All Gardens jJL Great & Small Horticultural Agent Tom Becker | 12 DAYS OF GIVING seed starting mix, growing con- The holiday season is a special tainers, a clear plastic cover, seeds time for children. Fill the holidays and fluorescent lights are needed and all year long with the 12 days to get started, of Christmas. Day 5 To encourage recy- Day I Children interested in cling, put together a worm corn gardening enjoy holiday decorat- posting kit The bin can be kept in ing with their families. Plant die the basement or garage as long as seeds of growing and nurturing at temperatures are not above 80 a young age by making a fresh degrees For below 30 degrees F. evergreen wreath. Or make edible Worm composting, as well as any ornaments to feed the birds other type of composting, is an outdoors. excellent way to show children Day 2 Children love caring how nature renews itself, for houseplants. Start with some- Day 6 When die weather thing easy like pathos or spider warms in the spring give children plants and expand from there, a garden spot they can call their Children love touching a sensitive own. Allow them to plant what he plant and watching the leaves fold or she wants (within reason of up, observing a prayer plant or a course). The pride and self esteem Venus Fly Trap. that gardening can bring children Day 3 _ Children enjoy creat- is amazing. Allow them to deve mg terrariums in soda bottles, fish lop the responsibility involved bowls or glass containers. Choose when caring for plants: Let them plants that like high humidity like see for themselves that nature is the Venus Fly Trap. Once estab- not perfect and the garden doesn’t lished they are quite easy to care have to be cithc to be successful for. and enjoyable. Day 4—Besides foliage plants, Day ? Many children love children enjoy the fragrance of collecting flowers and leaves. A herbs. Herbs grow easily on the leaf and flower press neatly pre windowsill. Start the herbs from serves their beauty. The pressed seed by providing all the neces- flowers can then be used to create sary ingredients. Potting soil or beautiful gifts for others or even 7 pc. oak Dnnno rook . -n. - . 3L ... SWIVEL ROCKER S ./ftL WITH OTTOMAN ■ggjw. ir»ir h ■ Rt«.IM.UN«6 I OURVECMimCE m =i eus »~T 1 MWWTO ||||]s99.o' I> ■ Clip This Valuable Coupon! - -| I FULL SIZE ,-rrrxJ I RECLINER 11 | 3Positions! I I Refl Rot. I | $309.95 F jjii I | OUR CASH PRICE | p • Clip This Valuable Coupon! - -i 14 DRAWER CHEST | | Pine Rmsn ■ . ano Brass J 1 WS a I I 14995 I I OUS CASH PRICE J I *69.95 $ J COUPON - 39.04 J (cured) non cono Cherry finish S gloss sK»W« two doors lighted inferior - mrrortd back Volume Buy II Reg. Ret. $559.95 OUR SPECIAL PUCE •XSf.tS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 23, 1995-B7 Tips For Planting Live Christmas Trees TOWANDA (Bradford Co.) More and more families are using a live tree to celebrate Christmas. There are some important things that you need to remember if you do purchase a live Christmas tree. One of the most important things is to plan ahead and decide what are you going to do with the live tree when Christmas is over. Bob Nuss, professor of ornamental horticulture at Penn State Univer sity, has the following suggestions: • Select the exact location where the tree will be planted before you purchase the tree. Remember that the tree will grow to a large size over time so make sure your selected space allows for adequate growing space for the future. • Dig the transplant hole now before the ground freezes. Make sure that there is more than enough room to plant the tree. Allow plenty of space for the root ball when you dig the hole. • Fill in the dug hole with loose leaves and cover an area several feet past the diameter of the hole with a 4 to 6 inch layer of mulch to prevent the soil from freezing. Rope off the area to prevent some one from falling into the hole. • Mulch the back All soil, or store it in a warm location so it will not freeze. GLIDER ROCRER Available in //> M Blue or Beige /’. / h.jfj Reg. Ret. $549.95 tSfcsgSp Oar Cash Price mia I ROCKER RECLINE! I I Jf' Catnapper Full I i j\L— i Size I —. Clip This Valuable Couponl —< J R* *®zs 95 I SOFA and LOVESEAT ' OUR^ H J fiICE ' I ' 1 VWTHCOUPON j I I ijqiclakMiiM IJ l !?.*?,®. J | >'_ 1 f I p "cOp Wis Valuable Coupon! | "vasaa*navanervotlafincsanacalors. | ■ I I 0»r Ca.hMc« o, 399, 9 a. i. 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Mon -Fn 9-9 Set M Sun Noon-5 _ M f“r-l NO Mines FINANCING AVALAILE |sm SSfsr i ':sxttsxsr[ 12 TO 3019 Hempjqnd Rood e Lancaster e 717-397-6241 • Before Christmas, store the tree outside until it is time to take it inside. Once inside, keep the tree in a cool location no longer than five days, and keep the root ball or root system moist • After Christmas, take the tree outside and place it in a sheltered location for several days. Never replant the tree during a period of extreme cold. When the tempera tures are in the 30s, plant the tree in the prepared hole. • Remove the mulch from the hole. Measure the depth of the root ball to see if soil needs to be added or removed from the hole to keep the top of the root ball at the surrounding soil level. • Set the tree in the hole and backfill with the saved soil. Firm the soil against the root ball as it is added to the hole. When the hole is filled, apply a 4 to 6 inch layer of mulch over the root planting hole and several feet beyond. • Next spring, water the tree well as soon as soil temperatures begin to warm and the soil thaws. llf the soil does not freeze after planting, you may need to water the tree during the winter months, especially on windy days. By following these steps you should be able t> enjoy your tree during the Christmas season and for many years to come. - C Up This valuable Coupon! --i I RECLINER | Reg.R«t.sSB9.9S { J RgJIoUR CASH PRICE j