & Elsie Weaver. Aaron E. Martin Auction Service. FRI. DEC. 29 - 9AM Furni ture, Antique Glassware, Paper Items, Toys. At; 3013 E. Market St., York, PA at Springettsbury Fire Co. Social Hall. Owner: Catharine Geist. Gilbert & Gilbert Aucts. FRI. DEC. 29-10 AM Com plete liquidation auction. Shop equip. & parts. From Rt. 17 Southern Tier expressway, take exit 14, Rt. 62 N. 1/2 mile & turn right on Grubb Hill. Roy Teitsworth, Inc., auct FRI. DEC. 29 -10 AM 12th Annual Year End Auction. Tractors. Combines & Owner Catharine Geist Head, Spraying Equip ment, Planters & Drills, New Equipment, Yetter Closeout, Spring Tillage, Fall Tillage, Wagons, Hay Equipment, Mowers, Lawn & Garden Located; Sway zee, Indiana. 2 Blocks South of the Traffic Signal Light, and then 2 Blocks West of SR 13 (50 Mi. North of Indianapolis, Or 2 Mi. North of US 35 and SR 13 Intersection). Harper Implement Co., Inc. Schrader Real Estate & Auction Co., Inc FRI. DEC. 29 -11 AM All Canadians, all registered 80 head fresh or dose hols teins. Belleville Livestock Market, Inc. Mark Glick, auct. FRI. DEC. 29- 11AM Gol den Opportunity Sale Rt. 655 Belleville, PA. Sale by: Belleville Livestock Market SAT. DEC 30 - Real Estate, Dairy Herd, Machinery. Held at RD Loy sville, PA Owners: Ed & Irene Horn. Sale by; Kling's Auctions, Inc. SAT. DEC. 30 - 42 Acre Steer Farm, Farm Equip ment. Log: 1381 Sheep Hill Road, East Earl, Approx. IV4 Mi. E. of Blue Ball. Terms by: Nelson S. & Lau ra Horst. Nevin Martin & Sons Aucts. SAT. DEC. 30 - B:3OAM End of Year "Toy Show" Location: Holiday Inn Lan caster Route 510 1492 Lititz Pike, Lancaster, PA. From Rt. 30 Take Rt. 501 South Holiday on Right Look for Sign. All American Auction Service. SAT. DEC. 30 - B:3OAM Real Estate, Antiques, Fur- JD 4960 MFWD, 18.4x42, w/axle duals, 16 9x28, radar • JD 4555 MFWD, 18.4x42 duals, 14.9x30, 5 yr. warranty, 1991 • JD 4455 MFWD, powershift, 18.4x42, axle duals, wts., 1990 • JD 8450 4WD, 3 pt., no pto, fresh motor, new paint • JD 8630 4WD, 50 series, 3 pt., pto, fresh motor, final drives • Case-IH 9170 4WD 24.5x32, 4 remote, bareback • Steiger Bearcat 1000, 1986, PS, 20.8x38, 3 pt.. pto • JD 4650 2WD, quad, 18.4 x 42 duals • JD 4450, powershift, 1983, 3 remote, wts. • JD 4440 soundgard, 1979, quad. 18.4x38, wts., nice • JD 4430 soundgard, 1975 quad, 18.4x38 • JD 4230 soundgard, 1977, quad, 18 4x34, wts., 4654 hours • JD 4020 diesel, wide front, syncro, 2 remote, 1966 model, fenders • JD 3020 diesel, wide front, syncro, 1 remote • JD 2520 w/Dunham load er, diesel, wide front • JD 4010 NF, LP, all original, 15.5x38 • JD 3010 NF, New 15.5x38, new paint, diesel, extremely nice • JD 1650 2WD, 16.9x28 tires, 1985 model, new overhaul & paint • JD 2 cyl. tractors, LI new paint, AR propane, styled D • (2) JD 420 wide front, Farmall H, and C • Several pallets of miscellane ous tractor parts, cylinders, quick hitches. JD 9600, 30.5x32, 2WD, loaded • JD 9500, 30.5x32, 2 WD, loaded • JD 8820 Titan 11, 30.5x32, 1600 hrs., 2 WD, nice • JD 7720 Titan 11, 30.5x32, low hrs„ I owner • JD 6620 Titan 11, 30.5x32, 4 WD • JD 7720, 1979, 30.5x32, 2 WD, chopper • JD 6620, 24.5x32, turbo hydro, chopper • JD 7700 hydro, chopper, 1976, 30.5x32, auto header • JD 4400, 1979, new style rotary screen, nice, 2205 hrs., 23.1x26 • IH 1460, rotary, 28L x 26, 2 WD. cable, 15’ 820 platform • Gleaner N6,1981,30.5x32, IS’ platform. JD 7000, 12 row w/stack splitter, w/liquid, no-till • JD 7200, 12 row, wingfold, no-till monitor •JD 7000,16 row, dry fert. • Kinze 6x30 w/16xl0 pushers, liquid fert. and no-till •JD 7000,12 row, wing fold w/JD 7100 12 to plant 15” beans, no-till * JD 7000, 12 row end transport, no-till • JD 7000, Bx3o dry, complete rebuild • JD 7000, 6x20” no-till, fertilizer • ‘93 JD 750 no-till drill w/markers • ‘9O JD 750 no-till drill • Kinze 12 row rear fold w/no-till • JDB3OO, 18x7, gang press • JD 8250, 24x6 drill. JD 210, 7” spacing, IS’, dual wheels, very good • Sunflower 7x24" coulter rip per, walking tandems •IH 45,24’ field cultivator •JD C-11, 18’, 3 pt. field culti vator • IH 315,30’cultimulcher • IH 720,5x16 auto reset plow'* Eversman pull type dirt pan •JD 100,3 pt. disk. Chem Farm 500 gallon saddle tanks to fit MFWD • Mayrath 10x62 swing away auger • Mayrath 8x62 swing away auger • Mayrath Bx2B truck auger • JD 1508 rotary cutter • E-Z Flow 475 grain cart, super nice • JD #27, 15’ flail chopper • New Holland #6BO tandem spreader • New Holland #8 forage wagon w/tandem axle gear • JD 1210 A grain cart, nice • Brillion 10’, 3 pt. seeder • many small items too numerous to list. TERMS: Cash or check with proper I.D. John Deere and Farm Plan financing is available, to pre-approved customers, call 614-879-6620 or 1-800-659-5646 for more details. Not responsible for accidents. Come early, check our inventory! A wide assortment of JD 40-90 Series corn heads & 200-900 platforms. OWNER: JD EQUIPMENT, INC. LancMtar Farming, Saturday, Dacambar 23, 1995-823 niture, Appliances, Collecti bles, Trains, Tools, Etc. To ;e Held Within Chanoeford Community Hall, Brogue, /ork County. PA. From York & North Rt. 74 South east Through Red Lion and Continue Approx. 7 Mi. to Right Turn at Brogue Post Office. From Bel Air/ Jarrettsville Area, Rt. 165 North onto PA Rt. 74 and Continue Approx 8 Mi. to Left Turn at Brogue Post Office and Continue 1/4 Mi. to Hall on Left. Harry W. Haugh Estate, Hilda G. Miller Estate. Sechrist Aucts. SAT. DEC 30 - 9AM Anti ques, Personal Property, Tools, Farm Equipment. At 977 Hillview Road, York, PA Hillview Rd is Located off the Road from Yorkana to Hellam, Near Gust's Orchard. (Look for Auction Arrows) Owners: The Wm 'ars Farm. Gilbert & Gilbert MUCtS. SAT. DEC. 30 - 9 30AM Complete Dispersal of General Purpose and Spe cialty Crop Equipment. Bayboro (Pamlico Co.) North Carolina. Sodoma Farms of North Carolina, Inc. Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc. SAT. DEC. 30 - 9:3OAM Farm Equipment Located Along Ammon Road, Caer narvon Twp., Berks Co. Terms by: Ralph & Carol Stoltzfus. Horning Farm Agency, Inc. SAT. DEC. 30 -10 AM Anti que Model Airplane Engines, Interesting Aero nautic Library, Catalogs. Manuals, Advertising, Propellers, Memorabilia Parts. Ridge Fire Co., Blue COMBINES PLANTERS & DRILLS TILLAGE MISCELLANEOUS Room, Along Rt. 23 Between Phoenixville, PA. and Rt 100. The George Fisher Collection Ted Maurer Aucts. SAT. DEC 30- 11AM 250 Head Cattle, Cow/Calf Pairs, Bred Cows. Direc tions: Located 6 Mi. South of Lisbon, OH (Columbiana Co) on State Rt. 164 to Laughlin Rd., Then Left on Laughlm ’/« Mi. to Farm Anderson Farms Steve Andrews Aucts SAT. DEC. 30- 11AM Real Estate Consisting of 12 92 Acres w/Nice Z'A Story Dwelling & 1 Story Bam 218 Stony Hill Rd„ Quarry ville, Lancaster Co., Eden Twp , PA Dr Approx 4VJ Mi South of Strasburg Square on May Post Office Rd , Turn Right on Stony Hill Rd, Approx 1 Mi on Right, or Take Rt 222 South of Lane, Turn Left on Camargo Rd, Left on Picadilly Rd., Right on Stony Hill Rd Sale on Left. Sale for: Enos & Levina Stoltzfoos. Miller & Siegnst Aucts. SAT. DEC. 30-12 Noon. 110 acre dairy farm, Rt. 274, Lysville, Perry Co., Pa. Approx. 4 miles E. of Blain on Rt. 274 on N. side of Rt. 274. By Edward J. & Irene M. Horn. Sanford G. Leaman, auct. SAT. DEC. 30 - I;3OPM , Real Estate. 457 Walnut Run Road, Hessdale, Strasburg Twp., PA. Dir: Approx 8 Mi. South of Lane, on Rt. 222, Just before Hessdale on the Comer of Rt. 222 South & Walnut Run Road. Sale for: Enos & Levina Stoltzfoos Miller & Siegrist Aucts. !0 or 1-800-659-5646 119-568-5122
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers